<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"> ENB @ WG8j-4; Granada, Spain; 23-27 January 2006
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Fourth Meeting of the Ad hoc Open-ended Intersessional Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions of the Convention on Biological Diversity

23 - 27 January 2006 | Granada, Spain


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Highlights for Wednesday, 25 January 2006

On Wednesday, delegates convened in two Sub-Working Groups (SWGs). SWG-I considered draft recommendations on the composite report on status and trends of traditional knowledge (TK), and on sui generis systems, and decided to postpone discussions on the regime on access to genetic resources and benefit sharing (ABS) pending regional consultations. SWG-II addressed participatory mechanisms and recommendations by the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII); and approved a draft recommendation on indicators. Delegates continued consultations on the Ethical Code of Conduct in a Contact Group.

Above photo: Delegates in informal consultation regarding language on WIPO, WTO  and CBD relationship.


CANADA reiterated that the mandate of the advisory group only covers the composite report, which was confirmed by the Secretariat.

Above photo L-R: Sophie Bernier, Timothy Hodges and Nathalie Dault (Canada)

IIFB, supported by others, requested inclusion of pollution among threats to TK.

Above photo: Neza Henry, Cassandra Smithies, John Koringo and Haman Hajara (IIFB)

On documenting TK, IIFB , BRAZIL and SAINT LUCIA proposed reference to the protection of the rights of TK holders.

Above photo L-R: Albert Deterville and Michael Andrew (Saint Lucia)


In the morning, the SWG-I Co-Chairs presented a draft recommendation compiling participants’ proposals.

Above photo L-R: SWG-I Co-Chairs Johan Bodegård and Fred Fortier

ARGENTINA stressed the draft incorporated the IIFB proposals, but omitted many others.

Above photo: Claudio Gutierrez (Argentina)

Venezuela , on behalf of GRULAC, requested time for regional consultations.

Above photo: César Molina (Venezuela)


Highlighting the role of customary laws, IIFB proposed that governments recognize and adopt national and local sui generis systems.

Above photo L-R: Jannie Lasimbang (IIFB)

On national and local systems and regional frameworks, BURKINA FASO requested that references to TK include innovations and practices.

Above photo: Soumayila Bance (Burkina Faso)

ECUADOR requested WTO and WIPO to take account of CBD work.

Above photo: Antonio Matamoros (Ecuador) in conversation with Matthew Jebb (Ireland)

On transboundary distribution of biological resources, IIFB preferred "considering the establishment of" regional frameworks rather than "establishing" them and requested full and effective participation of indigenous communities in this regard.

Above photo: JoJi Cariño (IIFB)

SWITZERLAND preferred language on the mutual supportiveness of the work of CBD and WIPO.

Above photo: Marie Kraus-Wollheim (Switzerland)

In the afternoon, pursuant to informal consultations held during lunch, COLOMBIA suggested new text: referring to mutual supportiveness, avoidance of duplication of efforts, and communication of information on the elements of sui generis systems to other relevant organizations; and acknowledging the work of WIPO on IPR aspects of sui generis systems for TK protection and ongoing discussions in the WTO on the TRIPS-CBD relationship.

Above photo: Fernando Casas (Colombia)


The RUSSIAN ASSOCIATION OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF THE NORTH, supported by IIFB, called on delegates to create a CBD voluntary fund, building on past experiences in the UN system such as the UN Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Populations, and requested a reference to the work of the UNPFII.

Above photo: Mikhail Todyshev (RAIPON)

Noting that the CBD’s “financial mechanism” only provides funding according to countries’ national priorities, the GEF suggested instead referring to its “funding mechanism” which is better suited to provide funding for capacity building and translation of documentation into local languages

Above photo L-R: Yoko Watanabe and Mario Ramos (GEF)

The US , supported by the EU, suggested extending a broader invitation to potential funding sources for capacity building.

Above photo: Leonard Hirsch (US)

Above photo: SWG-II dais.


The SWG-II Co-Chairs presented the revised draft recommendation on indicators for assessing progress towards the 2010 target.

Above photo L-R: 
SWG-II Co-Chairs Tererei Abete-Reema and Lucy Mulenkei

NEW ZEALAND proposed, and delegates agreed, not to annex the list of proposed indicators to the draft recommendation.

Above photo: Caroline Bilkey (New Zealand)




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