Vol. 12 No. 191
Friday, 26 April 2002
23-25 APRIL 2002
The Expert Meeting on Methodologies for
Technology Needs Assessments was held from 23-25 April 2002, at the
office of the Korea Energy Management Corporation (KEMCO) in Yongin,
Republic of Korea. The meeting was organized by the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the United
Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and hosted by the Government of
the Republic of Korea. Approximately 60 representatives of
governments, United Nations agencies and other intergovernmental and
international organizations attended the meeting.
The objective of the Expert Meeting was to
identify and provide technical advice on the methodologies and tools
needed to undertake technology needs assessments. During the
workshop, participants met in plenary sessions to: hear an overview
of the issue and country case studies; identify the elements of
needs assessments; consider activities and initiatives on technology
transfer; and examine possible post-needs assessment activities.
Participants also convened in working groups to develop
recommendations on methodologies and tools for assessing technology
needs, as well as on the types of assistance required to carry out
such assessments.
The findings of the workshop will be reported by
the Chair of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Body for Scientific and
Technological Advice (SBSTA) to the SBSTA at its sixteenth session
in June 2002.
Climate change is considered one of the most
serious threats to the sustainability of the world's environment,
human health and well-being, and the global economy. Mainstream
scientists agree that the Earth's climate is being affected by the
build-up of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, caused by
human activities. A majority of scientists believe that prompt
precautionary action is necessary.
UNFCCC: The international political response
to climate change took shape with the development of the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Adopted in
1992, the UNFCCC sets out a framework for action aimed at
stabilizing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases at a
level that would prevent human-induced actions from leading to
"dangerous interference" with the climate system. The UNFCCC entered
into force on 21 March 1994. It now has 186 Parties.
TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER: Technology transfer is
considered a key element in combating climate change under the
UNFCCC. Technology transfer activities have been on the agenda of
every session of the SBSTA and Conference of the Parties (COP).
UNFCCC Article 4.5, which addresses the need for technology
transfer, states that "developed country Parties
shall take all
practicable steps to promote, facilitate and finance, as
appropriate, the transfer of, or access to, environmentally sound
technologies and know-how to other Parties, particularly developing
country Parties, to enable them to implement the provisions of the
Convention," adding that "in this process, the developed country
Parties shall support the development and enhancement of endogenous
capacities and technologies of developing country Parties."
addressed the issue of assessing technology needs at COP-4, held in
Buenos Aires in 1998. COP-4 adopted a decision urging non-Annex I
Parties (developing countries), in light of their social and
economic conditions, to submit their prioritized technology needs,
especially those relating to key technologies, to address climate
change in particular sectors of their economies (FCCC/CP/1998/16/Add1).
Recognizing the limited resources of non-Annex I Parties, the COP
directed the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to provide funding to
developing countries to identify and submit to the COP their
prioritized technology needs (decision 2/CP.4).
There are currently 51 countries that are in the
process of assessing their technology needs under the GEF through
UNDP and UNEP. However, the lack of standardized guidelines for
needs assessments presents a challenge to countries implementing
these assessments. Addressing this issue, Parties at COP-7, in
Marrakesh in November 2001, adopted a framework for meaningful and
effective actions to enhance the implementation of UNFCCC Article
4.5 (decision 4/ CP.7). In this context, the COP also requested the
Chair of the SBSTA, assisted by the Secretariat, to organize a
meeting with representatives from governments, experts drawn from
the UNFCCC roster of experts, and representatives from relevant
international organizations, to identify methodologies needed to
undertake technology needs assessments and to report its findings to
the SBSTA at its 16th session in June 2002 (FCCC/CP/2001/13/Add.1).
Editor's Note: A preparatory
meeting of the newly-established UNFCCC Expert Group on Technology
Transfer (EGTT) was held on 22 April 2002, also in Yongin, Republic
of Korea, immediately prior to the Expert Meeting. At this closed
meeting, delegates began the Group's activities by electing its
officers and exchanging views on possible elements for a programme
of work. A Briefing Note on this meeting is available online at:
The UNFCCC/UNDP Expert Meeting on Methodologies
for Technology Needs Assessments opened on Tuesday morning, 23
April. The event was chaired by SBSTA Chair Halldor Thorgeirsson,
who welcomed participants, underlining that this gathering provided
an important opportunity for advancing implementation of the
provisions of the UNFCCC relating to technology transfer.
Kim Dong Won, Deputy Minister for the Republic of
Korea's Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, highlighted the
importance of technology transfer in addressing the global challenge
of climate change. He informed participants that his country had
recently implemented its first three-year plan, and had just
embarked on its second three-year plan, which includes several
measures for developing appropriate technologies and encouraging
private sector participation. He said the Republic of Korea planned
to play a bridging role between developed and developing countries
in promoting technology transfer.
Janos Pasztor, Coordinator of the UNFCCC's
Sustainable Development Programme, welcomed participants, noting
that the Republic of Korea – which has made a dramatic economic and
industrial transition in recent decades – provided a "perfect
backdrop" to a meeting on technology transfer. He drew attention to
the COP-7 decision on this issue (decision 4/CP.7), which
established a framework for technology transfer. Highlighting that
this meeting was a direct outcome of the COP-7 decision, he welcomed
the UNFCCC-UNDP cooperation in organizing this event. On
arrangements within the UNFCCC, he drew attention to the
establishment of a new Programme on Sustainable Development, noting
that the issue of technology transfer, which was formerly dealt with
under the Science and Technology Programme, would now be addressed
under this new Programme. He thanked the Government of the Republic
of Korea for hosting this meeting, and KEMCO for providing its
This session, which aimed to provide an overview
of the technology transfer issue and some country case studies, took
place on Tuesday morning, 23 April. The session began with a
briefing on technology transfer in the context of the UNFCCC that
outlined the meeting's objectives and presented an overview of the
technology transfer programme. Participants then heard presentations
and engaged in discussions on a working paper exploring tools and
methodologies in assessing technology needs, and concluded the
session by considering case study presentations identifying country
approaches and challenges in needs assessments.
