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European Regional Consultation of the Consultative Process Towards an International Mechanism of Scientific Expertise on Biodiversity (IMoSEB) 26-28 April 2007 | Geneva, Switzerland |
Daily highlights
Working group one, chaired by Andrew Stott, UK Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, considered needs for an IMoSEB, with discussions centering on issues identified in the “Needs and Options Document,” prepared by the IMoSEB Consultative Process Executive Secretariat, and at prior consultations. The group also explored who would be served by such needs.
Working group two, chaired by Peter Bridgewater, Ramsar Convention, addressed options for an IMoSEB. Participants discussed the four options for an IMoSEB proposed in the “Needs and Options Document,” then drew on the most practical components from each option to develop a possible structure for an IMoSEB.
Working group three, chaired by Sylvia Martínez, Swiss Biodiversity, discussed communication goals, such as making use of best available science and enhancing decision making. Participants also elaborated on sub-themes, including: communication objectives; message content; guidance on outputs; target audiences; concrete initiatives; types of communications; and appropriate language for effective communication.
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