Leonard Hirsch, Smithsonian Institute, moderated this group,
opening the discussion by noting the clear consensus that biodiversity is not being effectively protected, and asking what knowledge and governance structures are needed to make people betters stewards of biodiversity, as well as what IMoSEB’s role might be.
Philippe Le Prestre, Université Laval, Canada, moderated this session, highlighting questions relating
to mobilizing opinion and improving the science. Several participants reflected on the importance of raising biodiversity’s profile with the media, which would have a major impact at the political and scientific levels. |
Hesiquio Benitez Diaz, Comision Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la
Biodiversidad (CONABIO), Mexico, moderated this group, asking participants to focus on the issue of needs assessment. The group did not have a final recommendation on the direction for IMoSEB to take, noting that the problems IMoSEB is expected to address are not yet well defined. |