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Daily Web Updates/Summary Report
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Biodiversity Policy & Practice
Sixty-first Meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) Standing Committee

15-19 August 2011 | Geneva, Switzerland

Highlights for Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Sixty-first Meeting of the CITES Standing Committee
On Wednesday morning, the Standing Committee continued its consideration of the agenda. Kuwait, on behalf of Asia, requested that parts of Agenda Item 44 on elephants be discussed in a closed session. After a vote on the matter, which resulted in 7 votes for a closed meeting, 6 against and 3 abstentions, discussions on Agenda Items 44.1 and 44.2 on, respectively, control of trade in elephant specimens and elephant management and conservation were held in a closed meeting with intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations asked to leave. IUCN and TRAFFIC only were allowed to stay for the consideration of item 44.2.

In the afternoon, the meeting was reopened as the procedural motion was re-opened and the vote was overturned. All participants reconvened for consideration of the MIKE-ETIS subgroup, the decision-making mechanism for authorizing ivory trade, the review of resolution Conf. 10.10, consideration of proposals for the transfer of African elephant populations from Appendix I to Appendix II, and the first technical exchange meeting between producing, consuming, and transiting nations to reduce the illegal trade in African elephant ivory. The day ended with the consideration of the agenda item on introduction from the sea.
While the Standing Committee was discussing in a closed meeting agenda items on elephants, a number of NGOs decided to gather in an "outside" meeting.
Daily web highlights (click on the following links to see our daily web pages)
Holly Dublin (right), IUCN, talks to a delegate at the start of the meeting.
L-R: Crawford Allen, TRAFFIC, and Linda Krueger, Wildlife Conservation Society
Canada delegation
European Commission delegation
IUCN and TRAFFIC waiting to be "readmitted" to the closed Standing Committee discussion on an agenda item on elephants.
Daily web highlights (click on the following links to see our daily web pages)
Related Links
CITES resources
*Meeting website
*Meeting agenda and documents
*Meeting Working programme

IISD RS resources
*IISD RS Summary and Analysis of the Twenty-fifth Meeting of the Animals Committee (AC 25) of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), 18-22 July 2011, Geneva, Switzerland (HTML - PDF)
*IISD RS Summary and Analysis of the Nineteenth Meeting of the CITES Plants Committee (PC), 18-21 April 2011, Geneva, Switzerland (English: HTML - PDF) (Frech: HTML - PDF)
*IISD RS Summary and Analysis of the Fifteenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (CoP15) of CITES, 13-25 March 2010, Doha, Qatar (English: HTML - PDF) (Frech: HTML - PDF)
*IISD RS Summary and Analysis of the Fifty-eighth meeting of the CITES Standing Committee (SC58), 6-10 July 2009, Geneva, Switzerland (HTML - PDF)
*IISD RS Summary and Analysis of CITES AC 24, 20-24 April 2009, Geneva, Switzerland (HTML - PDF)
*IISD RS Summary and Analysis of CITES PC18, 17-21 March 2009, Buenos Aires, Argentina (HTML - PDF)
*IISD RS archive of CITES meetings
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