Manager, Technology, UNFCCC Secretariat, introduced the issue of
technology transfer in the context of the UNFCCC, outlined the
meeting's objectives, and provided an overview of the meeting's
agenda. On relevant provisions of the Convention, she highlighted
Articles 4.5 and 4.7, noting that Article 4.5 establishes the need
for technology transfer between developed and developing countries,
while Article 4.7 stresses that the Convention cannot be adequately
implemented by developing countries without financial assistance and
technology transfer from developed countries. She observed that the
Marrakesh Accords agreed to at COP-7 set the stage for developing a
framework for technology transfer (decision 4/ CP.7), and that the
newly-established Expert Group on Technology Transfer (EGTT) has a
significant role to play in implementing the framework.
She outlined the goals of this meeting, which
include: providing the SBSTA with technical advice on available
tools and methodologies; identifying the different barriers and
means to overcome these barriers; discussing the processes and main
elements of technology needs assessments; recommending to SBSTA
tools, methodologies and processes in assessing technology needs;
and describing potential follow-up activities that may be pursued by
the different stakeholders. She concluded by drawing attention to
the meeting's expected outcomes, which include: compilation of
technical papers for reference by the SBSTA and other interested
Parties; identification of tools, methodologies and processes; and
identification of possible follow-up activities/actions of the
different stakeholders after the process of identifying
technological needs is complete.
UNFCCC Consultant, and Yolando Velasco, Programme Officer,
Technology, UNFCCC Secretariat, jointly presented a working paper on
Exploring Tools and Methodologies in Assessing Technology Needs.
The working paper provides an overview of the concepts of technology
needs assessments and methodologies used by different institutions,
and discusses various methodological options for assessing
technology needs in support of UNFCCC Article 4.5. Yolando Velasco
defined technology needs assessment as "a set of country-driven
activities that identify and determine the mitigation and adaptation
technology priorities, involving different stakeholders in a
consultative process to identify the barriers and measures to
address these barriers through sectoral analyses."
On the process of technology needs assessment,
Zou Ji highlighted three models: the Climate Technology Initiative (CTI)
model, the UNEP model, and the UN Commission on Sustainable
Development (CSD) model. While the models differ in their details,
Zou Ji observed that in general they all stress the importance of
stakeholder input and a well-defined implementation stage. He
suggested that, based on the analysis of the three models, a general
process of technology needs assessment can be elaborated, which
establishing criteria for evaluation of each
technology by integrating core social and economic goals;
identifying different technology options;
describing the characteristics of different
technologies and evaluating them with the above criteria;
ascertaining the opinions of different
stakeholders on technology preferences and synthesizing these
ranking/prioritizing technology needs;
summarizing and reporting the results of
assessment; and
setting-up a link with follow-up activities,
such as design, execution and action plan.
Barriers to this process include, inter alia,
difficulties in identifying the right stakeholders and experts, a
low level of awareness about the climate change problem, and the
challenge of keeping the list of candidate technologies updated.
Discussants: Following these presentations,
Chair Thorgeirsson invited two discussants, Rawleston Moore
(Barbados) and Jørgen Fenhann (UNEP-Risoe), to comment on the
working paper. Rawleston Moore said the paper made it clear that no
one methodology would fit the unique circumstances of all countries.
He highlighted concerns about how to overcome barriers to progress
on this issue and how to integrate assessment concerns in the wider
context of Agenda 21. He suggested that more information on the
costs associated with the different stages of needs assessments
would be of value. In response, Zou Ji indicated that costs were
hard to determine, although it was likely that major costs might be
incurred at the survey stage.
Jørgen Fenhann said that although technology
needs assessment was a fairly new concept, it was not necessary to
start afresh on this issue, as there was already a great deal of
relevant information and experience that could be built on in
developing relevant methodologies. He drew attention to the paper's
treatment of both "soft" and "hard" technologies, and its reference
to both mitigation and adaptation technologies. He identified the
challenge of turning the existing theory on technology transfer into
a reality, cautioning that the "devil is in the details."
Discussion: In the ensuing discussion, a
number of delegates cautioned against adopting a "one-size-fits-all"
approach to methodologies, which they said should be flexible enough
to reflect countries' unique circumstances. One developed country
speaker urged consideration of who would carry out and use the work
on methodologies for technology needs assessments. Highlighting the
significant role of the private sector, he noted that the question
being addressed at this meeting appeared to relate to the public
sector, and said his country would be unlikely to ask the question
of what its technology needs are in this way. In response, another
developed country participant stressed UNFCCC commitments and
public-private sector linkages, which he said meant that strategies
on technology transfer are necessary for all countries.
Summarizing the discussion, Chair Thorgeirsson
drew attention to comments that methodologies should be able to be
improved and revised to reflect increased knowledge and information
gathered over time. He noted concerns that methodologies should not
become overly complex and rigid, as this could form an obstacle to
further progress. He highlighted participants' comments that
methodologies should build on previous knowledge and not try to
"reinvent the wheel," as well as statements highlighting the need
for a country-driven approach that fits climate change strategies
within each country's broader development goals. He drew attention
to speakers' questions on the various actors involved in technology
needs assessments, including who should be doing the work and for
whom. He also noted comments on the need to address adaptation as
well as mitigation to climate change in the context of technology
NEEDS ASSESSMENTS: Javier Hanna Figueroa (Bolivia) and William
Kojo Agyemang-Bonsu (Ghana) presented case studies on how technology
needs assessment was approached in their respective countries.
