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Thirteenth Session of the Subsidiary Bodies of the UNFCCC
Lyon, France; 4 - 15 September 2000


Highlights from Friday, 8 September and Saturday, 9 September

Delegates to the informal meetings convened to conclude their work ahead of the thirteenth sessions of the FCCC subsidiary bodies (SB-13). On Friday, 8 September, delegates met in informal meetings on mechanisms; Article 4.8 and 4.9 of the Convention and Protocol Article 3.14 (adverse effects); compliance; capacity building for EITs and non-Annex I Parties; technology transfer; LULUCF; and guidelines under Protocol Articles 5 (methodological issues), 7 (communication of information) and 8 (review of information). On Saturday, delegates had final informal meetings on compliance, mechanisms, technology transfer, guidelines under 5,7 and 8 of the Kyoto Protocol, LULUCF, and capacity building, in preparation for the formal meetings which begin Monday, 11 September.

Above and right: During a press briefing, UNFCCC Executive Secretary Michael Zammit Cutajar briefed reporters on expectations for SB-13, its importance as the last preparatory meeting for COP-6, and the components of what would be included in a balance package for COP-6.



Article 4.8 and 4.9 of the Convention and Article 3.14 of the Protocol (Adverse Effects)


On 8 September, delegates met to complete discussions on the Co-Chairs' draft negotiating text. The EU, supported by several Annex I Parties, suggested deleting a paragraph on actions related to policy options (under Art. 3.14), while SAUDI ARABIA and other developing countries supported its retention. Samoa (right), speaking for AOSIS, presented alternative text for this section, suggesting the deletion of the paragraph. A revised Co-Chairs' text will be available Monday.

Co-Chairs Bo Kjellen (Sweden) and Abdul Mohsen Alsunaid (Saudi Arabia)


On 8-9 September, Parties considered text on guidelines for implementing Protocol Article 6 (JI), and the draft decision on Article 12 (CDM). The G-77/CHINA urged the same rigor for JI as for CDM. On participation, the EU outlined its two-track approach. The US and NORWAY expressed interest in the proposal, with caveats.

Saudi Arabia proposed reference to an adaptation fund for Articles 6 and 17 to assist developing countries deal with adverse effects from vulnerability and response measures. Samoa stated that the fund should only address the adverse impacts of climate change.

On eligibility criteria for the CDM, Brazil (left) expressed preference for a broad approach rather than a positive list.

Japan (right) reiterated preference for existing Article 6 provisions


LULUCF Chair Halldor Thorgeirsson (Iceland) introduced a Co-Chairs text on elements related to Articles 3.3 and 3.4 for consideration in order to be able to engage in discussions during the formal week of negotiations


On 8 September, Parties continued discussions on the Co-Chairs' text. On 9 September, Parties discussed outcomes and consequences of non-compliance and adoption.

Co-Chair Harold Dovland (Norway)

Fossil of the Day award and daily "Guignol" (puppet show)

During the daily thematic "Guignol" (puppet show), presented by the Climate Action Network, countries are presented the Fossil of the Day award based on interventions made during the negotiations or on policies of the specific country, which would negatively impact climate change. On Friday, 8 September, French President Jacques Chirac accepted the award on behalf of the European Union for insisting on lack of transparency. The EU resisted US efforts to require parties to describe their domestic programs to enforce their policies and measures. For more information and to see the a comprehensive list of Fossil awards presented at SB-13, visit

President Jacques Chirac accepting the Fossil of the Day award
The daily puppet shows provides the opportunity for some comic relief in between informal meetings

Miscellaneous Photos

CC:Train is a joint programme of UNITAR and the Climate Change Secretariat. The goal of CC:Train is to support the efforts of non-Annex I Parties to implement the Climate Change Convention through training and capacity-building. Following the successful conclusion of two phases, CC:Train is working to develop a third phase in the following directions: expanding and strengthening the CC:Train Network of Regional Partners and the training programme (country-based training and university-based certificate courses). CC: Train is also has the following regional programmes: Pacific Island Climate Change Assistance Programme; and Support Programme for National Inventory Systems in Countries with Economies in Transition. For more information, visit or email:


Lorena Jaramillo, UNITAR

Delegates meet in the cafe outside the conference rooms


The long hallway leading to
the Documents Center

And right outside the Palais des Congres . . . .

Delegates and the French police enjoy the sunshine

Right: The Modern Art Museum is
close by the conference center

Above: Wedding pictures in the botanical gardens. Below: bikers and lovers enjoying the park

In the corridors...

The week-long informal meetings ended with a number of participants expressing concern over slow progress on most issues, given the limited time for COP-6 preparation.

The informal week also witnessed the formation of a new negotiating group, the "Environmental Integrity Group," which includes Switzerland, the Republic of Korea and Mexico. The aim of the group is to ensure that its members can participate in smaller group negotiations likely to take place during critical eleventh hour talks at COP-6. Observers are taking a "wait and see" approach regarding the possible impact of the new grouping.

This news coincided with Vanuatu's announcement that the LDCs will take group positions on issues such as FCCC Article 4.8 and 4.9 (adverse effects). Some suggest that this reflects the predictable divergence of interests and priorities among sub-groups within the G-77/China, readily apparent during the informals.

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