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Ninth Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD ABS 9)

22-28 March 2010 | Santiago de Cali, Colombia

Highlights for Sunday, 28 March 2010

Cristo Rey Statue overlooking the city of Cali.

Sign up for ENB
Sign up for ENB

CBDOn Sunday morning, Working Group Co-Chair Casas noted that the revised draft protocol (UNEP/CBD/WG-ABS/9/L.2) would constitute the basis for further work, but as indicated by a footnote, was not negotiated and is without prejudice to the rights of parties to make further amendments and additions to the text. The Working Group adopted the draft protocol as Annex I to the meeting report. Delegates then presented outstanding issues and text proposals, for inclusion in the report. In the afternoon, plenary discussed proposals for an intersessional process from Cali to COP 10 in Nagoya. Delegates finally agreed to suspend ABS 9 and resume it in June/July for a 7-day session which Japan committed to funding. Later, delegates made minor revisions to the report (UNEP/CBD/WG-ABS/9/L.1) and adopted it as amended. Following closing statements, Co-Chair Hodges gavelled the meeting to a close at 7:57 p.m.

Delegates settling in for the final day of negotiations.
L-R (clockwise): Matthias Buck (European Union); Alejandro Lago (Spain); Pierre du Plessis and Sem Shikongo (Namibia); and Gurdial Singh Nijar (Malaysia)
L-R: Working Group Co-Chairs Timothy Hodges (Canada) and Fernando Casas (Colombia)
L-R: Ahmed Djoghlaf, CBD Executive Secretary; Valérie Normand, CBD Secretariat; Working Group Co-Chairs Timothy Hodges (Canada) and Fernando Casas (Colombia); and Olivier Jalbert, CBD Secretariat
Gurdial Singh Nijar (Malaysia)
Damaso Luna (Mexico)
Masayoshi Mizuno, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Japan)
Javad Mozafari (Iran)
L-R: Alejandro Lago (Spain) and Hugo Schally (European Union)
L-R: Malia Nobrega, Waikiki Hawaiian Civic Club; and Joji Cariño, International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB)
Sem Shikongo (Namibia)
Kim Chan-woo (Republic of Korea)
Mónica Rosell (Peru)
Paulino Franco de Carvalho Neto (Brazil)

Christine von Weizsäcker, CBD Alliance

Ricardo Torres (Colombia)

Tack Daniel (New Zealand)

Sonia Peña Moreno, International Union for the Conservation of Nature
Sigit Witjaksono (Indonesia)
Nancy Hamzawi (Canada)
M.F. Farooqui (India)
Ruth Adler (Australia)
Ossama El-Tayeb (Egypt)

Robert Lamb (Switzerland)

L-R: Working Group Co-Chair Timothy Hodges (Canada); CBD Executive Secretary Ahmed Djoghlaf; and Working Group Co-Chair Fernando Casas (Colombia)

Tania Temata (Cook Islands)

L-R: Olivier Jalbert, CBD Secretariat, consulting with Matthias Buck (EU).
L-R: Augustin Ngoliele (Congo) and Aboubacar ben Allaoui (Comoros)

Ahmed Djoghlaf, CBD Executive Secretary

Working Group Co-Chair Tim Hodges (Canada) suspended the meeting at 7:57 pm.

Working Group Co-Chairs Tim Hodges (Canada) and Fernando Casas (Colombia) celebrating the end of the meeting.

Around the Meeting
The central plaza at the conference venue.
The view outside of the plenary room.
Delegates enjoying fresh cups of Colombian coffee before entering the plenary room.
Delegates picking up copies of the ENB.
Delegates making full use of the conference venue's services.

L-R: Lucia Kaingáng, INBRAPI; and Esther Camac, IIFB

L-R: K. Nagulendran (Malaysia) and CBD Executive Secretary Ahmed Djoghlaf

L-R: Birthe Ivars and Birgitte Valen (Norway)

A delegate poring over the ENB.

Delegates preparing to enter the opening plenary.

L-R: Marina Hernández (Dominican Republic) and Nigel Lawrence (Dominica)
L-R: ENB writer Stefan Jungcurt and Pierre du Plessis (Namibia)

Delegates from China sharing a laugh over some ENB photographs from the meeting.

Domingo Ankwash, Coordinadora de Organizaciones Indigenas de la Cuenca Amazónica, being interviewed by the local media.

L-R: Gurdial Singh Nijar (Malaysia); Ricardo Torres (Colombia); Mónica Rosell (Peru); Lyle Glowka, CBD Secretariat; and Fernando Casas, Working Group Co-Chair, who all worked together on the Villa de Leyva Decision and Andean Pact Decision 391 in 1994.

The Malaysian delegation in consultations during lunch.

Delegates from the Like-Minded Asia Pacific Group.
Delegates from the African Group.
Delegates from the Asia Pacific Group.
Delegates from JUSCANZ.
The German delegation.
Representatives from the Indian delegation, UNEP and the CBD Secretariat.
The Brazilian delegation.
Staff of the CBD Secretariat.

Daily web coverage (click on the following links to see our daily web pages)
22 March - 23 March - 24 March - 25 March - 26 March - 27 March - 28 March
Related Links

Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) resources
Meeting webpage
Provisional annotated agenda
Information Portal on the ABS negotiations
Global Biodiversity Outlook

IISD RS resources

IISD RS coverage of CBD ABS 8, 9-15 November 2009, Montréal, Canada
IISD RS coverage of the Sixth Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions (Article 8(j) WG 6) of the CBD, 2-6 November 2009, Montréal, Canada
IISD RS coverage of the Ninth Conference of the Parties (COP 9) to the CBD, 19-30 May 2008, Bonn, Germany
IISD RS coverage of CBD ABS 7, 2-8 April 2009, UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Headquarters, Paris, France
IISD RS coverage of CBD ABS 6, 21-25 January 2008, Geneva, Switzerland
IISD RS coverage of CBD Article 8(j) WG 5, 15-19 October 2007, Montréal, Canada
IISD RS coverage of CBD COP 8, 20-31 March 2006, Curitiba, Brazil
IISD RS archive of biodiversity and wildlife meetings
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