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Daily report for 18 April 1997


CSD-5 delegates began negotiations on the compilation text during a morning meeting.Informal consultations and G-77/CHINA discussions took place during the afternoon.The dialogue sessions with major groups concluded following a discussion with businessand industry and a synthesis session.


A revised draft text on forests, a draft decision on streamlining of national reporting and asupplement to the compilation text were circulated in the morning. The G-77/CHINA expressed concern that their amendments had not been accurately reflected in thecompilation text.

IMPLEMENTATION IN AREAS REQUIRING URGENT ACTION: Inparagraph 16 (approach to sustainable development), the G-77/CHINAsupported referring specifically to the principle of common but differentiatedresponsibilities, but the US and NORWAY objected. Delegates agreed to note that, whileit is the primary responsibility of national governments, international cooperation isessential, recognizing inter alia the principle of common but differentiatedresponsibilities as stated in Principle 7. Bracketed text remains regarding an effort“particularly on” (G-77/CHINA) or “including” (EU) cross-sectoral matters.

Integration of Economic, Social and Environmental Objectives: In 17,delegations accepted Co-Chair Amorim’s suggestion to move references to the need forintegration of energy and transport, agriculture and water, and marine resource issues tothe Sectors and Issues section. A G-77/CHINA amendment on the mutually reinforcingrelationship between economic, social and environmental objectives was agreed. Oneconomic growth, delegates agreed to consider and bracket language from the UNAgenda for Development currently under negotiation, stating that sustained economicgrowth is essential to the economic and social development of all countries, especiallydeveloping countries. The US and CANADA objected to a G-77/CHINA reference toeconomic growth as a “precondition” for sustainable development. The G-77/CHINAopposed proposals for qualified references, such as “sound” economic growth.

On 17bis (a G-77/CHINA proposal on an enabling international economicenvironment), the EU proposed deleting text stating that globalization has tilted thebalance of responsibility for development toward the international level. The USproposed deleting text on an unsupportive international environment thwartingdeveloping country efforts and on the “increasingly widening” gap between developedand developing countries.

Regarding social objectives, G-77/CHINA-proposed text on social and environmentalconsiderations of development was accepted. The G-77/CHINA objected to proposals bySWITZERLAND (on the interaction between economic growth, employment creationand environmental standards, protection of basic worker rights and respect for ILOconventions) and the EU (on democracy and respect for human rights and fundamentalfreedoms). A contact group held informal consultations on these proposals in theafternoon. The group agreed that the text begin with G-77/CHINA language, which statesthat growth can foster development if benefits are fully shared and it is guided by equity,justice, social and environmental considerations, and that development must involvemeasures to improve the human condition and the quality of life. The group also agreedto include the EU’s text on democracy and human rights, but without a specific referencefundamental labor standards. Although some delegations opposed the inclusion ofreferences to ILO conventions, it was decided to temporarily move the Swiss proposal tothe series of subparagraphs yet to be negotiated on strategies to integrate social, economicand environmental objectives.

Delegates also added 17quart (integration of environment into all sectors),comprised of: G-77/CHINA language noting that sustainable development strategies areimportant mechanisms to enhance and link national capacity; US text noting thatachievement cannot be made without greater integration at all policy-making levels; andthe Co-Chairs’ draft text noting that economic sectors must assume responsibility for theimpacts of their activities. The G-77/CHINA added a reference to integration at the“operational level” in the US text.

At the close of the meeting, the EU stressed the limited time remaining for negotiationsand requested that the Co-Chairs prepare a consolidated draft to replace the compilationtext as the basis for negotiations on Monday. The Chair said it would be “a big risk” toredraft the text prior to a full airing of views on the proposed amendments.


BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY: The dialogue included panelists from a range ofindustries and discussed: business concepts; company management practices; small- andmedium-sized enterprises; new business opportunities; transparency and commitments;awareness-raising in business; and partnerships and cooperation. In discussing futureaction, participants considered the role of business, government frameworks for changeand business strategies. Panelists described: recycling and waste minimization; thechemical industry’s “Responsible Care” initiative; independent verification ofenvironmental management schemes; environmentally-oriented investment funds; and theICC Business Charter for Sustainable Development.

In the dialogue session participants noted: using targets in addressing eco-efficiency;involving small businesses in environmental practices; taxing environmentally negativepractices; developing consistent environmental standards for developed and developingcountries; and extending manufacturing responsibility. One participant asked ifbusinesses have the right to “undermine” the FCCC negotiations and characterized someindustry activities as “green-washing.” Panelists also discussed: capitalizing on the abilityof business to adapt rapidly; “command and control” versus “performance-based”regulations; environmentally-damaging subsidies; cost internalization of environmentaldamage; tax reform; and technology transfer.

