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Twenty-sixth Meeting of the Open-ended Working Group
3-6 July 2006 | Montréal, Canada
OEWG-26 Highlights

Highlights for Tuesday, 4 July 2006

OEWG-26 continued on Tuesday. During plenary sessions in the morning and the afternoon, delegates focused on methyl bromide-related matters. In the afternoon, they also considered Canada's proposal to launch a discussion on the future of the Montreal Protocol. Three contact groups met. A contact group on difficulties faced by some Article 5 parties in transitioning away from the manufacture of CFC-based MDIs met at lunchtime and in the evening. Contact groups on the TEAP's draft terms of reference for case studies on the environmentally sound destruction of ODS, and on stockpiles of ODS in the context of non-compliance, also met in the evening.

MBTOC Co-Chair Michelle Marcotte (Canada) presented on post-harvest CUN applications
Cuba expressed concern over whether the submission of a QPS use of methyl bromide for pre-plant soil applications is the result of a transfer from CUNs
Norway queried the lack of adjustment for stocks in evaluating CUNs
Marco Cesar Lizarraga (left) (Campesinos de California and Cooperativa Campesina de California) expressed concern about the exposure of farm workers to chemicals being pushed through the regulatory process as methyl bromide alternatives
Switzerland sought clarification from the US as to how pre-plant soil treatment can be considered QPS
On QPS matters, China called for taking into account costs of methyl bromide alternatives
The US underscored that QPS exemptions were put in place to protect ecosystems from invasive alien species (IAS)
Launching a discussion on the future of the MP:
Canada introduced a non-paper calling on parties to open a long and broad discussion on the future of the Montreal Protocol
Peru called for examining the work of National Ozone Units in considering the future of the Montreal Protocol
Mauritius noted that other MEAs look to the Montreal Protocol as the most successful MEA
Tunisia said Canada’s proposal to establish an intersessional working group on the issue was premature
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