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Daily report for 7 June 2000

23rd Special Session of the UN General Assembly (Beijing+5)

Delegates worked until 2:30 am in an attempt to clear remaining brackets.


Speakers included one Vice-President, three Deputy Prime Ministers, 21 Ministers, and 12 Chiefs of Delegation. Statements can be found on the Internet at:



In paragraph 1, BANGLADESH proposed deleting "as contained in the report of the Conference." SUDAN, NIGERIA, the HOLY SEE, LIBYA, and ARGENTINA opposed. The EU, SLAC, JUSCANZ, SRI LANKA and MEXICO agreed, if it would not appear elsewhere. The text was agreed.

In 2 bis, the PHILIPPINES, with CUBA, BANGLADESH, and EGYPT, proposed inserting "as well as the further actions and initiatives contained in this document" from a G-77/China-proposed new 2 bis. The EU agreed on the condition that 44 bis would follow. Delegates agreed to: include the Philippines proposal; move 44 bis to the introduction, with placement pending; and note that 2 bis was agreed pending the documents outcome.


In EU-proposed introductory text, delegates agreed on: taking note of the SGs report and of the results, conclusions and agreements of the five regional preparatory meetings; and on "overcoming obstacles" and achieving the full "and accelerated" implementation of the PFA. The paragraph was agreed.

Environment: In paragraph 25, there was no consensus on language linking access to technical skills, resources and information with achieving sustainable environmental decision-making. CUBA, with SYRIA and CARICOM, supported "foreign occupation", but JUSCANZ opposed. Delegates adopted references to: strategies on the differential treatment and implications of environmental problems, and the need for solutions addressing their root causes.


With minor amendments, delegates agreed to adopt contact group paragraphs 29, 30, 30 bis and 30 ter, on globalization. In paragraph 32, delegates retained reference to, inter alia, farm labor. Delegates supported EU-text on migration "to pursue many occupations;" endorsed text on forms of abuse, including, inter alia, inadequate working conditions; and deleted a reference to forced prostitution. EGYPT proposed, with MEXICO and NIGERIA, language on forms of abuse that impair enjoyment of human rights "and in some cases" constitute violations of human rights. The paragraph was agreed as amended.

In paragraph 41, delegates accepted SLAC language on "stereotypical and traditional roles that limit womens full potential." SLAC, the HOLY SEE, NIGERIA and IRAN proposed deleting references to sexual and reproductive rights and health. BANGLADESH and SADC supported reference to sexual and reproductive rights. All references remain bracketed. The EU, CARICOM and SADC, opposed by EGYPT, proposed a reformulation on, inter alia, the failure to recognize and measure, in quantitative terms, unremunerated work of women, which is often not valid in national accounts. The text was agreed. In paragraph 42, delegates deleted reference to the report of the Conference. JUSCANZ proposed, and delegates supported, PFA language (paragraph 213) on human rights, including the right to development. The paragraph was agreed.

Delegates agreed ad referendum to 43 bis, on NGOs, and EU-proposed paragraph 52, on strong national machineries for the advancement of women. In 43 ter, EGYPT called for deletion of text on the participation of women being essential for, inter alia, good governance. SADC, supported by others, proposed its retention. JUSCANZ suggested language on participation as "necessary" to contribute to "transparent and accountable governance." The text remains bracketed.

In paragraph 44, SLAC, with others, proposed deleting "international" monitoring. JUSCANZ and EU suggested deleting "national and international." The text remains bracketed. Delegates agreed to delete paragraph 45, on endorsement of the PFA, and EU-proposed paragraph 50, on a gender-sensitive constitutional and legislative framework. Delegates agreed to paragraph 46, on ensuring womens participation in development, which includes: text stating that by adopting the PFA, governments and the international community agree to a common development agenda with gender equality and womens empowerment as underlying principles; and language on strengthened support systems for families. In paragraph 54, a reference to efforts to ensure capacity-building and to increase transparency and accountability remains bracketed.



Vice-chair Patricia Flor presented contact group results, noting deletion of: 102(j); 107(a) ter, (c), (e) and (f); 115 (b), (e) and (f); 127(k) bis; 137(a) and (c); and 138(b), (e) and (f). Chair Bhattacharjee read out agreed sub-paragraphs. Working Group II adopted: 53 bis, on girls and women with disabilities; 107(a), on health challenges; 107(g), on health legislation, policies and programmes; 107(g) quater, on mens sexual and reproductive behavior; 107(j) bis, on substance abuse; 115(g), on pregnant adolescents; 132(f), on protecting, inter alia, individuals engaged in promoting womens human rights; 132(g), on treaty body reports; 135(d), on poverty eradication; 135(f), on the Cologne initiative and HIPC; and 138(d), on HIV/AIDS services.

National Actions: In 102(b), on discriminatory provisions, SLAC, the EU, LIBYA, SADC, SUDAN, CUBA, TUNISIA and EGYPT accepted language on striving for removal by 2005. PAKISTAN opposed the reference, and SUDAN proposed "as soon as possible, preferably by 2005." The text was agreed.

Delegates adopted 102(l), 102(m), 103(c), 104(a) and 106(b) with minor amendments; accepted 102(e), with the mention "as appropriate;" and agreed to maintain 102(n) in national actions. In 103(i), delegates deleted references to stereotypes, promotion of economic equality and empowerment. They agreed to create an additional 103(i) bis, on combating violence against women throughout their life cycle. Both sub-paragraphs remain bracketed. In 110(a) bis, delegates deleted "particularly" to avoid placing emphasis on rural women over other categories. The sub-paragraph was adopted. In 114(b), TURKEY and other delegations supported replacing a bracketed reference to religious bodies and groups with "community leaders." The HOLY SEE opposed. IRAN suggested "religious institutions." EGYPT preferred, and JUSCANZ and SADC opposed, "official religious institutions." The reference remains bracketed.

