The informal meeting in preparation of SBI-3 continued its work, focusing on mainstreaming and the post-2020 global biodiversity framework (GBF).
Regarding the mainstreaming of biodiversity within and across sectors, delegates underscored that this is critical for achieving the objectives of the Convention. They stressed that further work needs to be done to involve all levels of government, economic sectors, and society. Many delegates welcomed the development of a draft long-term strategic approach for mainstreaming, while some called for further discussions and alignment with the post-2020 GBF.
Participants highlighted the importance of effective and efficient synergies with other conventions. Many emphasized the involvement of subnational governments, cities, and other local authorities.
Some delegates stressed the existence of various approaches to mainstreaming and differing national socio-economic conditions, noting that there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach. Others said that mainstreaming is interlinked with targets related to resource mobilization and should be considered together.
Participants also discussed the post-2020 GBF, focusing on matters of implementation, communication, and a draft post-2020 gender plan of action. Anne Teller, Co-Lead of the second consultation workshop of biodiversity-related conventions on the post-2020 GBF (Bern II) provided a briefing on the workshop’s outcomes, outlining opportunities for cooperation.
Regional representatives highlighted the importance of a clear and strong communication strategy to ensure inclusive and holistic adoption of the post-2020 GBF across society. Several further stressed the need for inclusive processes and adequate resource mobilization.
Some delegates underscored that the Open-ended Working Group on the post-2020 GBF is the responsible body for developing the framework and ultimately the forum where “the whole package can be negotiated.” Many delegates highlighted the importance of integrating gender considerations and supported elements of the post-2020 gender plan of action. A couple of delegates, including a regional group, stressed that digital sequence information is an integral component of the post-2020 GBF.
Some participants highlighted achievements of virtual meetings, suggesting the use of online platforms for the development of the post-2020 GBF, in line with COVID-19 restrictions.
Major stakeholder groups stressed that the post-2020 GBF should ensure gender responsiveness, and adopt a human rights-based approach in its substantive and procedural elements. They called for concrete steps to ensure effective and just implementation, which recognizes the key role of Indigenous peoples and local communities, women, and youth.
Delegates further initiated discussions on specialized international access and benefit-sharing instruments in the context of Article 4 of the Nagoya Protocol (relationship with international agreements and instruments).
The meeting will resume and conclude on Sunday.