Web Coverage/Summary
IISD Reporting Services (IISD RS) has produced web coverage and a summary and analysis from the meeting. To download our report click below in the HTML or PDF icons. |
First Meeting of the Open-ended Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Committee for the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization (ICNP-1)
5-10 June 2011 | Montréal, Canada |
Summary Highlights of the Meeting |
L-R: Ahmed Djoghlaf, CBD Executive Secretary; Co-Chair Janet Lowe, New Zealand; Co-Chair Fernando Casas, Colombia; and Valerie Normand, CBD |
Friday, 10 June 2011
On Friday morning, the Intergovernmental Committee for the Nagoya Protocol (ICNP) adopted four recommendations on: capacity building, awareness raising, the ABS clearinghouse, and cooperative procedures and institutional mechanisms on compliance. The Committee then discussed other matters, and heard closing statements.
Cameroon, for the African Group, stated that following uncertainties about the future of the Protocol after Nagoya, ICNP 1 had charted the way forward towards implementation. Saint Lucia, for Latin America and the Caribbean, called for a strong partnership with the Secretariat in ensuring capacity building and awareness raising. India, for the Asia-Pacific Group, urged delegates to “get over the negotiation mode” and work more positively towards implementation.
The Philippines for the Like-Minded Megadiverse Countries recommended that ICNP 2: design compliance procedures in relation to ongoing practices of “biopiracy” with the full participation of relevant stakeholders, and provide concrete proposals to facilitate a common understanding on the tracking of the use of genetic resources and traditional knowledge in the clearinghouse, noting the importance of the clearinghouse as a tool to facilitate compliance. Ukraine, on behalf of Central and Eastern Europe, stressed the importance of awareness raising among policymakers; and the pilot phase of the ABS clearing house.
The EU commended all parties for moving into full implementation mode to complete the tasks needed in time for COP/MOP 1. Japan, on behalf of the COP Presidency, expressed hope that all preparatory activities be completed by ICNP 2. The International Indigenous Forum for Biodiversity and the Maritime Aboriginal Peoples Council called for the “full and effective participation,” rather than just “involvement,” of indigenous and local communities. Co-Chair Lowe drew the meeting to a close at 12:41 pm.
Please return to this page on Monday, 13 June 2011 to access the summary and the analysis of the meeting.
Summary of the meeting in English (in HTML and in PDF format), in Spanish (in HTML and in PDF format), in French (in HTML and in PDF format)
Visit the full ENB coverage for Friday, 10 June 2011
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