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United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) Organizational Meeting and Informal Consultations on the Multi-Year Programme of Work (MYPOW) of the UNFF

New York, 12-16 February 2001

United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) Organizational Meeting and Informal Consultations on the Multi-Year Programme of Work (MYPOW) of the UNFF  


Tuesday, 13 February: Organizational Meeting and Informal Consultations


On the first day of the informal consultations on the UNFF's multi-year programme of work (MYPOW), delegates agreed to the organization of work, heard presentations on the meeting documents, exchanged general remarks and began detailed discussion of programme elements relating to the facilitation and promotion of implementation



Monday, 12 Feb | Tuesday, 13 Feb  | Wednesday, 14 Feb | Thursday, 15 Feb | Friday, 16 Feb



Discussion of the Organization of Work

Japan spoke on the organization of work.  While delegates disagreed on the precise order of discussion for the program elements, there was consensus that elements relating to the facilitation and promotion of implementation were a high priority.


Iran apologized for reading from a prepared statement, and proceeded to present the position of the G-77 on organization of work.

General Remarks

UNFF Coordinator Jag Maini presented the informational documents on the MYPOW and the PoA, elaborating on the role of each.

Sweden, on behalf of the EU, read remarks regarding the focus of the MYPOW.

China, among other countries, stressed the importance of moving quickly on the implementation of projects approved by the IFF. 

Facilitation and Promotion of Implementation 

Nigeria expressed some concerns of the G-77 and China on the difficulty, and necessity, of prioritizing proposals for implementation.

 Australia addressed the possibility of identifying groups of proposals for implementation.

On the Side

Secretariat staff members facilitated the work at hand by coordinating document collection and distribution.


Vol 13,
No. 69


Archive of  Daily






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