Working Group I
On compliance, the UK for EUROPE proposed new language on procedures, including text on the content of submissions to the compliance committee. Canada for NORTH AMERICA called for additional text on the case of parties submitting documentation regarding their own compliance issues, and Australia for the SOUTHWEST PACIFIC reiterated that parties should only submit information on their own compliance issues. |
Jane Bulmer (UK, on behalf of the European Region). |
Amanda Garay (Canada, on behalf of the North American Region). |
John Madden (Australia, on behalf of the Southwest Pacific Region). |
Still on compliance, delegates discussed references regarding seeking information from NGOs and experts, without reaching agreement. |
Gabriel Bellon (Uruguay). |
Abdel Nabi Fardous (Jordan). |
On the relationship between the Governing Body and the CGRFA, all regions thanked the Commission for its role in the Treaty negotiations, emphasizing the importance of future cooperation and calling for holding back-to-back meetings of the Governing Body and the CGRFA. |
Álvaro Toledo (CGRFA). |
Albert Likunde Li-Botayi (Congo). |
Johannes Kresbach (Austria, on behalf of the EU). |
On cooperation with international organizations, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the World Intellectual Property Organization, and the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) reported on activities and areas relevant for the ITPGR implementation. The CBD recommended addressing the impact of genetic use restriction technologies on small-scale farmers. |
Shakeel Bhatti (WIPO). |
David Cooper (CBD). |
Emile Frison (CGIAR - IPGRI). |
Working Group II
Delegates agreed to postpone the first assessment of progress in the inclusion of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture held by natural and legal persons in the Multilateral System to the third meeting of the Governing Body, to allow time for the MTA to become operational. |
Cozima Hufler (Austria, on behalf of the EU). |
François Pythoud (Switzerland). |
On the draft funding strategy, continued disagreement on text relating to an advisory committee, priorities and disbursement of funds, led to informal consultations held over the lunch break. |
Margaret Gutiérrez (Venezuela, on behalf of GRULAC). |
Mohamed Khalifa (Egypt). |
From left to right: Carlos Amaral (Angola) and Ahmad Dimyati (Working Group II Chair). |
Elisabeth Koren (Norway - left) consultes with Martin Smith (CGRFA - right) |
Still on funding strategy, in the afternoon, the Secretariat summarized progress reached in informal consultations, including compromise on, inter alia, country reporting “as appropriate” on the “results of” actions in support of the funding strategy and advisory committee meetings being subject to funds availability. |
S. Nagarajan (India) |
Clive Stannard (CGRFA) |
Gerald Moore (CGIAR - IPGRI) |
Contact Group on the standard Material Transfer Agreement
The MTA contact group convened in the evening, following informal consultations throughout the day. Delegates discussed, without reaching agreement, the different regional groups’ proposals for payment rates linked to broad and narrow definitions of "product." |
Frank Begemann (Germany, on behalf of the European Region). |
Lucy Walls (New Zealand) |
On the acceptance signature, delegates discussed click-wrap and signature forms of acceptance, with most agreeing that both options should be made available. GRULAC argued, and delegates eventually agreed, that both provider and recipient should choose the method of acceptance. |
GRULAC delegates huddle together to form their position during the contact group on MTA. |
Plenary discussed the budget and the work programme for 2006-07, and the date and venue of the second session of the Governing Body. |
Delegates taste swiss cheese provided by the Swiss Delegation. |
From left to right: Ana Bianchi (Argentina), Saulo Ceolin (Brazil), and Margaret Gutiérrez (Venezuela). |
Amanda Garay (Canada) shares her impressions of the meeting with ENB writer Stefan Jungcurt. |
Lorens Habing (the Netherlands) talks to ENB writer Radoslav Dimitrov. |
From left to right: Mohamed Khalifa (Egypt) and Ali Al-Shurai (Yemen). |
From left to right: Modesto Fernández (Cuba) and S. Nagarajan (India). |