Javier Hanna Figueroa said Bolivia's experience was generally
consistent with the working paper. He stressed that reducing
vulnerability to climate change, which is a key issue for developing
countries, means that the transfer of technology for adaptation can
be particularly important. He underscored the need to
strengthen international coordination to provide access to useful
information on technology transfer opportunities. He reported on key
elements of Bolivia's assessment, including the promotion of
sustainable development, with a particular focus on the energy,
industrial processes, and the forestry sectors.
On Ghana's experience, William Kojo
Agyemang-Bonsu noted that an important element in its approach to
technology needs assessment was the sectoral experts/core teams,
which undertake in-depth analysis on, inter alia: sectoral
policies and programmes; systemic, human or institutional barriers;
and the market potential of the selected technologies. To prioritize
Ghana's technology needs, he emphasized that the technology must
contribute to wider development needs, including job creation,
poverty reduction, and capacity building. In addition, he noted that
technology needs are evaluated based on their contribution to
reducing greenhouse gases. He said Ghana has identified industrial
efficiency improvements and demand-side management as the highest
technology priority areas in the energy sector.
Discussion: In the subsequent discussion,
participants' comments focused on:
the importance of adaptation technologies for
developing countries;
strategies to overcome barriers to technology
needs assessments;
costs associated with needs assessments;
the sustainable development component of needs
assessments; and
the use of development criteria, such as job
creation, in selecting technologies.
One developed country speaker stressed the
importance of using genuine examples in technology transfer, noting
that experience in stakeholder meetings demonstrated how committed
non-governmental organizations could take a leading role in
promoting environmentally-sound technologies (ESTs).
The session on elements of needs assessments
convened on Tuesday afternoon, 23 April. Delegates began by
examining the participatory process in assessing technology needs,
considering examples in designing such a process, and focusing on
the role of various actors, including government agencies and the
private sector. The session then addressed the designing of
technology needs assessments and selection of priority areas in
terms of relevant technologies. It concluded with presentations and
discussions on the integration of technology needs with current
development programmes.
ASSESSING TECHNOLOGY NEEDS: Vute Wangwacharakul (Thailand)
presented his country's experiences in assessing its technology
needs, including the process of undertaking its assessment.
Identifying some conclusions drawn from their experiences, he argued
that action and needs assessment should occur in parallel, given
that actions in some sectors may be already apparent. He also
highlighted the importance of an effective enabling environment and
the need for strong support from Annex I Parties, especially on
joint research development.
Sebastian Gallehr, Managing Director of the
European Business Council for a Sustainable Energy Future ("e5"),
discussed the role of the private sector in technology needs
assessments. He identified the various elements that most investors
require when considering possible ventures, highlighting the need
for a comprehensive business plan, which should contain a financial
analysis that conforms to an international standard, and include key
indicators such as rate of return, net present value, depreciation,
and payback period. The business plan should also include a
sensitivity analysis. He highlighted the value of a strong
relationship between investors and their business partners based on
trust and proven reliability, and underlined that investors
generally prefer a diversified portfolio to reduce risk.
Discussion: In the ensuing discussion,
several participants highlighted the value of clearly identifying
key stakeholders/actors. One participant underlined the lessons and
experience gained during the past decade through project- and
programme-level experiences, such as GEF-funded activities.
Participants also considered the need to provide
a sense of security for investors, with one speaker suggesting that
technology needs assessments would demonstrate investment
feasibility and sustainability. In response, Sebastian Gallehr
highlighted that every private investor wants to be assured that
there will be a return on his investment. He noted that you cannot
change the approach investors take, but said you can use it to your
advantage if you understand what influences the decisions they make.
Project Manager, UNIDO, presented his experience on needs
assessments and industry needs in Africa. He identified several
obstacles to technology needs assessments, including stakeholders'
different demands, difficulties in prioritizing technology needs,
and the frequent absence of the appropriate technical backgrounds
among stakeholders. In obtaining a reliable prioritized list of
technology needs, he noted that while a multi-stakeholder dialogue
is preferable, it is time and resource consuming. To address the
challenges of technology transfer, he proposed the development of
national systems of support involving local technology centers,
experts and networks.
Ron Benioff, Acting Chair of CTI's Working Group
on Technology Assessment and Capacity Building, outlined his
organization's work in identifying specific actions that developing
countries can take in partnership with businesses and donors to
advance implementation of high priority adaptation and mitigation
technologies. He noted that successful technology transfer
programmes have included variations on the following five steps:
establishment of collaborative partnerships
between key stakeholders with the common purpose of enhancing
technology transfer;
implementation of technology needs assessments;
design and implementation of technology
transfer plans and specific actions;
evaluation and refinement of the actions and
plans; and
dissemination of technology information.
On technology needs assessments, he stressed that
the difficult stage begins after the technical priorities have been
identified. He highlighted the experience of the Philippines, which
had identified renewable energy for rural development as its highest
priority. This enabled stakeholders to develop a
carefully-considered approach, and led the government to create an
enabling environment, including fast track policy reforms to
streamline the approval process and to provide tax incentives.
In his presentation, Steve Halls, Director, UNEP-International
Environmental Technology Center (IETC), spoke about the need for
clear and standardized access to information on ESTs, arguing that
inadequate information and tools to support decision-making
represent significant barriers to technology transfer. He suggested
that action is needed in the following areas:
defining what ESTs are;
developing criteria and guidelines on EST
identification and selection;
elaborating environmental performance criteria
and guidelines for ESTs;
setting-up regional networks for EST
information and knowledge sharing; and
establishing an enabling financial environment
to enhance the adoption and use of ESTs.
