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Highlights for Thursday, 17 February 2005

Delegates to the third meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing (ABS) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) met in two sub-working groups and Friends of the Co-Chairs groups throughout the day and into the night. Sub-Working Group I (SWG-I) discussed a conference room paper (CRP) on an international ABS regime. Sub-Working Group II (SWG-II) addressed CRPs on: indicators for ABS; and measures to support compliance with prior informed consent (PIC) and mutually agreed terms (MAT).

Above photo: SWG-II Co-Chair Sem Shikongo (Namibia) pleaded to the  delegates to be on time for the SWG-I night session. 



Above photo L-R: The afternoon dais of SWG-I with SWG-I Co-Chair Geoff Burton (Australia), CBD Executive Secretary Hamdallah Zedan and SWG-I Co-Chair Sem Shikongo (Namibia)


On the operative part, delegates debated a proposal by the EU suggesting that the annex is the basis for further consideration, rather than negotiation, by Parties. 
Above photo: Hans Hoogeveen (The Netherlands)

Following extensive discussions, delegates agreed to a proposal by the PHILIPPINES suggesting that the annex is the basis for further elaboration and negotiation.
Above photo: Elpidio Peria (The Philippines)

Above photo: One of several consultations in a Friends of the Chair Group in SWG-I.

Upon a proposal by BURKINA FASO, SWG-I decided to add reference encouraging countries and donor organizations to provide adequate funding for activities relating to exchange of views.

Above photo L-R: Soumayila Bance (Burkina Faso)

The IIFB requested language ensuring the collaboration between the Working Groups on ABS and Article 8(j) (traditional knowledge). 

Above photo L-R: Le'a Kanehe (IIFB) (center) speaking with SWG-I Co-Chair Sem Shikongo (Namibia), SWG-I Co-Chair Geoff Burton (Australia) and Dan Ogolla (CBD).

Annex: Nature of the regime:

Delegates agreed to include references to Parties’ views in the report of the meeting, and retain the statement on the nature of the regime as reflected in the terms of reference annexed to Decision VII/19.

Above photo L-R: François Pythoud (Switzerland), Mohamamed Said Ahamada (Comoros), Patrick Leon Pedia (Côte d'Ivoire), and Raphael James Ogounchi (Benin)

Above photo L-R: ENB writer Stefan Jungcurt consults with Valerie Normand (CBD) regarding text proposed by delegates in SWG-I.

Scope of the regime:

MALAYSIA stressed that the reference to the legally binding instrument is a proposal by the LMMC, which should remain on the negotiating table. 

Above photo: Gurdial Singh (Malaysia)

SWITZERLAND called for retaining agreed language only. 

Above photo:
François Pythoud (Switzerland)



SWG-II Co-Chair Birthe Ivars (Norway) (above) introduced a CRP containing draft recommendations on indicators for ABS in the framework of evaluation of progress in the implementation of the Strategic Plan.

Regarding the conclusive establishment of targets and the development of relevant indicators, COLOMBIA suggested that the WG-ABS refer indicators for measuring the fair and equitable sharing the benefits arising out of the use of traditional knowledge for consideration at the Working Group on Article 8 (j).

Above photo L-R: Fernando Casas, Ana María Hernández Salgar, Juanita Chaves and Martha Ligia Perez  (Cuba)

Above photo: Delegates in SWG-II in informal consultations with SWG-II Co-Chairs Birthe Ivars (Norway) and Orlando Rey (Cuba).

BRAZIL proposed a number of amendments to the CRP.
Above photo L-R: Adriana Tescari and Maria Angelica Ikeda (Brazil)


MEXICO supported Canada's proposal to focus on measures outlined in Decision VII/19.

Above photo L-R:  Jesus Vega Herrera and Jose Carlos Fernandez (Mexico)

SWITZERLAND noted that Decision VII/19 mandates the Working Group to transmit the information to WIPO and other relevant fora.

Above photo L-R: Martin Girsberger and Robert Lamb (Switzerland)

Australia and Japan opposed including derivatives in the text. Above photos L-R: David Cunningham and Caroline McCarthy (Australia); Katsuaki Nagao (Japan)

This service was prepared in cooperation with the CBD Secretariat


CBD Secretariat
ABS-3 documents
ENB coverage of SBSTTA-10
ENB coverage of ABS-2
ENB coverage of WG-3 on Article 8(j) and related provisions of the CBD
ENB coverage of the Second Meeting of the CGRFA acting as the Interim Commitee for the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
ENB coverage of COP-7

FAO CGRFA Website 
WIPO Traditional Knowledge Website
TRIPs Website on IPRs, traditional knowledge and biodiversity
Third IUCN World Conservation Congress Website 
IISD Linkages Biodiversity and Wildlife Recent Meetings


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