Tuesday, 7 June
Discussion Panel on Recent Developments
Robert Ovetz of the Sea Turtle Restoration Project asked about connections
between high seas Marine Protection Areas (MPAs) and protection of sea turtles.
Agustín Blanco-Bazán of the IMO questioned why states were unable to become
parties to the Torremolinos Protocol.
Serge Garcia of FAO reported on the outcome of the 26th session of the Committee
on Fisheries (COFI) that covered issues such as the Indian Ocean tsunami,
small-scale fisheries, and MPAs.
Driss Meski of ICCAT highlighted measures adopted to detect and restrict IUU
Yoshimi Suenaga of Japan stressed the critical role FAO plays in feeding
scientific data into the global oceans agenda.
Lee Kimball of IUCN noted that agreeing on indicators for sustainable fisheries
may alllow for better assessments of the implementation of the FSA.
Elie Jarmache of France questioned whether the existing legal framework for
fisheries management was sufficient or, needed augmentation.
Noor Sidharta reaffirmed Indonesia's commitment to combat IUU fishing.
Holly Koehler of the United States stressed the importance of implementing
existing agreements, and urged countries to implement the FAO ministerial
declaration on IUU fishing.
Kjartan Hoydal of the North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission reported on the
outcomes of the fourth meeting of Regional Fishery Bodies (RFBs), which reviewed
the relevant Decisions of the 26th session of COFI.
Kristina Gjerde of IUCN stated that her agency's report on high seas bottom
fishing was believed to be factually and scientifically accurate.
Ulises Munaylla-Alarcón of the Permanent Commission of the South Pacific (CPPS)
asked how coordination could be carried out between RFMOs and other
organizations with marine environmental mandates.
Monica Verbeek of Seas at Risk called for considering the impacts of high seas
bottom trawling on biodiversity, rather than simply looking at catch statistics.
Saskia Richardtz of Greenpeace drew attention to her report on the Northwest
Atlantic Fisheries Organization, highlighting difficulties in addressing fish
stock depletion and IUU fishing.
Evelyne Meltzer of Canada presented a global overview of straddling and highly
migratory fish stocks in relation to RFMOs.
Side Event on Post-Indian Ocean Tsunami Actions
The UNESCO International Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and the International
Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) hosted a lunchtime side event on
international actions being taken in the wake of the 26 December Indian Ocean
tsunami, including international proposals for improved tsunami warning systems
and networks.
Discussion Panel on Commercial and Large-Scale Fishing
Co-Chair Maquieira of Chile gaveled the start of the afternoon session.
International Coalition of Fisheries Associations Vice-Chair Patrick McGuinness
indicated that the fishing industry is moving to reduce its environmental
impact, and cautioned that moratoria would benefit illegal operators.
Dmitry Gonchar of the Russian Federation supported the ICFA's view of the
ineffectiveness of moratoria.
William Chandler of the Marine Conservation Biology Institute stressed that
scientific evidence is clear as to the destructive impacts of high seas bottom
Stuart Beck of Palau asked whether bottom-trawling gear comes into contact with
seamounts, and why New Zealand's seamounts had been closed to bottom fishing.
Stuart Howard of the International Transport Workers' Federation enquired about
the welfare and working conditions of fishing vessel crews.
Javier Garat Pérez of the Spanish Federation of Fisheries Organizations stressed
the unequal position of responsible industries when competing on the market with
IUU fishing companies.
Callum Roberts of the University of York questioned whether FAO statistics on
fish stocks give an accurate picture of high seas fisheries.
Sebastián Losada of Greenpeace stressed the participation of regulated sectors
in the decision-making process.
Valeria Carvajal Oyarzo of Chile noted States' obligation to conserve fishing
resources within the Exclusive Economic Zone and high seas.
Jeff Canin of Humane Society International urged delegates not to think in terms
of target and non-target species.
Todd Steiner of Turtle Island Restoration Network proposed setting limits on
bycatch of turtles or other species and imposing moratoria only if those limits
are reached.
International fisheries consultant Matthew Gianni noted that many companies
based in countries that have committed to combating IUU fishing operate vessels
flying flags of convenience.
Maria Candela Castillo of the European Commission underscored the importance of
networking RFMOs and the neeed for the international community to agree on
customs codes for fish products.
Carmen-Paz Marti of Spain observed that data collection can be undertaken even
in the absence of RFMOs.
Anne Rogers of DESA stopped to chat with ENB team leader Alice Bisiaux.
An evening reception presented by three NGO coalitions included speakers Linda
Weilgart, Elsa Cabrera, Sigrid Lüber, Kristina Gjerde (shown earlier) and
moderator Marsha Green.