Discussion: In the subsequent discussion,
several speakers referred to the amount of relevant information
available on the Internet, drawing attention to discussions at the
Technology Information Workshop held in Beijing from 18-19 April.
One Annex I Party speaker endorsed the Internet as an effective
tool, while observing that it should supplement rather than replace
direct face-to-face interaction. A developing country participant
stressed the need to increase awareness about the extensive
information available on the Internet. Steve Halls outlined
UNEP-IETC's work to establish filtering mechanisms and portals to
ensure that only quality information is provided.
In response to a developed country participant's
question on inter-agency cooperation and duplication of work, Peter
Pembleton and Steve Halls outlined various cooperative initiatives
between intergovernmental organizations, with Halls adding that one
way to further such collaboration is to use the Internet and
Replying to a question on the commercial
viability of some technologies, Ron Benioff said that the needs
assessment process should screen technologies to include only those
that are viable. In response to a question on encouraging
investment, he said CTI has attempted to screen project ideas to
focus on those that might be attractive to investors, and then to
identity which companies might be most interested in which projects.
Shin, Senior Adviser, Korea Institute of Energy Research, discussed
the Republic of Korea's integration of its identified technology
needs within current development programmes. He outlined the current
energy situation and policies in the Republic of Korea, discussed
the country's main implementing programmes and described its efforts
at international collaboration on research and development. He
argued that, unlike the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM),
technology transfer within the UNFCCC is "intangible," with no
credit or incentives provided, meaning that it is not realistic to
expect voluntary technology transfer. To address this problem, he
proposed that systematic or mandatory approaches be required to
facilitate technology transfer under the UNFCCC. He also suggested
the establishment or designation of "EST Technology Transfer
Education Centers" as an effective method for capacity building.
Finally, he proposed that the Expert Group on Technology Transfer
recommend a COP decision urging Annex I Parties to submit a list of
"public" ESTs and the terms and conditions governing their transfer.
Glicerio Eduardo Torres, Consejo Ciencia y
Tecnologia, Peru, presented a country report on technology needs
assessment for Peru. He outlined various technological options,
including the use of natural gas, fuel cells as energy generators,
micro-turbines, small hydroelectric systems, biofuels, solar energy,
oceanic energy, geothermal energy, and specific technologies in the
transportation, agriculture and agroforestry sectors. He outlined
Peru's action plan, which includes:
the establishment of a Consultant Group for
Technology Transfer;
promotion of a regional or subregional Center
for Technology Transfer sited in Peru;
more effective technology transfer from
industrialized countries;
an improvement in financing programmes and
projects; and
the creation of a special financial support
project to strengthen internal capacities in research development,
innovation, and training.
Marius Taranu, Expert on Needs Assessment at
Moldova's Ministry of Ecology, Construction and Territorial
Development, presented a case study of his country's programme on
technology needs assessment and its integration with current
national development programmes. He explained that the needs
assessment programme aims to identify options for replacing
inefficient energy technologies used in the energy and agricultural
processing industry and to assess the economic viability of
renewable energy resources. He highlighted the importance of
integrating the technology needs identified with sustainable
development strategies, and outlined the country's process of
implementing Agenda 21, observing that sustainable development
principles were adopted in his country in 1998.
Holger Liptow, Head of Project Climate Change,
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), spoke on
technology needs in the energy sector. Explaining that his
organization aims to integrate technological issues into development
cooperation, he highlighted its work on promoting renewable energies
for rural energy supply, noting that some technologies are
economically competitive with the small diesel pumps often used in
developing countries. He indicated that GTZ's most successful work
has been in China, where efficiency improvements through more
effective energy management at 32 power plants resulted in a
reduction of 500,000 tons of CO2 emissions annually. He stressed
that the dissemination and marketing of ESTs must be on a
commercially-sound basis.
On Wednesday morning, 24 April, participants
convened in Plenary for a special UNDP session on technology
transfer activities under the National Country Studies Programme (NCSP).
During this session, delegates heard presentations from ten national
experts outlining their experiences, outcomes and difficulties in
undertaking technology needs assessments under NCSP "top-up"
activities. Following a general discussion on the issues raised by
these experts, the session concluded with presentations on a recent
UNDP/NCSP survey and on a practical methodology to conduct
technology needs assessments.
Armenia spoke on the evolution of her country's climate change
policy, which has now reached the implementation stage. She stressed
that climate change technologies must meet local needs and be
appropriate for local circumstances, and noted that a group of
experts is to disseminate technical information on ESTs suitable for
use in Armenia.
Burkina Faso identified its need for technologies
such as low-emitting cooking and lighting equipment appropriate for
domestic use. He said his country has organized case studies by
sector to identify technologies for adaptation and mitigation needs.
Burundi indicated that his country had finished
its first national communication in November 2001. He noted that 60%
of his country's greenhouse gases are energy-sector related, and
mainly from biomass and kerosene. He said one of the energy
efficient technologies Burundi aims to employ is solar energy for
lighting and refrigeration purposes.
Georgia explained that its energy and industry
sectors are the main focus for greenhouse gas emissions reduction,
mainly through improving energy efficiency. She informed
participants that several proposals to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions are being discussed, including modernizing a cogeneration
facility in Tbilisi, improving the electricity transmission system,
and installing energy efficient street lighting.
Indonesia presented a report on the
Identification of Less Greenhouse Gases Emission Technologies in
Indonesia, which was financed by the GEF and supported by UNDP.
The report concludes that climate change will threaten Indonesia's
long-term food security. Several technology options are discussed in
the report, including switching from diesel oil to liquefied
petroleum gas (LPG) for buses and reducing methane emissions from
rice fields.
