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Web Updates/Summary
IISD Reporting Services (IISD RS) has produced web updates and a summary from the Dialogue. To download our report, click the HTML or PDF icons below.
Daily Web Coverage   Summary
10 September   HTML version PDF format
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Climate Change Policy & Practice
Tenth Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change

7-8 September 2011 | The Hague, Netherlands

Highlights for Wednesday, 7 September 2011
The Tenth Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change opened on the morning of 7 September 2011 in The Hague, Netherlands. Andy White, RRI Coordinator, opened the meeting, describing environmental and development challenges as emerging state security issues, and highlighting that while land rights are part of the global rhetoric, they have not been a global priority in practice.

Morning panels addressed the challenge of breaking down barriers between discussions on agriculture, forests, land rights and resource governance; as well as the current status of rights, livelihoods and governance in the world’s rural and forest areas. Panelists suggested that individual and collective government responses to the land grabbing and food security crises have been inadequate over recent years. Participants considered approaches to encourage the engagement of government, civil society and private investors in national and international tenure initiatives, as well as lessons learned from successful cases.

Afternoon panels focused on climate change and agriculture, and food security. Panelists discussed the drivers of land grabs, describing approaches for increasing transparency related to land deals and the roles of private companies. Participants also heard the role of Oxfam’s Grow Initiative to combat food security. On climate change and agriculture, participants noted that the UNFCCC negotiations on REDD+ are much more developed than those on agriculture and they discussed approaches to address agricultural emissions, for example through Reduced Emissions from All Land Uses (REALU). Participants called for a broader consideration of the range of incentives facing rural stakeholders.
RRI Dialogue on Forest, Governance and Climate Change opens with participants describing cautious optimism on addressing global climate and food security challenges by 2050.
Daily highlights (click on the following links to see our daily web pages)
Session 1 - Setting the scene: Global Challenges and Responses in Forests and Agriculture
L-R: Bastiaan Louman, Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE); Ralph Ashton, Terrestrial Carbon Group; Rupa Mukerji, Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation; Paul Wolvekamp, BothEnds; Chair Kitty van der Heijden, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands; and Alex Evans, New York University
Alex Evans, New York University, stresses a need for: solutions to be available off the shelf; strong international coalitions; and well-defined narratives to support action.
Andy White, RRI, stresses the need to break silos between industrial agriculture and forestry issues.
Duncan Pruett, Oxfam Novib, describes Oxfam’s Grow Initiative to address global food crises.
Chair Kitty van der Heijden, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands, warns that globally, one billion people are chronically under-nourished and two billion lack essential nutrients.

Session 2 - Current Status of Rights, Livelihoods and Governance
L-R: Frits van der Wal, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Karin Verstralen, Netherlands Development Finance Company (FMO); Frank Matose, University of Cape Town; Yefred Myenzi, HAKIARDHI, Tanzania; Chair José Carlos Fernández, National Forest Commission, Mexico; and Jeffrey Hatcher, RRI
José Carlos Fernández, National Forest Commission, Mexico, chaired the session.
Jeffrey Hatcher, RRI, introduces the current status of rights, livelihoods and governance in the world's rural and forest areas.

Session 3 - Focus on Climate
L-R: Scott Poynton, Tropical Forest Trust; Alain Karsenty, Centre de coopération international en recherche agronomique pour le développement; Sara Scherr, EcoAgriculture Partners; Vicky Tauli-Corpuz, TEBTEBBA; and Wolfgang Sterk, FoodFirst Information and Action Network
Vicky Tauli-Corpuz, TEBTEBBA, chaired the session noting that the UNFCCC negotiations on REDD+ are more developed than those on agriculture.
Sara Scherr, EcoAgriculture Partners, described the need to move from “silos to synergies,” and work toward Reduced Emissions from All Land Uses (REALU).

Session 4 - Focus on Food Security
L-R: Samuel Bokwe, Member of Parliament, Cameroon; Bernard Giraud, Danone; Jenny Bromley, Global Witness; Gaston Grenier, Congo Basin Forest Partnership; and Tom van der Lee, Oxfam Novib
Gaston Grenier, Congo Basin Forest Partnership, chaired the session and stressed the need to consider a “basket of rights" related to land tenure.
Tom van der Lee, Oxfam Novib, outlined Oxfam’s Grow Initiative.

Around the venue
Daily highlights (click on the following links to see our daily web pages)
Related Links
RRI resources
*Dialogue web site
*Dialogue agenda
*RRI Dialogues on Forests, Governance and Climate Change
*Making REAL(U) Right: Harmonizing Agriculture, Forests and Rights in the Design of REDD+
*What Rights? Measuring the Depth of Indigenous Peoples and Community Forest Tenure
*An economic case for tenure reform in Indonesia’s forests
*The Tropical Forest Tenure Assessment

General resources
*World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth
*UN Forum on Forests (UNFF) website
*UN Framework Convention on Climate Change REDD Platform

IISD RS resources
*IISD RS coverage of the Ninth RRI Dialogue on Forest Governance and Climate Change, 8 February 2011, London, England
*IISD RS coverage of It’s Down 2 Earth - Global Conference on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change, 31 October - 5 November 2010, The Hague, Netherlands
*IISD RS coverage of the Cancún Climate Change Conference, 29 November - 11 December 2010, Cancún, Mexico
*IISD RS coverage of Selected Side Events at the Cancún Climate Change Conference, 29 November - 10 December 2010, Cancún, Mexico
*IISD RS coverage of the Fifth RRI Dialogue on Forest Governance and Climate Change, 22 June 2010, Washington, D.C., United States of America
*IISD RS coverage of the Fourth RRI Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change, 6 April 2010, London, England
*IISD RS coverage of the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, 7-19 December 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark
*IISD RS coverage of Selected Side Events at the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, 7-19 December 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark
*IISD RS coverage of the Forty-fifth Session of the International Tropical Timber Council & Associated Sessions of the Committees, 9-14 November 2009, Yokohama, Japan
*IISD RS coverage of the Eighth session of the UNFF, 20 April - 1 May 2009, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America
*IISD RS coverage of the Nineteenth Session of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) Committee on Forestry, 16-20 March 2009, FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy
*IISD RS archive of forestry meetings and backgrounder
*IISD RS archive of meetings on climate change, and backgrounder
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*Forests-L - A news and announcement list on forest policy issues
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