
Biological diversity, or biodiversity, is most often associated with the earth’s vast variety of plants, animals, and microorganisms, but the term encompasses diversity at all levels—from genes to species to ecosystems to landscapes. Scientists estimate there are approximately 8.7 million species globally, of which approximately 2.2 million are marine. In spite of 250 years of research and over 1.2 million species already identified, it is possible 86% of existing species on Earth and 91% of species in the ocean still await description.

In each ecosystem, including those that occur within or among forests, wetlands, mountains, deserts, and rivers, living creatures interact with each other as well as with the air, water, and soil around them, forming an interconnected community. The ecosystem services provided by biodiversity are estimated to be worth trillions of dollars—double the world’s GDP. Biodiversity also includes genetic differences within species, such as different breeds and varieties, as well as chromosomes, genes, and genetic sequences (DNA). Biodiversity also has human benefits. For example, many new medicines are harvested from nature, such as the rosy periwinkle, which provides two very important cancer-fighting medicines.

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69th Meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC69)

Members of the International Whaling Commission will meet to discuss issues amid the ongoing split between those advocating for an end to the moratorium on commercial whaling and those pushing for expanded conservation efforts.
Event 23 September 2024 - 27 September 2024

Societies in Harmony with Nature: Building sustainable and resilient communities through the implementation of the Satoyama Initiative and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity

Aligned with the HLPF 2024 theme on “Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises: the effective delivery of sustainable, resilient and innovative solutions” this side event highlighted the role of COMDEKS in achieving the SDGs and key targets under the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.
Event 17 July 2024

67th Meeting of the GEF Council

Council concluded deliberations on a heavy agenda, confirming key decisions taken throughout the four days of meetings including the first ever work program for the newly established GBFF, and the largest ever LDCF work program.
Event 17 June 2024 - 20 June 2024

15th Meeting of the Monaco Blue Initiative

Participants reflected on how to accomplish the urgent tasks for 2024, including progressing on ratification of the BBNJ Treaty, delivering on GBF objectives by 2030, and addressing important challenges like deep seabed mining, as well as overcome setbacks like the failure by WTO members to agree on a second phase of the Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies.
Event 18 March 2024

UNEA-6 and OECPR-6

Under the theme “Effective, inclusive and sustainable multilateral actions to tackle climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution,” delegates adopted 15 resolutions, two decisions, and a Ministerial Declaration, covering topics including the highly hazardous pesticides, sustainable lifestyles, sand and dust storms, and environmental recovery in areas affected by armed conflict.
Event 19 February 2024 - 1 March 2024