Lebanon set out some specific actions his country
is considering, including promoting renewable energy, energy
efficiency, and fuel switching. He noted that, in one project,
Lebanon achieved a 90% reduction in methane emissions from a solid
waste facility at a cost of US$11.9/ton, and underscored that UNFCCC
Article 4.5 urges developed countries to strengthen the endogenous
capacities of non-Annex I Parties.
Niger described the difficult circumstances of
his country, including drought and the threat to food security. He
noted that climate change will only exacerbate this situation.
Sudan described some of the institutional
barriers – including the absence of a legal framework and lack of
qualified technical people – that affect technology needs assessment
and the formulation and implementation of effective adaptation and
mitigation strategies.
Togo described its technology transfer
activities, highlighted the benefits of learning from other
countries' experiences, and urged more assistance from CTI and other
organizations to help developing countries with their work.
Bhutan highlighted its vulnerability due to its
mountainous ecosystem, and identified lack of data and information
on appropriate technologies for its special circumstances as major
Discussion: Chair Thorgeirsson opened the
general discussion on country presentations, drawing attention to
comments in the presentations on adaptation and risk assessment, and
a focus on the need to use the most suitable rather than the newest
or most advanced technologies. One developed country participant
highlighted comments about "not reinventing the wheel" and building
on previous experiences in developing methodologies.
A developing country speaker drew attention to
the preponderance of mitigation rather than adaptation technology
efforts, stating that the approach to adaptation was primarily one
of vulnerability assessment. In response, a speaker from an
intergovernmental organization stated that, while there had
previously been a greater emphasis on mitigation, actions had
recently been taken to address concerns about adaptation, including
the development of adaptation guidelines and a fund.
Replying to a question about the role of National
Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs), Janos Pasztor, UNFCCC
Secretariat, explained that they are exclusively for the least
developed countries (LDCs), and are not a methodology for adaptation
but rather a method or framework to develop an action plan at a
national level. On the status of NAPAs, he said COP-7 had approved
the approach for NAPAs and the GEF had developed an operational
strategy for funding this work, which now has to be considered by
the GEF Council. He also highlighted the role of the LDC Expert
Group (LEC) in supporting NAPA development.
One developing country participant stressed the
value of traditional and indigenous knowledge on adaptation to the
climate and weather patterns, arguing that traditional as well as
western technological solutions need to be considered. Another
non-Annex I Party speaker highlighted the existence of some obvious
adaptation technologies in developed countries, such as early
warning systems and modeling and forecasting capacities, and said
these presented clear opportunities for technology transfer.
Technical Advisor, National Communications Support Programme,
UNDP-GEF, presented a summary on a recent UNDP/NCSP survey. He noted
that technology transfer issues are only briefly referred to in
countries' national communications. His survey indicated that 55
countries had been provided with additional "top-up" support for
their technology needs assessments, and that an additional 30-40
countries may submit "top-up" proposals. He observed that the focus
is generally on mitigation technologies and that an assessment of
technology needs for adaptation is a priority that needs to be
addressed. He concluded that lack of practical guidance is the most
important constraint for assessing technology needs.
NEEDS ASSESSMENTS: Rob Gross, UNDP/NCSP Consultant, spoke about
a project to develop a practical methodology handbook for conducting
technology needs assessments. He emphasized that the project will
build on existing work, with the goal being to go beyond the level
of explaining the process of technology transfer and actually to
develop useful guidance on how resource and technology options,
market and institutional issues and policy priorities can work to
the advantage of specific countries. He stressed that some issues
will be generic while other topics will be country specific.
Indicating that the handbook will be a "living document" that will
evolve over time and can be adapted to particular circumstances, he
said that a final draft should be available in September 2002.
Discussion: In the ensuing discussion, a
number of participants asked for clarification on various details of
the handbook, and several speakers stressed that the handbook should
complement other relevant work, rather than duplicate it. Responding
to questions about the timing of the handbook, Rob Gross stressed
that technology needs assessment is not a "once-and-for-all process"
and will have to be revisited periodically. Yamil Bonduki added
that, although some countries are too far along the current process
to use the handbook for their needs assessments, many others are
not, and will therefore be able to benefit from it. He responded to
one participant's concern that the handbook might focus on
mitigation by indicating that this was not the case, adding that
mitigation analysis experiences will be useful for adaptation work.
One speaker called for an inventory of
technologies, which she said could provide recommendations based on
the circumstances of the type of country reviewing the technology
options. A developed country participant said technology needs
assessments should not just establish what technology to use for a
specific project, but could also contribute to the development of a
wider national technology policy.
On Wednesday afternoon, delegates convened for a
session on technology transfer activities and initiatives. The
session began with four presentations on developed countries'
technology transfer activities in support of UNFCCC Article 4.5,
focusing on the assistance provided in acquiring mitigation and
adaptation technologies. Delegates then considered multilateral
initiatives and other technical assistance programmes by
international organizations.
TRANSFER: Alexandra Mallett, Policy Analyst, Natural Resources
Canada, explained Canada's approach to technology transfer and
described some of the opportunities that exist for countries to
capitalize on existing and future programmes. She emphasized that
Canada aims to promote climate technologies that reduce greenhouse
gases and create opportunities for domestic industry. Stressing the
global nature of the climate change problem, she said Canada is
indifferent as to where reductions in greenhouse gases are achieved.
