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4th Extraordinary Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (ExMOP-4) and 1st Part of the 43rd Meeting of the Open-ended Working Group (OEWG43)

21–25 May 2021 | Online

Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer


Parties met online to address issues around funding the Multilateral Fund for Implementation of the Montreal Protocol, agreeing to facilitate payments until replenishment negotiations are complete later this year, and provide guidance to the Replenishment Task Force.

Final report

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The COVID-19 pandemic has left many developing countries economically vulnerable. Many of these countries are beneficiaries of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol and, without its timely replenishment, their continued efforts to restore the ozone layer, mitigate climate change, and protect the environment are at risk.  

Thus, by its decision XXXII/2, the Thirty-second Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer authorized the Secretariat to organize an extraordinary meeting of the parties in 2021 to enable parties to take a decision on the replenishment of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol for the triennium 2021–2023.

The Fourth Extraordinary Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (ExMOP-4) will convene virtually on 21 May 2021. Parties will consider a draft decision to facilitate payment of national contributions to the Multilateral Fund. This decision would allow those parties that wish to do so to make contributions prior to the 33rd Meeting of the Parties (MOP-33), during which a decision on the 2021-2023 replenishment will be taken.

Following ExMOP-4, the 43rd meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (OEWG-43) will convene the first part of its session virtually. On 22 and 24 May, parties will consider guidance to the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel on further work on its replenishment report, originally issued in May 2020. Parties will discuss whether this report needs to be updated or supplemented to support the replenishment negotiations at the October 2021 Meeting of the Parties.

Sessions will take place from 2:00 – 4:00 pm and from 4:30 – 6:30 pm (Nairobi time (UTC+3).

The Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) will provide daily web updates on these sessions and a summary and analysis following the closure of the first part of OEWG-43. The summary report will be available on this site on Wednesday, 26 May 2021.


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View past and future events

Past event

Vienna Convention COP 5 and Montreal Protocol MOP 11

Past event

20th Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol

Past event

Montreal Protocol MOP 12

Past event

Montreal Protocol MOP 13

Past event

22nd Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol

Past event

Vienna Convention COP 6 and Montreal Protocol MOP 14

Past event

Montreal Protocol MOP 15

Past event

1st Extraordinary Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (ExMOP-1)

Past event

Montreal Protocol MOP 16

Past event

25th Meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties and 2nd Extraordinary Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (ExMOP-2)

Past event

Vienna Convention COP 7 and Montreal Protocol MOP 17

Past event

26th Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol

Past event

Montreal Protocol MOP 18

Past event

Montreal Protocol MOP 19

Past event

Viena Convention COP 8 and Montreal Protocol MOP 20

Past event

29th Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol

Past event

Montreal Protocol MOP 21

Past event

Montreal Protocol MOP 22

Past event

31st Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol

Past event

Vienna Convention COP 9 and Montreal Protocol MOP 23

Past event

32nd Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol

Past event

Montreal Protocol MOP 24

Past event

33rd Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol

Past event

Montreal Protocol MOP 25

Past event

34th Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol

Past event

Vienna Convention COP 10 and Montreal Protocol MOP 26

Past event

Workshop on Hydrofluorocarbon Management and 35th Meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol

Past event

36th Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol

Past event

Resumed 36th Meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol

Past event

Montreal Protocol MOP 27

Past event

37th Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol

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3rd Extraordinary Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (ExMOP 3) and Associated Meetings

Past event

Montreal Protocol MOP 28

Past event

39th Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol

Past event

Vienna Convention COP 11 and Montreal Protocol MOP 29

Past event

Workshop on Energy Efficiency Opportunities While Phasing-Down Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and 40th Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer

Past event

30th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer

Past event

41st Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (OEWG 41)

Past event

31st Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (MOP 31)

Past event

42nd Meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (OEWG 42)

Past event

12th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Vienna Convention (Part I) and 32nd Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol

Past event

4th Extraordinary Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (ExMOP-4) and 1st Part of the 43rd Meeting of the Open-ended Working Group (OEWG43)

Past event

2nd Part of the 43rd Meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (OEWG 43)

Past event

Combined 12th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Vienna Convention (Part II) and 33rd Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol

Past event

44th Meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (OEWG-44) and 5th Extraordinary Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (ExMOP-5)

Past event

34th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (MOP34)

Past event

45th Meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol

Past event

35th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (MOP35)

Past event

46th Meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol
