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UN DOALOS Seventh Session of the Open-ended
Informal Consultative Process
on Oceans and the Law of the Sea

UN Headquarters, New York | 12-16 June 2006
United Nations
Daily Web
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Consultative Process Addresses Developing Country Experiences, Regional and Global Cooperation

On Wednesday, delegates to the seventh meeting of the UN Open-ended Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea (UNICPOLOS-7 or Consultative Process) reconvened in a Discussion Panel on ecosystem approaches and oceans to address lessons learned from implementation of ecosystem approaches at the national level in developing States and, in the afternoon, international cooperation to implement ecosystem approaches at the regional and global levels. The Friends of the Co-Chairs group chaired by Renée Sauvé, Canada, met in the evening.

Above, European delegates conferred in the corridor during afternoon proceedings.

Wednesday, 14 June
Discussion Panel: "Lessons Learned from Implementation of Ecosystem Approaches at the National Level in Developing States"

Cristian Canales, Instituto de Fomento Pesquero, Chile, described the ecosystem approach in the research and management of Chilean fisheries.

Noah Idechong, House of Delegates, Palau, described the Micronesian sea tradition and Palau's marine conservation initiatives.

Tonny Wagey, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Indonesia, presented the Bali Plan of Action, adopted at the second APEC ocean-related ministerial meeting.

Porfirio Alvarez Torres, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Mexico, described the process of drafting legislation for sea use planning for the Gulf of California.

Mitrasen Bhikajee, Mauritius, underlined the importance of incorporating traditional knowledge into development of management plans.

Ann Marie Jobity, Trinidad & Tobago, highlighted the challenge of balancing national development and sustainable livelihoods in coastal fishing communities.

Susan Sakmar, Sea Turtle Restoration Project, noted its offices in Costa Rica and Papua New Guinea and its interest in working with developing countries.

Ciro Oyarzún, Chile, called for raising awareness not only of stakeholders, but also of the wider public.

Margarita Astralaga, Ramsar Secretariat, stressed developing countries' needs for education and strengthening of local communities as a means for implementing effective marine management.
Side Event: Ocean Noise and the Marine Ecosystem: Impacts and Solutions

The International Ocean Noise Coalition hosted a lunchtime side event to discuss impacts, management and mitigation of ocean noise within an ecosystem based approach. The short film "Deadly Sounds in the Silent World II" was also presented.
Discussion Panel: "International Cooperation to Implement Ecosystem Approaches at the Regional and Global Levels."

Alan Simcock, OSPAR Commission, stated that an ecosystem approach concerns the management of human activities that may affect the marine environment.

Andrew Constable, Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Australia, outlined implementation of the ecosystem approach by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources.

Tim Adams, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, provided an overview of the intergovernmental agency system in the Pacific Islands region and noted activities to assist countries in implementing the ecosystem approach.

Chua Thia-Eng, Partnership in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA), outlined the operational strategies and tools used in integrated coastal management practices in the East Asian seas.

Heike Imhoff, on behalf of the Helsinki Commission, highlighted efforts for the environmental protection of the Baltic Sea area.

Speaking for the EU, Gunther Handl, Austria, suggested prior assessment of human impacts and application of precautionary decision-making, where science gaps exist.

Jean-Claude Sainlos, International Maritime Organisation, outlined how various IMO conventions can strengthen the protection of specific ecosystems.

Holger Martinsen, Argentina, highlighted that CCAMLR must not be viewed in isolation from a greater institutional framework.

Salif Diop, UNEP, called for better harmonization of ocean-related strategies within the UN system, suggesting UN Oceans as a coordinating body.
Side Event: Implementing the Ecosystem Approach in Open Ocean and Deep Sea Environments

United Nations University's Institute for Advanced Studies held an evening side event to launch the UNU-IAS report "Implementing the Ecosystem Approach in Open Ocean and Deep Sea Environments: An Analysis of Stakeholders, their Interests and Existing Approaches."
Friends of the Co-Chairs

The Friends of the Co-Chairs group chaired by Renée Sauvé, Canada, reconvened at 6:30 pm and worked into the evening, considering the text of draft elements for recommendations to the General Assembly.

Related Coverage

UNICPOLOS-6, UNICPOLOS-5, and UNICPOLOS-4 coverage from the Earth Negotiations Bulletin.
UNFSA Review Conference coverage from the Earth Negotiations Bulletin.
3rd Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts and Islands Bulletin.
Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts and Islands coverage by Sustainable Developments.

Related Links

UN Division for Oceans Affairs and the Law of the Sea (UNDOALOS).
Johannesburg Plan of Implementation.
Report of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) - Chapter 17.
