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GEF Consultations with Civil Society

11 June 2021 | Virtual

Global Environment Facility - GEF


Prior to the 60th Meeting of the GEF Council, Secretariat staff and Council members engaged in a consultation with civil society organizations on the theme, “Enhancing Climate Resilience: The Role of Civil Society, and Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities.”

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The Global Environment Facility (GEF) Council participated in a consultation with civil society organizations (CSOs) on the theme, “Enhancing Climate Resilience: The Role of Civil Society, and Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities".

The consultation took place virtually on 11 June 2021. It was organized collaboratively by the GEF Secretariat, the GEF CSO Network, the GEF Indigenous Peoples Advisory Group (IPAG), and the GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP), with support from the GEF Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP). More.

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1st GEF Assembly

Past event

2nd GEF Assembly

Past event

3rd GEF Assembly

Past event

4th GEF Assembly

Past event

40th Meeting of the GEF Council

Past event

41st Meeting of the GEF Council

Past event

42nd Meeting of the GEF Council

Past event

43rd Meeting of the GEF Council

Past event

44th Meeting of the GEF Council

Past event

45th Meeting of the GEF Council

Past event

46th Meeting of the GEF Council and 5th GEF Assembly

Past event

47th Meeting of the GEF Council

Past event

48th Meeting of the GEF Council

Past event

49th Meeting of the GEF Council

Past event

50th Meeting of the GEF Council Meeting

Past event

51st Meeting of the GEF Council Meeting

Past event

52nd Meeting of the GEF Council Meeting

Past event

53rd Meeting of the GEF Council

Past event

54th GEF Council Meeting and 6th GEF Assembly

Past event

55th Meeting of the GEF Council

Past event

56th Meeting of the GEF Council

Past event

57th Meeting of the GEF Council

Past event

58th Meeting of the GEF Council

Past event

59th Meeting of the GEF Council

Past event

GEF Consultations with Civil Society

Past event

60th Meeting of the GEF Council

Past event

GEF CSO Consultations on Youth-led Advocacy and Solutions

Past event

61st Meeting of the GEF Council

Past event

GEF Consultation with Civil Society on Inclusive Microfinance

Past event

62nd Meeting of the GEF Council

Past event

63rd Meeting of the GEF Council

Past event

64th Meeting of the GEF Council

Past event

7th GEF Assembly

Past event

65th Meeting of the GEF Council

Past event

GEF Consultation with Civil Society on the Role of CSOs in Building Sustainable, Resilient, and Inclusive Cities

Past event

66th Meeting of the GEF Council

Past event

GEF Consultation with Civil Society - Conversation on GEF initiatives and approaches to Civil Society

Past event

67th Meeting of the GEF Council

Upcoming event

68th Meeting of the GEF Council
