Highlights and images for 2 August 2019



The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) headquarters in Geneva

Welcoming participants to IPCC-50 on Friday morning, IPCC Chair Hoesung Lee noted that the Special Report on Climate Change and Land (SRCCL) is the first report produced by all three IPCC Working Groups (WGs) and the Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventories (TFI), with an integrated policy-relevant approach addressing all three UN Rio conventions.

Elena Manaenkova, WMO Deputy Secretary-General, emphasized the importance of the SRCCL for WMO’s core work given its recent strategic decision to move fully towards an integrated “Earth system” approach.

Via video message, UN Environment Programme Executive Director Inger Andersen noted that the SRCCL report is timely and underscored the need to translate science to action toward restoring “our degraded planet.”

Florian Vladu, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat, said the SRCCL will guide policymakers and practitioners on enabling the best adaptation and mitigation response measures, and said continuing collaboration between the Subsidiary Body on Scientific Technical Advice (SBSTA) and the IPCC at the science-policy interface is effective in enhancing the flow of science into the UNFCCC.

Marc Chardonnens, Director, Swiss Federal Office for the Environment, cautioned against attempting to negotiate science or seeking to discredit IPCC reports and engaging in “selective amnesia,” saying that “we cannot play with the facts.”

The Panel adopted the agenda, with additions on cooperation with the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and on progress on the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) Synthesis Report (SYR) to the agenda item on Any Other Business. Adoption of the report of IPCC-49 was postponed pending informal consultations.

The IPCC also took note of the report of the Task Group on the Organization of the Future Work of the IPCC in Light of the Global Stocktake under the UNFCCC.
IPCC-50 was then suspended until Tuesday, 6 August.

The second Joint Session of WGs I, II and III, in cooperation with the TFI, then convened to begin consideration of the Summary for Policymakers (SPM) of the SRCCL. Following an overview of the SPM’s approval process, participants discussed the Introduction, which addresses the origins and structure of the SRCCL and includes a number of footnotes that explain the use of terms in the SRCCL. Participants then began discussions on Section A on ‘People, land and climate in a changing world.’

A reception hosted by the Government of Switzerland was held in the evening for participants.

Photos by IISD/ENB | Mike Muzurakis

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WG I Vice-Chair, Edvin Aldrian, with the Indonesian delegation
IPCC Chair Hoesung Lee
Elena Manaenkova, Deputy Secretary-General, WMO
Jian Liu, UNEP Chief Scientist
Florin Vladu, UNFCCC Secretariat
Members of the Chinese delegation before the opening of the session
Marc Chardonnens, Director, Swiss Federal Office for the Environment
Sophie Schlingemann, Legal and Liaison Officer, IPCC Secretariat
A video message by Inger Andersen, Executive Director, UN Environment Programme, was played during the opening session.
José Romero, Switzerland
Andrew Ferrone, Luxembourg
Éric Brun, Co-Chair of the Task Group on the Organization of the Future Work of the IPCC in Light of the Global Stocktake under the UNFCCC, France
Andrew Ferrone, Luxembourg, with Frank McGovern, Ireland
Miles Perry, European Union, with María Amparo Martínez Arroyo, Mexico
From L-R: WG II Co-Chair Hans-Otto Pörtner, Germany; WG I Co-Chair Panmao Zhai, China; and WG II Vice-Chair Taha Zatari, Saudi Arabia
IPCC Chair Hoesung Lee, with IPCC Secretary Abdalah Mokssit
IPCC Chair Hoesung Lee, with WG II Vice-Chair Taha Zatari, Saudi Arabia
WG III Vice-Chair Nagmeldin Mahmoud, Sudan, and WG III Vice-Chair Mark Howden, Australia
Farhan Akhtar, US
WG I Co-Chair Valérie Masson-Delmotte, France
WG III Co-Chair Jim Skea, UK, and Katie Kissick, IPCC WG III Technical Support Unit (TSU)
Artur Runge-Metzger, European Union, conversing with IPCC Bureau and TSU members
Philip Blackwell and Frank McGovern, Ireland
Model of a Meteor-2 weather observation satellite in the WMO headquarters



Negotiating blocs
European Union