To facilitate reductions overseas, she indicated that significant
resources have been made available through the CDM and JI Office,
and through the Canada Climate Change Development Fund. In addition,
Canada is launching the Canadian International Technology
Initiative. She concluded by highlighting Canada's support for
private sector involvement and host country-driven technology needs
Vivi Yieng-Kow, Senior Advisor, Danish
Environmental Protection Agency, stated that Denmark's approach to
technology transfer is to integrate it within existing development
assistance programmes that focus on poverty reduction through
sustainable development. Such development assistance is usually
bilateral, allocated for a five-year period, and funneled through
DANIDA – the Danish international development agency. She
highlighted some existing initiatives, including programmes in
Nepal, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Mozambique and Egypt. On environmental
aspects of the development assistance programme in Nepal, she
highlighted initiatives to replace 15,000 wood stoves with
low-emitting cooking stoves, generate electricity from micro-hydro
dams, and promote solar energy in households. She stressed the
difficulty of incorporating long-term sustainable development
factors into decision making.
Ko Barrett, Director of the Climate Change
Programme at the US Agency for International Development, briefed
participants on US technology transfer activities. She noted that
President George W. Bush's new climate change policy highlights
technology transfer as a key priority, and allocates US$4.5 billion
for climate change domestically and internationally. On needs
assessments, she concluded that methodologies risk being irrelevant
if the right entry point for technology transfer has not been
identified and key stakeholders have not been engaged. She also
suggested that both "long and quick yield" measures are relevant to
effective technology transfer, development and innovation, and that
proper stakeholder buy-in is the key to sustainability.
Arthur Riedacker, Senior Advisor, Mission
Interministerielle de l'Effet de Serre, France, outlined his
country's technology transfer activities, programmes and plans. He
drew attention to an event taking place in November 2002 – the
Pollutec Annual Exhibition – which he described as the largest
annual exhibition in Europe of environmental equipment, technology
and services for industry and local authorities. The exhibition will
coincide with a Seminar on North-South Technology Cooperation for
Sustainable Development and Climate.
ASSISTANCE PROGRAMMES: Peter Pembleton, Project Manager, UNIDO,
outlined UNIDO's support for industry under the UNFCCC. He described
UNIDO's programme, which aims to mobilize national, subregional and
regional capacity and to develop mechanisms that support industrial
technology transfer. He described the three stages of work – the
preparation of background studies, provision of preparatory
assistance, and implementation of the programme. On results achieved
to date, he said UNIDO had started with six African experts and now
has over 200 individuals involved in its Africa network, as well as
activities in several ASEAN countries. He said the approach taken
has been characterized by a bottom-up, multi-stakeholder,
learning-by-doing approach involving public-private sector
Nandita Mongia, GEF's Asia-Pacific Regional
Manager and Technical Advisor for Climate Change, highlighted the
work of the GEF in supporting technology transfer in a climate
change context. She noted that the GEF provides additional and
incremental funding of activities that directly contribute to
greenhouse gas emissions reductions. To date, the GEF has disbursed
approximately US$1.5 billion through its Operation Programmes (OPs).
While most programmes must show an immediate environmental benefit,
she said money can also be disbursed to commercialize promising new
energy technologies that may result in a future environmental
benefit. She explained that while the GEF is not directly mandated
to support technology transfer, it does promote such activities by
supporting technology evaluation, training, policy review and
development, and the improvement of financial and business skills.
In addition, the GEF assists in removing barriers to the large-scale
application, implementation, and dissemination of least-cost,
commercially-established or newly-developed energy efficient
technologies. On lessons learned, she cited the need to distinguish
the larger body of relevant stakeholders from the key national
partner, and the fact that this key national partner differs from
country-to-country. She stressed that it is crucial to engage the
key stakeholder from the beginning of the project cycle.
Elmer Holt, CTI Vice Chair, outlined the
technical assistance for needs assessments available from CTI,
describing a range of activities in various developing countries and
countries with economies in transition (EITs). He then described
CTI's activities under the Cooperative Technology Implementation
Plan (CTIP) programmes, which include financial, technical and
facilitative roles. Identifying some possible future roles for CTI
in relation to needs assessment, he suggested that it could:
convene a workshop on training and/or sharing
country experiences;
assist with donor matchmaking systems;
extend technical support for technology needs
assessments to additional countries;
further cooperate with UNDP on a handbook; and
augment current efforts to track
technology-related training programmes and match these with
country needs.
He concluded by observing that needs assessment
it is not an end in itself, but is one critical component in a
process that should also include building capacity, creating an
enabling environment, and developing a practical plan of
On Wednesday afternoon, participants addressed
the issue of activities that could follow the needs assessment
process. The session began with presentations on case studies of
technology transfer projects and partnerships, which outlined
follow-up actions after the completion of needs assessments. This
was followed by presentations on the dissemination of technology
needs information through technology information systems, and on
technology transfer and Parties' national communications.
PARTNERSHIPS: Suk-Hoon Woo, Economic Advisor on Economic Policy
Coordination in the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of
Korea, examined technology transfer in a bilateral programme and
lessons learned in the Republic of Korea. Outlining its technology
transfer experiences over the past three years, he described the
various stages of this work, including the selection of focus areas
for technology transfer and activities undertaken in those areas. In
this regard, he reported on a bilateral technology transfer
initiative involving an energy service company (ESCO), Hyundai
Motors and a US partner. Summarizing lessons learned, he said
technology transfer must be considered in the context of national
strategies and reflect national circumstances, and stressed that
experience and history are important in determining the success of
technology transfer efforts, highlighting the evolutionary nature of
the process and the need to take into account previous energy
Kishan Kumarsingh, Technical Coordinator for
Trinidad and Tobago's Environmental Management Authority, presented
several examples of small island States' experiences with technology
transfer. He began by identifying some key issues for small island
States, including: the need for "soft" technologies that can be used
to develop local climate models; the importance of an ongoing
assessment of vulnerability and adaptation options; and the benefits
of establishing a technology information network with a focus on
adaptation. He emphasized the need for capacity building to address
such issues, and highlighted positive experiences in South-South
cooperation. He highlighted several examples of success stories in
small island States, including the electrification of rural areas
using solar photovoltaic systems in Pacific Island countries and the
use of solar water heating systems in Cyprus.