International Actions: In 120(b), delegates opted for "assist" instead of "support". The EU supported referring to PFA follow-up. With these amendments, the sub-paragraph was adopted. In 121(b), PAKISTAN suggested replacing "mainstreaming" with "gender-sensitive training." The EU opposed. Delegates adopted a proposal by JAMAICA on "mainstreaming a gender perspective." In 122(a) bis PAKISTAN, LIBYA and other delegates supported the EU formulation. Delegates also suggested deletion of references to durable solutions and to "respective mandates" of organizations. JUSCANZ proposed replacing countries "hosting" with "countries which have" refugees to accommodate the reference to displaced people. Delegates preferred reference to "those with displaced persons" and adopted the sub-paragraph with these changes. In 122(b) ter, JUSCANZ and others supported using WSSD+5 language on peoples right to self-determination. SYRIA called for keeping the reference to the UN Charter and relevant GA resolutions. The sub-paragraph remains bracketed.

National and International Actions: In 125(f), delegates removed brackets around "comparable," "disaggregated" and "developing indicators" and some suggested adding "as appropriate" and "data by sex, age and other relevant factors." The EU proposed alternative language on assisting governments upon their request. Amendments remain bracketed. No agreement was reached on 130(a). In 130(f), delegates agreed on gender-sensitive training for peacekeeping missions, as appropriate, in dealing with violence, and placement under international actions. They accepted new 130(f) bis, on such training for actors, including police and judiciary, with placement under national actions.

Delegates deleted 132(a) bis. No consensus was reached on 132(c) on, inter alia, religion. Delegates agreed to SLAC-reformulated 132(d), on encouraging cooperation in ensuring legislation is non-discriminatory, but disagreed over relocation. In 133(a), on cooperating in promoting human rights education, delegates opposed LIBYAs insertion of "appropriate." The sub-paragraph is pending. Debating 133(b), on impunity, delegates agreed on strengthening existing mechanisms for prosecuting womens human rights violators. They accepted a new 133(b) bis, with language, inter alia, on eliminating violations of international law. Delegates deleted 133(c). Delegates agreed to an EU-merged 133(d) and (e), and deletion of 133(l), on addressing the causes of and differences in the impact of armed conflict to enhance civilian protection. In 133(i), delegates agreed on strengthening capacity of women affected by armed conflict through their involvement in humanitarian activities. They also agreed on SLAC-reformulated 133(j), on seeking to ensure full and equal participation of women in the promotion of peace.

Delegates agreed to 133(m) bis, with SLAC proposals including deletion of a reference to the PFA. They accepted Cubas proposed 133(m) ter with EU amendments on the arms trade and investment for arms production and acquisition. In 134(a), SLAC, JUSCANZ and the EU supported "freedom of expression." The HOLY SEE and LIBYA opposed. The reference remains bracketed. In 134(h), LIBYA opposed best practices. JUSCANZ, with the HOLY SEE, proposed deleting best practices, and specifying lessons learned from womens experiences, such as "Herstories." No consensus was reached.

In 135(b) bis, on technology transfer, JUSCANZ preferred "support" to "facilitate." The reference remains bracketed. Delegates agreed to restrictions instead of obstacles. IRAN, with CHINA and ETHIOPIA, objected to appropriate technology. The EU, SYRIA, UGANDA, SENEGAL and JUSCANZ opposed, and "appropriate" remains bracketed. In the EUs 136(a), on an enabling environment for mobilization of resources by, inter alia, womens organizations, as appropriate, CHINA specified national laws and regulations. Chinas proposal and "as appropriate" are bracketed. Delegates deleted 136(b) and could not agree on 136(c), both on partnerships.

There was no consensus on 136(d), on poverty reduction. In 136(e), delegates agreed on supporting work helping disadvantaged women access financial institutions in establishing sustainable means of livelihood. Placement is pending. They also agreed on CARICOM-amended 136(f), on recognizing the role and support of women NGOs and CBOs in implementing Agenda 21. Delegates accepted 136(g), with a JUSCANZ amendment on dissemination of, inter alia, gender sensitive information, and placement under national actions. In 138(e) bis, on drug problems, a reference to resources remains bracketed.


In paragraph 5, a groups proposal was adopted with an amendment referring to "harmful traditional and customary practices." Delegates challenged the suggestion that failure to meet ODA targets constrained combating poverty, and the reference remains bracketed.

In paragraphs 12 and 13, delegates deleted a reference to principles on internally displaced persons. They agreed on a reference to international human rights law and international humanitarian law. There was consensus on the differentiated experiences of women and men during war, and on a reference to excessive military spending, but some delegates noted "internal conflicts" was not accepted language. Declining international assistance for humanitarian assistance generated debate. Some delegates distinguished between it and ODA, and added there was no evidence that international assistance was declining. Delegates agreed on a reference to adequate assistance. Brackets remain on references to nuclear arsenals, child soldiers, abduction of girls, and land mines, which were deferred to drafting groups.

Delegates agreed on 125G, 125D and 125J on decision-making, the global economy and poverty eradication. At 10:00 pm, delegates continued to discuss 135(e), with some preferring a Secretariat proposal.


PLENARY: The Plenary will convene at 10:00 am and 3:00 pm in the General Assembly Hall.

WORKING GROUPS: The schedule for Working Groups I and II will be announced in the morning session.

CONTACT GROUPS: A contact group will meet at 10:00 am in a room to be announced.

Further information

