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Web Coverage/Summary IISD Reporting Services (IISD RS) has produced web coverage and a summary and analysis from the meeting. To download our report click below in the HTML or PDF icons.
13 June
First Meeting of the Open-ended Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Committee for the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization (ICNP-1)
L-R: Participants from the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB) with Natalia Aguilar, Lucia Fernanda Kaingáng, Maria Yolanda Teran, and Florina Lopez Miro.
On Tuesday morning, the Intergovernmental Committee for the Nagoya Protocol discussed measures to assist in capacity building, capacity development and strengthening of human and institutional capacities in developing countries, focusing on a possible strategic approach to assist in capacity building and development for ABS under the Protocol, and on a process to further address the issue of capacity before the Protocol’s first meeting of the parties.
The Committee then discussed early experiences and lessons learnt on raising awareness on ABS, as well as the proposed elements and timetable for a strategy on awareness raising on the Nagoya Protocol. Delegates debated whether to submit a revised strategy for adoption by the Protocol’s first meeting of parties or to identify further intersessional work on the strategy.
In the afternoon, the Committee started discussions on cooperative procedures and institutional mechanisms to promote compliance with the Protocol and address cases of non-compliance. Delegates exchanged views on the elements and options for compliance procedures and mechanisms under the Nagoya Protocol, making reference to the compliance mechanisms under the Cartagena Protocol and the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Delegates debated whether Protocol Article 30 (procedures and mechanisms to promote compliance with the Protocol) is related to compliance with domestic measures and mutually agreed terms under Protocol Articles 15-16 and 18. The Secretariat announced the circulation of a legal explanatory note as a non-paper on Wednesday morning, when discussion will continue on compliance.
L-R: Valerie Normand, CBD; Co-Chair Fernando Casas, Colombia; and Co-Chair Janet Lowe, New Zealand.
L-R: Gladman Chibememe, IIFB, consulting with Arnold Mapinduzi, Tanzania.
L-R: Christine von Weizsacker, Ecoropa, with Chee Yoke Lin, Third World Network (TWN).
Bird's eye view of the ICPN 1 plenary session.
Arief Yuwono, Indonesia
Yousef Saleh Alhafedh, Saudi Arabia
Gemedo Dalle Tussie, Ethiopia
Augusto Manuel Pinto, Timor-Leste
Ugyen Tshewang, Bhutan
Scott Wilson, Canada
Mark Taylor, Australia
Cosima Hufler, Austria
Antonio Cuesta, Mexico
José Luis Sutera, Argentina
Maria Cecilia Vieira, Brazil
Jones Muleso Kharika, South Africa
Co-Chair Janet Lowe consults with the Secretariat.
L-R: Javad Mozafari, Iran, in discussions with Elpidio Peria, the Philippines.
ICNP 1 RECEPTION: 6 June 2011 at the ICAO Headquarters, Montreal, Canada
Ala Rotaru, Moldova, presented a framed piece of art from Moldova..
Daouda Kante, Guinea, presented a wooden sculpture from Guinea.
Nisakorn Kositratna, Thailand, presented a framed wooden engraving from Thailand.
Restored entrance of the Square Victoria metro with original art nouveau cast iron by reknowned French artist Hector Guimard circa 1900. It is the only Guimard artwork used on a metro station outside of Paris.