UNEA-5.2, OECPR-5.2 and UNEP@50
Member States adopted 14 resolutions, including to negotiate an international treaty to address plastic pollution and establish a science-policy panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution, while celebrating the 50th birthday of the United Nations Environment Programme.
Youth Environment Assembly 2022
To prepare for UNEA-5, more than 150 youth joined sessions including turning climate anxiety into action, how to effectively express opinions, and the world's way forward on plastic pollution.
55th Session of the IPCC (IPCC-55) and 12th Session of Working Group II (WGII-12)
As a summary of impacts across both human and natural systems, the latest IPCC report, “Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability,” recounts widespread losses and damages to nature and people.
Online Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF)
UNEP Major Groups concluded four days of intensive consultations ahead of the next UN Environment Assembly, adopting a Joint Global Statement and input toward the UNEP@50 political declaration.
17th Meeting of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee to the Stockholm Convention (POPRC-17)
The Committee successfully adopted decisions on all six chemicals under review and either moved them on to the next stage of the review process or adopted recommendations to the Conference of the Parties to list them under the Stockholm Convention.
Barcelona Convention COP 22
As well as the landmark decision on controlling sulphur oxide emissions—which will have major health and environmental benefits for Mediterranean communities—COP 22 adopted several significant plans.
1st Special Session of the ITPGRFA Governing Body
Delegates adopted the interim budget and called for all parties to contribute to the core budget to ensure all Treaty operations continue until the ninth session of the Governing Body can convene in 2022.
2nd Extraordinary Session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNCCD
Convening under a “silence procedure,” the parties to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification adopted its 2022 budget, ensuring the Convention and the Secretariat will continue to operate until the Conference of the Parties can convene in 2022.
61st Meeting of the GEF Council
The Council approved a Work Program worth more than USD 190 million, directing significant resources to vulnerable countries in Africa and Asia, and across the Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States.