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Ninth Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD ABS 9)

22-28 March 2010 | Santiago de Cali, Colombia

Highlights for Thursday, 25 March 2010

La Cuadriga Romana y el Auriga

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CBDContact group 3 on benefit-sharing and access, and contact group 4 on traditional knowledge met in the morning. Contact group 1 on scope and finance and contact group 2 on compliance met in the afternoon. An afternoon plenary reviewed progress and established an inter-regional group to negotiate a revised draft protocol, composed of five representatives per UN region and two representatives each from indigenous and local communities, civil society, business and public research, and open to the attendance of all Working Group participants. Contact group 5 on the draft COP decision met in the evening.

Contact Group 3 on Benefit-sharing and Access
L-R: Contact Group Co-Chairs Cosima Hufler (Austria) and Pierre du Plessis (Namibia)
L-R: Mónica Rosell (Peru) and Gurdial Singh Nijar (Malaysia) in consultations during the contact group.

Yo Osumi (Japan)

Birgitte Valen (Norway)

Marco D’Alessandro (Switzerland)

Delegates during the Contact Group

Contact Group 4 on Traditional Knowledge
L-R: Contact Group Co-Chairs Damaso Luna (Mexico) and Tone Solhaug (Norway); and Sarat Gidda, CBD Secretariat
Delegates huddled in consultation.

Asghar Fazel (Iran)

Kate Smyth (Australia)

Janet Lowe (New Zealand)

Mattias Åhrén, Saami Council
Teresa Cruz (Cuba)
Jock Langford (Canada)
Sujate Arora (India)
Delegates from the African Group in consultations during the contact group.
Delegates from GRULAC discussing the text.

Contact Group 2 on Compliance-related Issues
Delegates during the Contact Group.

Luther M. Rangreji (India)

L-R: Gemedo Dalle, Institute of Biodiversity Conservation; and David Hafashimana (Uganda)

Maria Cecília B. C. Vieira (Brazil)


Contact Group 1 on Issues related to Scope and Finance
Delegates during the Contact Group.

Javad Mozafari (Iran)

L-R: James Seyani (Malawi); Kabir Bavikatte, Natural Justice; and Ossama El-Tayeb (Egypt)

P. L. Gautam (India)

The dais during plenary.

Side Event on Participatory Approaches to Implementing the IRABS through Community Empowerment and launch of study on forest management and ABS
L-R: Hjalmar-Jorge Joffre-Eichhorn, consultant; Balakrishna Pisupati, United Nations Environment Programme; Holly Shrumm, Natural Justice; and Olivier Rukundo, Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL)
Olivier Rukundo, CISDL, presented on a study on forest management and ABS.

A video clip of participatory 3-D modelling in Sabah, Malaysia.

Holly Shrumm, Natural Justice, presented on participatory approaches.

An example of a participatory video from Sabah, Malaysia.

Demonstrating participatory community theatre.
Delegates involved in participatory theatre on conflict resolution.

Side Event on Biodiversity, Indigenous Peoples, Local Communities, and the Formation of Networks
Participants discussed the formation of formal networks to protect natural resources and traditional knowledge.

Around the Meeting
The Colombian delegation during a contact group break.

L-R: Abdul Fatah Amir, Sabah Biodiversity Centre, Malaysia; and Daisuke Sato, Ministry of Agriculture, Foresty, and Fisheries, Japan

Elpidio Perla (the Philippines)

Delegates reading Tuesday’s ENB.

L-R: Stefan Jungcurt, ENB Writer; and Marie Schloen, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium
L-R: Geoff Burton, United Nations University - Institute of Advanced Studies; and Monica Ribadeneira Sarmiento, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Document desk staff
Daily web coverage (click on the following links to see our daily web pages)
22 March - 23 March - 24 March - 25 March - 26 March - 27 March - 28 March
Related Links

Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) resources
Meeting webpage
Provisional annotated agenda
Information Portal on the ABS negotiations
Global Biodiversity Outlook

IISD RS resources

IISD RS coverage of CBD ABS 8, 9-15 November 2009, Montréal, Canada
IISD RS coverage of the Sixth Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions (Article 8(j) WG 6) of the CBD, 2-6 November 2009, Montréal, Canada
IISD RS coverage of the Ninth Conference of the Parties (COP 9) to the CBD, 19-30 May 2008, Bonn, Germany
IISD RS coverage of CBD ABS 7, 2-8 April 2009, UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Headquarters, Paris, France
IISD RS coverage of CBD ABS 6, 21-25 January 2008, Geneva, Switzerland
IISD RS coverage of CBD Article 8(j) WG 5, 15-19 October 2007, Montréal, Canada
IISD RS coverage of CBD COP 8, 20-31 March 2006, Curitiba, Brazil
IISD RS archive of biodiversity and wildlife meetings
Linkages Update - Bi-weekly international environment and sustainable development news
MEA Bulletin - Newsletter on key MEAs and their secretariats
Climate Change Policy & Practice - News and information on the actions of international organizations in responding to the problem of global climate change
African Regional Coverage

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