from Tuesday, 12 September
The Subsidiary
Body for Implementation met in a morning session to discuss: venue
of COP-7, administrative and financial matters; national communications
from Annex I Parties on greenhouse gas inventory data from 1990-1998;
national communications from non-Annex I Parties and provision of
financial and technical support; and financial mechanism. Under
financial mechanism, delegates discussed support to the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change and a report of the GEF to the the COP.
Following the SBI meeting, a question answer session took place
with Mohamed El-Ashry, CEO and Chairman of the GEF. Extensive
RealAudio from the GEF Q&A available below. Contact groups
met to discuss: "Best practices" in policies and measures
among Annex I Parties, Articles 5, 7 and 8; compliance; mechanisms;
development and transfer of technologies; Article 4.8 and 4.9 of
the Convention and Article 3.14 of the Kyoto Protocol; and LULUCF.
right : Michael Zammit Cutajar, Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC
(on the left); and Mohamed El-Ashry, CEO/Chairman of the GEF. Extensive
RealAudio from the GEF Q&A available below.
Question and Answer Session
Parties engaged
in an informal question-and-answer session with Mohammed El-Ashry,
Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Global Environmental
Facility (GEF).
Mohammed El-Ashry and Avani Vaish, Capacity Building Manager,
RealAudio of El-Ashry's introductory remarks and update on the
GEF's activities:
one Part two
RealAudio of El-Ashry's statements below)
Philippines stressed that capacity-building needs were already identified
in the past, and expressed fears that the GEF's 2-year consultative
process was a duplication of previous efforts. She reminded El-Ashry
that Article 4.5 of the Convention is a commitment on the part of
developed countries to provide access to environmentally sound technologies,
and called on the GEF to help assure the flow of such technologies
to developing countries. She concluded by asking "who is
going to build the capacity of the capacity builders?"
Netherlands asked whether the GEF might reconsider its current
focus on mitigation projects in favor of other areas such as adaptation
once the CDM is introduced. El-Ashry noted the limited guidance
given by the COP on adaptation activities and added that the specifics
of the CDM had yet to be decided. However, he assured Parties that
duplication would be avoided.
response to a comment by Kenya (left) on the difficulties
faced in dealing with the implementing agencies, El-Ashry said the
GEF was trying to address how to improve the responsiveness with
the implementing agencies. In response to a question from Libya
(right) suggesting that some developing countries had been
excluded from certain projects, El-Ashry said Parties should communicate
their concerns so these can be addressed.
we (the GEF) were perfect I would not have accepted a second term...I
accepted it because I know we need to do more."
Annex I communications, France, for the EU, expressed satisfaction
with the large number of Annex I Parties using the new reporting format.
He noted with concern the continuing emissions increases in some countries.
Annex I communications, Argentina noted successful measures
undertaken by the UK and Germany to reduce emissions. He highlighted
continuing emissions increases for the US, which he labeled a "difficult"
partner in in the negotiation process.
On non-Annex
I communications,
the Philippines (left)
there had been a waste of resources in relation to the Consultative
Group of Experts, and called for a review of the terms of reference.
(right) thanked the GEF for its assistance.
non-Annex I communications, China urged Annex II countries
to provide adequate financial support to Consultative Group of Experts.
SBI considered a report from the IPCC (right) on the progress
made by the IPCC on the development of a program on capacity building
which aims at strengthening the capacity of developing country experts
in the process.