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ENB:02:13 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


This chapter has, as its aim, the fostering of internationally agreed principles for the environmentally-sound management of biotechnology as well as the promotion of sustainable applications of biotechnology. Due to scheduling constraints at PrepCom IV, very little time was allotted to this chapter. The text was transmitted to UNCED with numerous brackets around such issues as: capacity-building; safety procedures; development of a legal code of conduct; liability and compensation for damage resulting from applications of biotechnology; application of biotechnology to reproductive technologies. Capacity-building was resolved in accordance with the compromise language agreed to in the technology transfer negotiations. Agreement was reached on the need to develop safety procedures into a framework of internationally agreed principles as a basis for biotechnology safety guidelines. Language was also agreed that recognizes the traditional methods and knowledge of indigenous peoples and their communities and ensuring opportunities for their participation in the economic and commercial benefits arising form biotechnology developments.

The final programme areas are: Increasing the availability of food, feed and renewable raw materials; Improving human health; Enhancing protection of the environment; Enhancing safety and developing international mechanisms for cooperation; and Establishing enabling mechanisms for the development and the environmentally sound application of biotechnology.