Daily web coverage (click on the following links to see our daily web pages)
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) resources
Meeting website
Meeting programme
Workshop: Making REDD+ deliver for everyone
Film competition
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) resources
Durban Climate Change Conference - November 2011 website
Durban Climate Change Conference - November 2011 documents
Durban Climate Change Conference - November 2011 overview schedule
Durban Climate Change Conference - November 2011 daily Programme
Durban Climate Change Conference - November 2011 agenda and documents for the Seventeenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 17)
Durban Climate Change Conference - November 2011 agenda and documents for the seventh session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parites to the Kyoto Protocol (COP/MOP 7)
Durban Climate Change Conference - November 2011 agenda and documents for the Thirty-fifth session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA 35)
Durban Climate Change Conference - November 2011 agenda and documents for the Thirty-fifth session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI 35)
Durban Climate Change Conference - November 2011 agenda and documents for the Resumed fourteenth session of the Ad hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention (AWG-LCA)
Durban Climate Change Conference - November 2011 agenda and documents for the Resumed sixteenth session of the Ad hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP)
Meetings archive
General resources
Host country website
Gateway to the UN System’s Work on Climate Change
IISD RS resources
IISD RS coverage of the Fifth Global Business Day, 5 December 2011, Durban, South Africa
IISD RS coverage of Mountain Day, 4 December 2011, Durban, South Africa
IISD RS coverage of Forest Day 5, 4 December 2011, Durban, South Africa
IISD RS coverage of Oceans Day at Durban, 3 December 2011, Durban, South Africa
IISD RS coverage of the Durban Climate Change Conference - November 2011, 28 November - 9 December 2011, Durban, South Africa
IISD RS coverage of Selected Side Events at the Durban Climate Change Conference - November 2011, 28 November - 9 December 2011, Durban, South Africa
IISD RS summary report of the Thirty-fourth Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 18-19 November 2011, Kampala, Uganda (English: HTML - PDF)
IISD RS coverage of the UN Climate Change Conference October 2011, 1-7 October 2011, Panama City, Panama
IISD RS briefing note of the 4th Meeting of the Transitional Committee for the Design of the Green Climate Fund (GCF), 16-18 October 2011, Cape Town, South Africa (HTML - PDF)
IISD RS coverage of the UN Climate Change Conference June 2011, 6-17 June 2011, Bonn, Germany
IISD RS summary report of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Workshop on Technology Needs Assessments, 1-2 June 2011, Bonn, Germany (English: HTML - PDF) (Japanese: PDF)
IISD RS summary and analysis of the Thirty-third Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 10-13 May 2011, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (English: HTML - PDF) (French: HTML - PDF) (Spanish: HTML - PDF) (Japanese: PDF)
IISD RS coverage of the UN Climate Change Conference Bangkok - April 2011, 3-8 April 2011, UN Conference Centre (UNCC), Bangkok, Thailand
IISD RS coverage of the Cancún Climate Change Conference, 29 November - 11 December 2010, Cancún, Mexico
IISD RS coverage of Selected Side Events at the Cancún Climate Change Conference, 29 November - 10 December 2010, Cancún, Mexico
IISD RS coverage of the Cancún Global Business Day, 6 December 2010, Cancún, Mexico
IISD RS summary report of Development and Climate Days at COP 16, 4-5 December 2010, Cancún, Mexico (HTML - PDF)
IISD RS summary report of Agriculture and Rural Development Day 2010, 4 December 2010, Cancún, Mexico (HTML - PDF)
IISD RS summary report of Oceans Day at Cancún, 4 December 2010, Cancún, Mexico (HTML - PDF)
IISD RS coverage of the Tianjin Climate Change Talks - October 2010, 4-9 October 2010, Tianjin, China
IISD RS coverage of the Bonn Climate Change Talks - August 2010, 2-6 August 2010, Bonn, Germany
IISD RS coverage of the Bonn Climate Change Talks - May/June 2010, 31 May - 11 June 2010, Bonn, Germany
IISD RS summary and analysis of the Bonn Climate Change Talks - April 2010, 9-11 April 2010, Bonn, Germany (English: HTML - PDF) (French: HTML - PDF) (Japanese: PDF)
IISD RS summary report of Development and Climate Days at COP 15, 11-14 December 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark (HTML - PDF)
IISD RS coverage of the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, 7-19 December 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark
IISD RS coverage of Selected Side Events at the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, 7-19 December 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark
IISD RS coverage of the Barcelona Climate Change Talks 2009, 2-6 November 2009, Barcelona, Spain
IISD RS coverage of Selected Side Events at the Barcelona Climate Change Talks 2009, 2-6 November 2009, Barcelona, Spain
IISD RS coverage of the Bangkok Climate Change Talks - 2009, 28 September - 9 October 2009, UNCC, Bangkok, Thailand
IISD RS coverage of the Bonn Climate Change Talks - August 2009, 10-14 August 2009, Bonn, Germany
IISD RS coverage of the Bonn Climate Change Talks - June 2009, 1-12 June 2009, Bonn, Germany
IISD RS coverage of Selected Side Events at the Bonn Climate Change Talks - June 2009, 1-12 June 2009, Bonn, Germany
IISD RS coverage of the Bonn Climate Change Talks - March/April 2009, 29 March - 8 April 2009, Bonn, Germany
IISD RS coverage of Development and Climate Days, 6-7 December 2008, Poznań, Poland
IISD RS coverage of the UN Climate Change Conference - Poznań, 1-12 December 2008, Poznań, Poland
IISD RS coverage of Selected Side Events at the Poznań Climate Change Conference, 1-12 December 2008, Poznań, Poland
IISD RS coverage of Development and Climate Days at COP 13, 8-9 December 2007, Bali, Indonesia
IISD RS coverage of Development and Climate Days at COP12, 11-12 November 2006, Nairobi, Kenya
IISD RS coverage of Development and Climate Days at COP-11, 3-4 December 2005, Montreal, Canada
IISD RS coverage of Development and Climate Days at COP10, 11-12 December 2004, Buenos Aires, Argentina
IISD RS archive of meetings on climate change, and backgrounder
Climate-L - A mailing list for news on climate change policy
Climate Change Policy & Practice - A Knowledgebase of UN and Intergovernmental Activities Addressing Global Climate Change Policy
Sustainable Development Policy & Practice - A Knowledgebase of International Activities Preparing for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development
SIDS Policy and Practice - A Knowledgebase on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States
Biodiversity Policy & Practice - A Knowledgebase of UN and Intergovernmental Activities Addressing International Biodiversity Policy
Linkages Update - Bi-weekly international environment and sustainable development news
African Regional Coverage
Latin America and Caribbean Regional Coverage |