SYNTHESIS SESSION: The recommendations of business and industry, alongwith the other major groups, were outlined in a synthesis session. The scientific andtechnological communities called for: supporting basic science education and research forenvironment and development issues; assisting developing countries in national scientificcapacity-building; coordinating within the scientific community; and raising publicawareness of scientific and technological issues. The youth representative noted thepriorities of funding and education, both formal training and peer education. Thepriorities for women included: developing mechanisms that promote representation ofwomen in government; improving access to credit; supporting women to run for and beelected for government offices; and giving attention to the role of advertising infurthering gender stereotypes and unsustainable production and consumption. Theindigenous peoples’ group requested that the CSD: promote the immediate adoption ofthe Draft Declaration of the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples in its current form; examineimpacts of globalization, the WTO and regional IPR agreements on indigenouscommunities; review the activities and effects of transnational corporations; promotedialogue between indigenous and non-indigenous groups and governments. The tradeunions focused on increased recognition of the linkages between sustainable developmentand the workplace, as well as greater worker and trade union participation in decision-making bodies. They recommended putting the workplace at the top of the sustainabledevelopment agenda, especially for changes to production and consumption.

NGOs requested that the CSD: encourage dialogue at the local and national levels;incorporate trade, environment and development into its future work; and establish apanel on trade and sustainable development. Farmers recommended: a morecomprehensive approach to food security by the international community involvingrepresentatives from all sectors of society; increased interaction between the UN andWTO; and facilitation by the CSD of the International Undertaking on Plant GeneticResources as a protocol to the CBD. Local authorities aimed to strengthen partnershipsbetween local, sub-national and national levels, examining obstacles and promotingdecentralization. They called for active encouragement in each country for Local Agenda21s.


Delegates finished reading their amendments to the text on international institutionalarrangements. A new proposal on the role of major groups, including a call for anAdvisory Board on the Promotion and Implementation of Sustainable Developmentcomposed of major group representatives, generated some debate. Additionalamendments to the text on CSD methods of work included: “making concerted efforts to”attract ministers from economic “and social” sectors; Bureau consultations to improve theorganization of high-level segments; continued work concerning national reports; reviewof national efforts to incorporate UN conference recommendations; continued interactionwith representatives of major groups, including the business community; focusing thework of the ad hoc intersessional working groups; limiting CSD sessions to twoweeks; review of the need for the High-level Advisory Board on SustainableDevelopment or more direct interaction with it; encouragement of government-hosted and-funded expert meetings; and consideration of incorporating the functions of theCommittee on New and Renewable Sources of Energy and on Energy for Developmentand the Committee on Natural Resources as a part of the CSD’s work. A redraft of thesection is expected and the group will meet again Monday afternoon.


A first draft of the political declaration is unlikely to be circulated before Tuesday. TheBureau reportedly considered an early version Friday and is taking preliminarysoundings. Observers note that the tenor of the declaration must reflect the strength andquality of commitment reflected in the negotiations and that the jury is still out on such ajudgement. Chair Tolba suggested earlier that the draft not exceed three pages andcontain no specific targets. Delegations are still exchanging views on the inclusion oftargets.


After months of speculation about the modalities for their participation in UNGASS,NGOs learned Friday that the General Assembly had acted on Resolution 51/181 ofDecember 1996, inviting President Razali to formulate proposals. The GA decided thatrepresentatives of major groups identified in Agenda 21 will be invited to participate inthe UNGASS Plenary, and those who cannot be accommodated may be invited to addressthe Ad Hoc Committee of the Whole. The resolution also stipulates that thedecision on major group participation will in no way set a precedent for other specialsessions of the General Assembly.

At an NGO briefing Thursday, Ambassador Richardson (US) reportedly signaled USsupport for the new GA resolution, and even suggested that, without civil societyparticipation and broad public support, the UN could ultimately share the fate of theLeague of Nations. He also announced the appointment of a full-time NGO liaison officerat the US mission. Observers note that such a position has not existed since the Kennedyadministration. Richardson also is reportedly establishing a liaison committee of NGOrepresentatives.


PLENARY: Delegates are expected to continue negotiating the draft outcome ofUNGASS, beginning with section C.1 (Integration of Economic, Social andEnvironmental Objectives) during morning, afternoon and a possible evening meeting.

INFORMAL CONSULTATIONS: Informal consultations are expected oninstitutional arrangements during the afternoon. Additional consultations, includingforests and the CSD programme of work, may also take place. See CSD Today fortimes and rooms.

Further information

