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United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Ninth Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
Milan, Italy, 1- 12 Dec., 2003 

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Wednesday, 3 December

This morning during the COP-9, Delegates continued to convene in meetings of the SBSTA and the SBI and in contact and informal groups.

Today's contact groups included: national communications from non-Annex I Parties; definitions and modalities for including afforestation/reforestation activities under Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol (LULUCF); capacity-building; development and transfer of technologies; among others.

  • Click here for to read a full text report on today's events

(Coverage of UNFCCC COP-9 side events)

Adam Bumpus being interviewed in front of the Responding to Climate Change (RTCC) display in the COP-9 foyer. The "Mona Lisa" in the background is a live mime.

Delegate from Australia intervening during this morning's SBSTA meeting


During the 4th meeting of the SBSTA, delegates discussed: cleaner or less-greenhouse-gas-emitting energy; implementation of Protocol Article 2.3; activities implemented jointly; and the Brazilian proposal.

Watch the Secretariat's webcast of the 4th SBSTA meeting of COP-9

The SBSTA held their 4th meeting of COP-9 this morning

Delegates of the Russian Federation supported Canada's proposal that SBSTA request views from Parties on cleaner or less-greenhouse-gas-emitting energy issues

SBI Delegate William Kojo Agyemang-Bonsu (Ghana)


During the 4th meeting of the SBI, delegates discussed: administrative and financial matters; the programme budget for the biennium 2004-5; organizational matters; national communications from parties not included in Annex I; and, implementation of articles 4.8 & 4.9.

Watch the Secretariat's webcast of the 4th SBI meeting of COP-9

Joke Waller-Hunter, UNFCCC Executive Secretary




SBI Coordinator Luis Gomez-Echeverri

SBI Chair Daniela Stoycheva (Bulgaria)


Contact group on National Communications from Non-Annex I Parties

This contact group discussed the proposed work programme of the Consultative Group of Experts (CGE) on non-Annex I national communications.




Participants of the contact group on national communications, with Lisa Schipper of the ENB (far right)

Contact group panel members Philip Weech (Secretariat); Brian Challenger, CGE Chair; Sok Appadu, contact group Chair; Martha Perdomo (Secretariat); and Graham Sem (Secretariat)

Brian Challenger, CGE Chair presented the CGE's work programme for 2003-7

Panel and participants of the LULUCF Definitions contact group

Contact Group on Land use, Land-use Change and Forestry (LULUCF):
Definitions and Modalities for Including Afforestaion and Reforestation Activities Under Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol

This group discussed LULUCF under the Clean Development Mechanism (Article 12). Karsten Sach warned the delegates to get a good night's sleep tonight because they must finish their work by Monday, making it clear that there is a lot yet to be done.

Karsten Sach (Germany), LULUCF Definitions contact group Co-Chair




Thelma Krug (Brazil), LULUCF Definitions contact group Co-Chair

Riccardo Valentini (Italy) and Jim Penman (UK) are among the participants of this contact group

Dechen Tsering (Bhutan), capacity-building contact group Chair




Contact Group on Capacity-building

This group discussed the implementation of the framework for capacity-building in developing countries.

Barbara de Rosa-Joynt (US), intervening during the capacity-building contact group meeting

Left to right: Development and transfer of technologies contact group Co-Chairs Terry Carrington (UK) and Kishan Kumarsingh (Trinidad and Tobago)

Contact Group on the Development and Transfer of Technologies

This group discussed the Expert Group on Technology Tranfer's (EGTT) draft programme of work.

Vanessa Atkinson of Greenpeace New Zealand presented today's Fossil of the Day award

Fossil of the Day Award

Everyday at 6pm during the Climate Negotiations, the Fossil of the Day award is presented to countries that they deem "most active in blocking, stalling, or undermining the most recent UN climate change negotiations". Today's first place winners were: Canada, Japan, Argentina, France and Ireland - for not supporting the clear exclusion of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

For more information, see

Delegates meeting informally in the Plenary room to discuss COP-9 issues

Links to further information:  

*The UNFCCC COP-9 official site

*The UNFCCC Secretariat web site

*ENB coverage of SB-18 (Bonn)

*ENB summary of UNFCCC COP-8 (New Delhi)

*Linkage's Coverage (audio and photos) of UNFCCC COP-8


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