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Seventh Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change 
Marrakesh, Morocco
29 October to 9 November 2001


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Highlights for Tuesday, 30 October  2001

Delegates to the Seventh Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC met in parallel sessions of the SBI and SBSTA. SBI considered matters relating to Annex I communications, LDCs, the report of the GEF, the programme budget for 2002-2003, and other matters. SBSTA addressed various methodological issues, technology transfer, policies and measures (P&Ms), and cooperation with relevant international organizations. Negotiating groups on the mechanisms, compliance and Protocol Articles 5 (methodological issues), 7 (communication of information) and 8 (review of information) also began their work.
Above photo: Delegates in a huddle during SBSTA.


  ENB (English)


Oct 29

Oct 30

Oct 31

Nov 1

Nov 2

Nov 3

Nov 5

Nov 6

Nov 7

Nov 8

Nov 9

   BNT (Français)


Oct 29

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Nov 9


On the development and transfer of technology, delegates considered the technology information system, which includes an inventory of environmentally sound technologies and a prototype web-based clearinghouse.

SWITZERLAND and the EU supported holding an expert meeting.
METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES: Greenhouse gas inventories:
Chair Dovland recalled the SBSTA-12 invitation for Annex I submissions of experiences in preparing greenhouse gas inventories using IPCC good practice guidance. Noting that an expert inventory review meeting is to take place in December 2001, he proposed deferring evaluation of experiences to SBSTA-16.
Bunker fuels
Taka Hiraishi, IPCC Inventories Task Force Bureau, noted that the IPCC good practice guidance aims to complement the revised 1996 IPCC greenhouse gas reporting guidelines and includes a chapter on bunker fuels.

The EU reiterated concerns about increasing greenhouse gas emissions from international aviation and called for guidelines compatible with the Protocol for emissions allocations methodologies.
The G-77/CHINA proposed that work take place within the framework of Protocol Article 2.2, which stipulates that Annex I Parties shall limit emissions from aviation and marine bunker fuels working through the ICAO and IMO. Informal consultations will be held. Right photo: Delegates from Bhutan in discussion during SBSTA.
Methods and tools to evaluate impacts and adaptation: 
MALAYSIA (right), he suggested that the technology information system include impacts and adaptation. MALAYSIA and THAILAND proposed joint research projects between developed and developing countries. Chair Dovland said informal consultations would be held.
Development of good practice guidance and other information for the LULUCF sector:

The US, CANADA, AUSTRALIA and RUSSIAN FEDERATION cautioned that the draft decision on LULUCF has yet to be finalized.

Emissions from forest harvesting and wood products (HWP):

NEW ZEALAND noted slow progress on the development of technical methodologies and, supported by JAPAN, CANADA and MALAYSIA, suggested further technical review. Informal consultations will be held.


The CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY, CONVENTION TO COMBAT DESERTIFICATION and RAMSAR CONVENTION ON WETLANDS outlined linkages, synergies and collaborative activities between MEAs. Regarding cooperation with other UN bodies, the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION reported on its work on human health and climate change.


Delegates discussed how to move forward in addressing: the establishment of an LDC expert group; support for the preparation of National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs); and guidance to the LDC fund.

Programme budget for the biennium 2002-2003: 
UNFCCC Executive Secretary Cutajar introduced the revised UNFCCC programme budget, produced following SBI's recommendation at SB-14 of a budget for 2002-2003 of US$32.8 million. The US noted its position on the Protocol and signaled its intention to reduce its share of funding to the core budget so it does not contribute towards the US$535,000 set out as a contingency in case of a "prompt start" to the CDM.


Co-Chair Kok Kee Chow (Malaysia) suggested focusing on the establishment of registries, starting with the CDM, but leaving the highly technical details to the experts. Following the negotiating group meeting, the two drafting groups convened in the evening to begin their work.
Co-Chair Tuiloma Neroni Slade (Samoa) proposed working on the basis of a Co-Chairs' non-paper highlighting editorial changes as well as initial agreement reached on text on the procedures and mechanisms relating to compliance.
The first meeting of the negotiating group on Articles 5, 7 and 8 began late evening. Delegates discussed several important issues raised by Chair Dovland, including LULUCF-related matters, expert review teams and the standing group of review experts, and supplementarity.
In cooperation with the UNFCCC Secretariat, the ENB will also publish ENB on the side - a special daily report on selected side events from COP-7.

ENB Summary of UNFCCC COP-6bis in PDF (English, Français)
The official website for COP-7. This site provides ready access to the Provisional Agenda , Annotated Provisional Agenda and Daily Programme, Documents, and Press Corner for all press releases during the event. 
UNFCCC Secretariat web site 
Linkages Climate page with links to recent coverage of UNFCCC-related Workshops and an introduction to the climate change process.
ENB coverage of SB-13 (Lyon), SB-12 (Bonn)COP-5, COP-6 and COP-6bis
Rio Policy Forum:State of GHG Market
Other COP-6 Online resources

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