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15th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF)

At the meeting, which was organized on the theme of “Mining in a Changing Climate," delegates discussed ways mining companies are starting to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from mining, as well as how they are learning to adapt to changes in climate and the environment, water scarcity, and increased disaster risk. They considered what mining will look like in the future as digital technology changes the way that work is done, the digital economy changes the way that resources may be taxed, and consumers increasingly seek out ethically sourced products.
Event 7 October 2019 - 10 October 2019

African Climate Risks Conference (ACRC) 2019

The first African Climate Risks Conference (ACRC) offered insights into the status of climate research in Africa and the success stories of bringing this research into use. Participants addressed a variety of topics, including uncertainty and ways to respond to it, and climate and weather services. They further investigated the challenges to have climate information integrated into decision and policy making for a resilient Africa.
Event 7 October 2019 - 9 October 2019

Marine Regions Forum 2019

Participants at the Marine Regions Forum highlighted the role of regions in bridging the gap between global agreements and local action, as well as the importance of the regional level action to support national voices calling for conservation.
Event 30 September 2019 - 2 October 2019

Island Values, Local Knowledge, Global Solutions

During the event, the Local2030 Islands Network was launched to accelerate action on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Led by islands for islands, the Local2030 Islands Network will serve as the platform to recognize and accelerate island-led SDG implementation as part of the UN Local2030 partnership.
Event 27 September 2019

Securing our Future in the Blue Pacific

This event highlighted the launch of the Kiribati Joint Implementation Plan for Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management 2019-2028 and featured voices of youth from Pacific islands who presented on programs aimed at securing their future.
Event 27 September 2019

Planetary Health Dialogue

This event was co-organized by the Non-communicable Diseases (NCD) Alliance, UN Development Programme (UNDP), World Health Organization (WHO), and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD).
Event 25 September 2019