Officer, Technology, UNFCCC Secretariat, spoke about the
dissemination of technology needs information through "TT:Clear," a
programme proposed by the UNFCCC that aims to improve the flow of,
and access to, information related to the development and transfer
of ESTs. He explained that a prototype has been up-and-running since
September 2001, and that 1650 projects are now in the UNFCCC's
database, with users being able to access information by using
search criteria. He also noted that TT:Clear would act as a gateway
to information from outside sources.
Li Junfeng, Deputy Director General, Energy
Research Institute, China, examined the role of the UNFCCC's
Technology Website, identifying who needs the website, what kind of
information they require, what can be achieved from the website, the
role of the website, and how it can be developed so that it meets
visitors' needs. He indicated that the primary users would be
decision makers, manufacturers, investors, and research and
development institutions, and said it would supply information on
relevant policies, technologies and investment opportunities, and
would seek to act as a bridge between those supplying and demanding
George Manful, Head of the Capacity Building/GEF Unit with the
UNFCCC Implementation Programme, spoke on technology transfer and
national communications. He indicated that 80 initial non-Annex I
national communications had been received as of 18 April 2002.
Commenting on the content of the initial communications, he said
technology transfer issues had been referred to only in a "very
superficial" manner, and that these references related mainly to
mitigation rather than adaptation projects. Issues mentioned in the
communications, but not elaborated on in any detail, included the
cost of technologies, barriers to technology transfer, institutional
and technical capacities, and the availability of information. He
also drew attention to the work of the Consultative Group of Experts
on non-Annex I communications and to the revised guidelines for
preparing national communications adopted at COP-7.
On Thursday morning, 25 April, participants met
in three parallel working groups with the aim of developing
recommendations on methods and tools for assessing technology needs,
as well as recommendations on the types of assistance required to
carry out technology needs assessments. The three working groups,
which each had the same mandate and goals, were convened in order to
provide an informal, small-group setting designed to allow all
participants to provide input on the development of these
The working groups considered four questions
designed to help guide them in formulating their ideas and
Are the existing methodologies for needs
assessments adequate and, if not, how can they be improved?
What are the potential barriers in technology
needs assessments and what specific actions can be taken to
overcome these barriers?
What capacity building and technical assistance
is needed to undertake needs assessments?
What possible follow-up activities can be
pursued related to needs assessments?
The working groups were chaired by Anthony
Olusegun Adegbulugbe (Nigeria), William Kojo Agyemang-Bonsu (Ghana)
and Javier Hanna Figueroa (Bolivia). Each group also appointed a
rapporteur to report back to the Plenary with their findings.
WORKING GROUP REPORTS: The working groups
reported back to Plenary with their conclusions and recommendations
on Thursday afternoon.
Group I: Group I Rapporteur Alexandra Mallett
(Canada) reported participants' recommendation that the use of
methodologies should be a country-driven process. Noting that a
number of different methodologies exist, she highlighted the group's
view that each has advantages and disadvantages that may make them
useful in different contexts.
On barriers and constraints, she noted statements
relating to: the need to identify the most appropriate and relevant
technology needs, rather than producing a "wish list"; inadequate
information, including the absence of systems and tools, data and
information, and efficient networks; a lack of buy-in and ownership
of the process; inadequate human resources; and insufficient
institutional capacity. She highlighted participants' comments on
the need to integrate needs assessments within the context of
national development strategies and to coordinate this integration
into the national development planning cycle. She noted linkages
between capacity building and technical assistance, and calls for
training and increasing awareness of relevant tools through
multilateral agencies, as well as support for increased access to
essential tools such as computers, software, and the Internet.
Outlining possible follow-up activities relating
to technology needs assessments, she drew attention to suggestions
enhanced access to funding;
hands-on training on methodologies;
the compilation of user manuals;
increased work on vulnerability and adaptation;
the promotion of coordination among donors and
agency programmes;
"matchmaking" for desired technologies;
linkages with business networks and export
credit agencies;
development of a roster of technical experts;
a review of past experiences;
development of an implementation plan; and
accessing of funds for needs assessments and
post-assessment work.
Group II: Rapporteur Imran Habib Ahmad
(Pakistan) said the group's discussion on methodologies had
highlighted the view that "one size does not fit all," that
technology needs assessments should be a country-driven process, and
that UNFCCC Article 4.5 must be the key driver. On the adequacy of
methodologies and tools, he said participants had stressed that they
do provide a useful framework, while not providing a total solution,
given the country-driven nature of the process.
He reported that the group had identified five
major barriers in technology needs assessments:
the over-proliferation of methodologies;
inadequate human capacity;
lack of "meaningful" information;
financial constraints; and
institutional problems.
He then outlined the group's suggested actions to
overcome these barriers. On actions on methodologies, he said
participants had endorsed the "added value" they brought, while
making it clear that they supported the elaboration of a simple
description of steps outlining the critical elements for needs
assessments. Regarding the lack of human capacity, he said
participants had stressed the need to better use countries' existing
capacity, ensuring that people are correctly placed and trained,
with use of regional and international resources if problems
On actions to address the lack of meaningful
information, Imran Habib Ahmad said the group had proposed improved
access to information, including through the Internet, and the
holding of relevant workshops and meetings. Regarding financial
resource constraints, he highlighted participants' comments
supporting the effective utilization of existing resources/funding
sources, and stressing the need to ensure that commitments under the
UNFCCC are met. On actions to address institutional constraints, he
noted comments supporting the creation of a favorable enabling
He concluded by highlighting statements on the
use of "common sense" in deciding how to proceed and determining
what steps to take, the need for further work on adaptation, and the
fact that needs assessments are simply the starting point towards
real technology transfer, not an end in themselves.
