Tuesday, 13 June
Discussion Panel on Ecosystem Approaches and Oceans: Moving to
Implementation: Implications for Enabling
Jake Rice, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada, discussed science
advisors' role in implementing the ecosystem approach.
Serge Garcia, FAO Fisheries Resources Division, presented the FAO
implementation framework and agenda for the ecosystem approach to
Michael O'Toole, Benguela Current LME Programme, highlighted the
development and implementation of an ecosystem approach for fisheries
management in the LME.
John Richardson, European Commission (EC), discussed the EU's Green
Paper on a future maritime policy and its significance for
ecosystem-based management.
Harlan Cohen, IUCN, underlined its support of an interim prohibition of
high seas bottom trawling.
Serge Beslier, EC, opposed the view that RFMOs have failed to fulfill
their conservation mission.
The GEF outlined the LME programme process, which includes cooperative
transboundary scientific research and analysis, and addressing
transboundary concerns.
Praulai Nootmorn, Thailand stressed the need for cooperation in response
to threats to critical ocean zones, and emphasized the regional differences
of ecosystem-based approaches.
Veerle Vandeweerd, UNEP, stressed that moving from a sectoral approach
to an integrated approach requires time and capacity building.
Side Event: Meeting the Commitments on Oceans, Coasts and Small Island
Developing States Made at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable
Development: How Well Are We Doing?
A side event sponsored by the International Coastal and Ocean
Organization, UNESCO/IOC, UNEP/GPA, the Gerard J. Mangone Center
for Marine Policy, University of Delaware and the GEF presented
the Global Forum's report on implementation of WSSD/MDG goals on
oceans, coasts and SIDS. Key recent and future oceans and
coasts events were also discussed, including the upcoming second
Intergovernmental Review of the GPA.
Discussion Panel on Ecosystem Approaches and Oceans: Lessons
Learned from Implementation of Ecosystem Approaches at the National
Level in Developed States
Campbell Davies, Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Research Organisation, outlined the Australian context for
implementation of ecosystem-based management, noting key elements such
as adaptive management, the application of the precautionary approach,
and stakeholder participation.
Camille Mageau, Marine Ecosystems Conservation, Department of Fisheries
and Oceans, Canada, outlined the Canadian legislative framework for
ecosystem-based management, noting the use of both top-down property-based
and bottom-up activity-based approaches.
Erik Olsen, Institute of Marine Research, Norway, discussed the Norwegian
ecosystem-based management plan for the Barents Sea and areas off the
Lofoten Islands. He explained that the process involved assessing the
status of available science, carrying out sectoral studies, and
examining overall pressures.
Johann Sigurjonsson, Marine Research Institute, Iceland, reported on
domestic implementation and practical considerations relating to
ecosystem-based fisheries management.
Cara Horowitz, NRDC, said harmful undersea noise is often left out of
current ecosystem analysis and management.
Yolanda Alaniz Pasini, International Ocean Noise Coalition, encouraged
regional ecosystem-based management to prevent noise pollution impacts,
particularly upon commercially-valuable species and MPAs.
Bill Wareham, David Suzuki Foundation, urged States to: implement marine
reserves and moratoria to protect vulnerable ecosystems; adequately fund
ecosystem-based management implementation activities; and define
thresholds and measurable targets for ecosystem values.
Tullio Scovazzi, Italy, said the ecosystem approach may be considered to be
an evolution of integrated management, outlining a number of initiatives
in the Mediterranean that contribute to an ecosystem-based approach.
On high seas governance, Iris Menn, Greenpeace, urged delegates to
evaluate the implementation examples outlined by the panel, and select
elements, such as protection of spawning and nursery grounds, that can
be applied to achieve ecosystem-based management of the high seas.
DSCC Reception With Fabian Cousteau
Karen Sack, Greenpeace, noted that bottom trawling destroys seabed
ecosystems at a rate five times that of rainforest destruction.
Lisa Speer, NRDC, introduced Fabian Cousteau, who is carrying on his
family's tradition of ocean exploration.
Fabian Cousteau noted that much of the ocean remains unexplored and
undiscovered, particularly the deep seabed that is threatened by bottom