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Ninth Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD ABS 9)

22-28 March 2010 | Santiago de Cali, Colombia

Highlights for Friday, 26 March 2010

Local art about the circle of life in Cali.

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CBDThe inter-regional group met throughout the day and evening to address a revised draft protocol (UNEP/CBD/WG-ABS/9/CRP.1 and Corr.1), in particular provisions on fair and equitable benefit-sharing (article 4), access to genetic resources (article 5) and compliance (articles 12-14). Late in the evening, negotiations broke down over compliance mechanisms, with GRULAC and Like-minded Asia-Pacific threatening to walk out. Following consultations, Africa proposed to report back to the Working Group Co-Chairs and request they provide a revised draft protocol, and asked that parties seek instructions to start negotiations immediately. The meeting was adjourned to Saturday morning.

Inter-regional Group

The new arrangement of the plenary room.

L-R: CBD Exective Secretary Ahmed Djoghlaf; Working Group Co-Chair Timothy Hodges (Canada); and COP9 President Jochen Flasbarth (Germany)
Inter-regional Group Co-Chair José Luis Sutera (Argentina) greeting a delegate before discussions began.
Delegates settled in for a long day of negotiations over a new draft protocol.
L-R: Inter-regional Group Co-Chairs José Luis Sutera (Argentina) and Johan Bodegård (Sweden)
Ricardo Torres (Colombia)
Gurdial Singh Nijar (Malaysia)
Mattias Åhrén, Saami Council
Sem Shikongo (Namibia)

Sergiy Gubar (Ukraine)

L-R: Nancy Hamzawi (Canada) and Janet Lowe (New Zealand)

Hugo Schally (European Union)

Delegates from GRULAC in consultations.
L-R: Christoph Häuser, Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz Institute, Berlin; and Geoff Burton, United Nations University-Institute of Advanced Studies
L-R: Pierre du Plessis (Namibia) and Ossama El-Tayeb (Egypt)
L-R: Chee Yoke Ling, Third World Network; and Hartmut Meyer, Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (EED), Germany

Delegates in a last-minute huddle before the beginning of the afternoon session.

Delegates from GRULAC in consultation with Inter-regional Group Co-Chair José Luis Sutera (Argentina).

Tuomas Kuokkanen (Finland)


A view of the plenary room during the afternoon session.

David Hafashimana (Uganda)

L-R: Gurdial Singh Nijar (Malaysia) and Matthias Buck (EU) trying to see eye-to-eye after a heated discussion in the evening Inter-regional Group session.
The African Group in a huddle.
L-R: Co-Chairs José Luis Sutera (Argentina) and Johan Bodegård (Sweden); and Olivier Jalbert, CBD Secretariat, anxiously waiting for the Inter-regional Group to reconvene.
Delegates from Malaysia, India, and the Pacific Islands.

Side Event on the Like-Minded in Spirit Group of Women
Participants discussed the role and objectives of the Like-Minded in Spirit Group of Women.

Maria Mbengashe (South Africa)

A view of the participants in the side event.

Gudrun Henne, GTZ

Prudence Galega (Cameroon)

Karmen Ramírez Boscán, Fuerza de Mujeres Wayuu

Ellen Gabriel, Québec Native Women's Association
Kathy Wan Povi Sanchez, TEWA Women United

Around the Meeting
L-R: Tack Daniel (New Zealand); René Lefeber (the Netherlands); and Rok Žvelc (EU), enjoying much-needed refreshments during a recess in the afternoon session of the Inter-regional Group.
L-R: Santiago Obispo, Red de Cooperacion Amazonica; and Ana Perez Conguache, Red de Mujeres-Biodiversidad
National police officers and their working dogs checking out one of the meeting rooms.

Constanza Collazos selling photographs from the conference.

L-R: Miriam Anne Frank, CBD Alliance; and Michael Frein and Hartmut Meyer, EED.

A vendor selling local handicrafts.

Delegates collecting translation headsets outside of the plenary room.
L-R: ENB writers Nicole Schabus, Elsa Tsioumani, Stefan Jungcurt, Elisa Morgera, and Johannes Gnann; and René Lefeber (the Netherlands)

Daily web coverage (click on the following links to see our daily web pages)
22 March - 23 March - 24 March - 25 March - 26 March - 27 March - 28 March
Related Links

Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) resources
Meeting webpage
Provisional annotated agenda
Information Portal on the ABS negotiations
Global Biodiversity Outlook

IISD RS resources

IISD RS coverage of CBD ABS 8, 9-15 November 2009, Montréal, Canada
IISD RS coverage of the Sixth Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions (Article 8(j) WG 6) of the CBD, 2-6 November 2009, Montréal, Canada
IISD RS coverage of the Ninth Conference of the Parties (COP 9) to the CBD, 19-30 May 2008, Bonn, Germany
IISD RS coverage of CBD ABS 7, 2-8 April 2009, UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Headquarters, Paris, France
IISD RS coverage of CBD ABS 6, 21-25 January 2008, Geneva, Switzerland
IISD RS coverage of CBD Article 8(j) WG 5, 15-19 October 2007, Montréal, Canada
IISD RS coverage of CBD COP 8, 20-31 March 2006, Curitiba, Brazil
IISD RS archive of biodiversity and wildlife meetings
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