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>>ENB ENGLISH Version<<

>>Version française: BNT<<

Saturday  21 July 2001

BREAKING NEWS: As of 7: 00pm President Pronk indicates some movement in INFORMAL TALKS 

The main negotiating group of Ministers and other high-level officials have been briefed on informal consultations held Saturday morning and early afternoon, with some progress being reported.  

The group convened in an open session mid-afternoon to hear the reports from the facilitators on their consultations over the issues of finance, mechanisms, LULUCF and compliance. President Pronk said the aim of the meeting was to improve transparency in the negotiating process and to take stock of the progress made since yesterday.  

Secretary of State Philippe Roch (Switzerland) reported on the consultations on finance. He said his aim was to evaluate the chances of reaching a consensus on financial issues. He emphasized the very diverse positions on fundamental aspects of funding and the difficulties in finding common ground. He reported that consultations suggest four elements: the necessity to clearly separate between the implementation of the UNFCCC and that of the Protocol in order to allow those Parties not wishing to work on the Protocol to continue to participate in mitigation work under the UNFCCC; the need for additional funding for the implementation of the UNFCCC and the Protocol; the need for funding to be predictable; and the need to quantify the funding. He explained that this last element constituted the weakest result of his consultations. He added that he had prepared a short paper outlining principles that could serve as elements for reaching a middle-ground position. For funding under the UNFCCC, he suggested: the need for new and additional funding; the need to establish a list of activities financed under UNFCCC; predictable funding subject to review; channeling of the necessary funds either through an increased replenishment of the GEF, a special UNFCCC fund, or bilateral and multilateral channels; and funding provided by Annex II Parties and other Annex I Parties in a position to do so. Concerning funding under the Protocol, he proposed: the establishment of an Adaptation fund financed by the share of proceeds and other funding; an invitation to Annex I Parties to provide funding additional to that resulting from the share of proceeds. He also suggested that new funds be managed by an entity that operates the financial mechanism of the UNFCCC, that urgent attention be given to the needs of LDCs, and that the willingness to provide funding should be made through a political declaration. He concluded his report by saying that he knew the result of his consultation was "very deceiving", but that it looks like the "maximum achievable in Bonn."

Minister Pete Hodgson (New Zealand) reported on his consultations on the mechanisms. He said that although no explicit agreement was reached, progress on some matters had been made, in particular with the introduction of new words "that might fly".

On equity, he reported that the issue for the G-77/China was that the CDM allows an increase of emissions in Annex I Parties and a decrease in non-Annex I Parties. He suggested wording in terms of which Annex I Parties should implement domestic action according to national circumstances, with a view to reducing per capita emissions in a manner conducive to reducing the per capita inequities in emissions between developed and developing countries. On supplementarity, he said the EU had "moved big distances." He reported that he had suggested: text including a reference to "significant" as an elaboration of the term "supplemental"; that Annex I Parties provide relevant information in relation to such "significant" domestic action; and that the facilitative branch of the Compliance Committee would address questions of implementation on this issue. On nuclear, he suggested an addition to the language in the Pronk text giving an assessment role to the host country. On the Supervisory Committee, Minister Hodgson said the "ball is in the court" of the Russian Federation and Ukraine. He concluded by saying that the issues of the commitment period reserve level and of compliance as eligibility would be settled once there is agreement on the legally binding nature of the compliance regime.  

On LULUCF, Ambassador Raul Estrada (Argentina) said consultations had focused on individual and collective caps. He indicated results could be achieved by the late afternoon. He emphasized that the "big difficulty" was the "big absent" of the negotiations and that efforts were made to protect its interests in order to allow it to join the Protocol at a later stage.

Minister Valli Moosa (South Africa) reported on consultations on compliance. He said this was an issue everybody outside the COP would be looking at since it reflects "how we do that we agree to do", and cautioned against setting precedents. He said that given the legally binding nature of the Protocol, its compliance mechanism must go well beyond a mere gentlemen's agreement. He suggested a stepped approach for the compliance system with an emphasis on facilitation. The first step would be an early warning system through the review teams setting a process of facilitation to assist Parties in cases where there might be a case of non-compliance. During the compliance period itself, legally binding consequences would need to ensure "environmental restoration" rather than punish the Party concerned. He also hinted at the need for certainty for market mechanisms.

President Pronk then reported on his consultations on technology transfer. He said the name of the body had been agreed upon and that there was "flexibility in the air" with regard to its composition. On adverse effects of policies and measures, he suggested, inter alia, a move towards a "global cost-effective" approach to minimize costs for all countries. He concluded the session by saying that, following the request from the G-77/China and other Parties, he would prepare a proposal to be tabled later during the day. He said his text would be an "equitable" compromise benefiting each group.

 It is currently anticipated that the negotiating group will reconvene in an open session at 8:00 pm where President Pronk will present his proposal.  

Extended Photo Coverage of COP-6bis  

UNFCCC Conference Live 

In cooperation with the UNFCCC Secretariat, the ENB will also publish ENB on the side - a special daily report on selected side events from COP-6bis.  a special daily report on selected side events from COP-6bis.  a special daily report on selected side events from COP-6bis. 

The official website for COP-6bis (Part 2). This site provides ready access to the Agenda and Daily Programme, Documents, and Press Corner for all press releases during the event. 
UNFCCC Secretariat's COP-6 web site  
Extended Photo Coverage of COP-6
UNFCCC Conference Live The Conference's Plenary and High Level Meetings will be broadcast live and on-demand on the Internet.
The Dutch Government website: The outreach website of the COP-6 host government
ENB coverage of SB-13 (Lyon), SB-12 (Bonn)COP-5 and COP-6
Linkages Climate page with links to recent coverage of UNFCCC-related Workshops and an introduction to the climate change process.
Other COP-6 Online resources
Other climate change-related links (NGOs, research institutes, news sites, etc)
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