
UNEA-6 and OECPR-6

19 February – 1 March 2024 | Nairobi, Kenya

UN Environment Assembly – UNEA


Under the theme “Effective, inclusive and sustainable multilateral actions to tackle climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution,” delegates adopted 15 resolutions, two decisions, and a Ministerial Declaration, covering topics including the highly hazardous pesticides, sustainable lifestyles, sand and dust storms, and environmental recovery in areas affected by armed conflict.

Final report

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The global environment is facing a host of threats, many caused by human actions. From climate change, biodiversity loss and land degradation to plastic pollution and deteriorating air quality standards, the Earth ecosystems are facing unprecedented challenges. Policymakers and global citizens have long agreed that there is a need for concerted action to reverse these trends that threaten life on Earth.

The United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA), with representatives from 193 Member States is the world’s highest environmental decision-making body. UNEA first met in 2014 and convenes every two years to address the challenges facing the planet, holistically considering the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.

At its sixth meeting, UNEA met under the theme, “Effective, inclusive and sustainable multilateral actions to tackle climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.” UNEA-6 was presided over by Leila Benali, Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, Morocco.

Delegates considered, among other matters, international environmental policy and governance proposals related to the theme of this year’s Assembly. These proposals were first considered by the sixth meeting of the Open-ended Committee of Permanent Representatives (OECPR-6), which convened the week before UNEA-6.

Delegates attending UNEA-6 also held discussions on:

  • UN Environment Programme (UNEP) programme of work and budget;
  • Stakeholder engagement;
  • Contributions to the meetings of the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, and implementation of the environmental dimension of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; and
  • Cooperation with multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs).

UNEA-6 also heard progress reports on the implementation of previous decisions, including on the work towards an international legally binding instrument to end plastic pollution, including in the marine environment. Delegates heard progress reports related to, among other issues:

  • sustainable nitrogen management;
  • the animal welfare–environment–sustainable development nexus;
  • the sound management of chemicals and waste;
  • sustainable and resilient infrastructure;
  • enhancing circular economy as a contribution to achieving sustainable consumption and production; and
  • environmental aspects of minerals and metals management.

A high-level segment also convened, along with three leadership dialogues, on the themes “Super-highway or still in slow-motion: Is science, data and digitalization really speeding our transition to a sustainable future?” “Show me the money: Can the global financial system really tackle climate change, nature loss and pollution?” and “Alive and kicking: Environmental multilateralism is a beacon of hope but is it delivering fast enough?”

A multi-stakeholder dialogue convened with a focus on “Inclusive multilateralism fit for timely and at scale delivery on climate, biodiversity loss and pollution: the central role of Major Groups and Stakeholders.”

UNEA-6 convened at UNEP headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, from 26 February – 1 March 2024. It was preceded by OECPR-6, which was held at the same venue from 19-23 February 2024. Special events and side events were also held on the margins of the meetings.

The Earth Negotiations Bulletin writers for this meeting were Nadia Sohier Zaman; Anna Dubrova; Nicole Schabus; and Suzi Malan. The Digital Editor was Mike Muzurakis. The Editor was Pamela Chasek, Ph.D.

View past and future events

Past event

1st Meeting of the UNEP Open-ended Committee of Permanent Representatives (OECPR-1)

Past event


Past event

2nd Meeting of the UNEP OECPR

Past event


Past event


Past event

1st Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-Ended Expert Group on Marine Litter and Microplastics

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Negotiation of the Summary for Policy Makers of the 6th Global Environment Outlook (GEO-6)

Past event

4th Meeting of the OECPR and 4th Session of UNEA

Past event

2nd Global Session UN Science-Policy-Business Forum on the Environment

Past event

4th Meeting of the Ad-hoc Open-ended Expert Group on Marine Litter and Microplastics (AHEG-4)

Past event

Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF)

Past event

Youth Environment Assembly (YEA)

Past event

5th Meeting of the Open-Ended Committee of Permanent Representatives to UNEP (Online Session)

Past event

UN Science-Policy-Business Forum on the Environment (2021)

Past event

UNEA-5 (Online Session)

Past event

Inaugural Regional Session of the UNEP Science-Policy-Business Forum for Asia and the Pacific (AP-SPBF 2021)

Past event

Online Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF)

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Youth Environment Assembly 2022

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UNEA-5.2, OECPR-5.2 and UNEP@50

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2nd UNEA Cities and Regions Summit

Past event

UNEA Flagship Side Events

Past event

Big Data for the Planet Breakfast and Ministerial Dialogue: The Next 50 Years

Past event

OEWG1: Science-Policy Panel to Contribute Further to the Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste and to Prevent Pollution

Past event

OEWG1-2: Science-Policy Panel to Contribute Further to the Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste and to Prevent Pollution

Past event

2nd Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on a Science-Policy Panel to Contribute Further to the Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste and to Prevent Pollution

Past event

UNEA-6 and OECPR-6

Past event

Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF) at UNEA-6

Past event

UN Science-Policy-Business Forum on the Environment Special Sessions at UNEA-6

Past event

3rd Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on a Science-Policy Panel to Contribute Further to the Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste and to Prevent Pollution

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