Group III: Rapporteur Nabil Mina (Lebanon)
reported that the group had identified various barriers and
constraints, including: limited resources for countries to undertake
comprehensive work; lack of data, information, and tools for
analysis; and inadequate in-country capacity. Possible means to
overcome these barriers identified by participants included more
research and development, increased public awareness, and the
establishment of institutions to utilize resources more efficiently.
On capacity building, he said participants had highlighted the need
to develop endogenous capacities, the importance of capacity
building for adaptation, and the value of permanent cooperative
research programmes. On follow-up activities, his working group had
suggested: broader dissemination of information on technical needs
assessment and training on their use; the establishment of a fund
for coordination and training; and the efficient use of the funds
that are already available.
Discussion: In the ensuing discussion on the
working group reports, one participant emphasized that, while the
methodologies were not yet well known, those who had undertaken
needs assessments without such methodologies had intuitively taken a
similar approach. Another participant suggested that the term
"technology needs assessment" had been demystified by this meeting.
Participants heard closing statements on Thursday
afternoon. Jong Whan Noh, Chief Project Officer, KEMCO, thanked
participants for their attendance and said he looked forward to
cooperating with members of the Expert Group on Technology Transfer
in the future.
Janos Pasztor, UNFCCC Secretariat, conveyed Chair
Thorgeirsson's congratulations on such a constructive gathering, and
his regrets that he could not attend the closing Plenary. He noted
that SBSTA-16 will address needs assessment and consider the ideas
and recommendations raised by participants, and expressed his
gratitude to the meeting presenters, participants, KEMCO and the
local staff, and the Earth Negotiations Bulletin for
reporting on this meeting.
Wanna Tanunchaiwatana, UNFCCC Secretariat,
expressed her pleasure at the outcome of the meeting, which she said
was very positively influenced by the high-quality and expertise of
the participants.
William Kojo Agyemang-Bonsu (Ghana), who chaired
the closing Plenary, thanked the UNFCCC Secretariat for its
"wonderful" efforts in preparing for this meeting. Observing that
"we have started a process" that would be continued at SBSTA-16, he
thanked participants and closed the meeting at 2:15 pm.
of climate change workshops will be held prior to the 16th session
of the UNFCCC subsidiary bodies. These include the following:
Workshop on cleaner or less greenhouse
gas-emitting energy, Whistler, Canada, 7 - 8 May 2002;
Workshop on the status of modeling activities
to assess the adverse effects of climate change and impacts of
response measures, Bonn, Germany, 16 - 18 May 2002;
Pre-sessional consultations on registries,
Bonn, Germany, 2 - 3 June 2002; and
Pre-sessional workshop on the draft revised
uniform reporting format for activities implemented jointly, Bonn,
Germany, 2 - 3 June 2002.
For more information, contact: UNFCCC
Secretariat; tel: +49-228-815-1000; fax: +49-228-815-1999; e-mail:
secretariat@unfccc.int; Internet:
This meeting will be held from 6-8 May 2002, in Hamburg, Germany.
Organized by the Hamburg Institute of International Economics, the
conference will focus on the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol in
the EU, challenges with regard to EU national climate strategies,
internal EU emissions trading, integration of EU accession
countries, the role of the Kyoto mechanisms, and EU strategies for
achieving entry into force. For more information, contact: Axel
Michaelowa, Hamburg Institute of International Economics; tel:
+49-404-283-4309; fax: +49-404-283-4451; e-mail:
conference will take place from 21-25 May 2002, in Bridgetown,
Barbados. The conference is being sponsored by the Pan-American
Health Organization and the WHO under the auspices of the
Interagency Network on Climate and Human Health. Participants will
consider climate variability and climate change, linkages between
climate and human health, and public health policies and strategies
for adaptation to climate variability and change. For more
information, contact the Pan-American Health Organization, tel:
+1-246-426-3860; fax: +1-246- 436-9779; e-mail:
Internet: http://www.cpc.paho.org
THE WSSD: PrepCom IV will take place from 24 May - 7 June 2002,
in Bali, Indonesia. PrepCom IV will include Multi-Stakeholder
Dialogues and a Ministerial Segment, and is expected to complete the
document on review of Agenda 21, with recommendations for further
action, and develop a concise political document, to be submitted to
the WSSD. For more information, contact: Andrey Vasilyev, DESA; tel:
+1-212-963-5949; fax: +1-212-963-4260; e-mail:
vasilyev@un.org; Major groups
contact: Zehra Aydin-Sipos, DESA; tel: +1-212-963-8811; fax:
+1-212-963-1267; e-mail: aydin@un.org;
SB-16 will take place in Bonn, Germany, from 5-14 June 2002. For
more information, contact: UNFCCC Secretariat; tel:
+49-228-815-1000; fax: +49-228-815-1999; e-mail:
Internet: http://www.unfccc.int
World Summit on Sustainable Development will take place from 26
August - 4 September 2002, in Johannesburg, South Africa. For more
information, contact: Andrey Vasilyev and Zehra Aydin-Sipos, DESA
(see above).
COP-8 is scheduled to take place from 23 October - 1 November
2002, in New Delhi, India. For more information, contact the UNFCCC
Secretariat (see above).
SEMINAR: The Pollutec Annual Exhibition will take place from
25-29 November 2002 in Lyon, France. The largest annual exhibition
in Europe for environmental equipment, technology and services for
industry and local authorities, this event is expected to attract
60,000 visitors and 2000 exhibitors from 33 countries. The
exhibition will coincide with a Seminar on North-South Technology
Cooperation for Sustainable Development and Climate. For more
information, contact: e-mail:
Internet: http://www.pollutec.com |