Climate Change

Climate change is the long-term alteration of temperature and weather patterns. Unexpected changes in weather patterns make it difficult to maintain and grow crops in regions that rely on farming because expected temperature and rainfall levels can no longer be counted on. Climate change has also been connected with other damaging weather events, such as more frequent and more intense hurricanes, typhoons, floods, downpours, and winter storms. Climate change is largely caused by human activity, primarily the burning of fossil fuels like oil, coal, and natural gas. Carbon emissions from fossil fuels, methane, and nitrous oxide, among others, are called “greenhouse gases.” When released into the Earth’s atmosphere, these gases trap heat from the sun’s rays causing Earth’s average temperature to rise. This rise in the planet's temperature is called global warming. While the climate has continually changed throughout the Earth's history, it has usually been a slow process over thousands of years. Climate change caused by human activity is occurring at a much faster and more dangerous rate.

Events and Articles

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Showing 141 - 150 of 414 results

49th Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC-49)

Key to determining the success (or failure) of efforts to combat global warming is a common methodology to assess greenhouse (GHG) emissions and removals, which was the main task of the IPCC in Kyoto: to adopt the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 Guidelines on National GHG Inventories prepared by scientists according to IPCC Principles and Procedures.
Event 8 May 2019 - 12 May 2019

55th Meeting of the GEF Council

The GEF Council adopted the first Work Program since the approval of the seventh replenishment of the GEF Trust Fund (GEF-7). The Work Program comprised 18 projects in 25 recipient countries, and amounted to USD 157.8 million. In addition, the Council of the LDCF/SCCF adopted a Work Program comprising six project concepts, with resources amounting to USD 45.85 million.
Event 17 December 2018 - 20 December 2018

Katowice Climate Change Conference - December 2018

Parties adopted the Katowice Climate Package at COP 24, which finalized nearly all of the Paris Agreement Work Programme, including decisions to facilitate common interpretation and implementation of the Paris Agreement on the mitigation section of NDCs, adaptation communications, transparency framework, Global Stocktake, and financial transparency. Work on Article 6 was not concluded. The COP was unable to agree on whether to “welcome” or “note” the IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C of Global Warming.
Conference of the Parties (COP) 2 December 2018 - 15 December 2018

48th Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC-48)

On Saturday, 6 October, the Panel adopted the Summary for Policymakers (SPM) of the Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C (SR15) and approved the Technical Summary and the underlying assessment report. Throughout the week and through the last night, the first Joint Session of Working Groups (WGs) I, II and III discussed the SPM line-by-line in order to reach agreement.
Event 1 October 2018 - 6 October 2018

Bangkok Climate Change Conference - September 2018

UNFCCC parties had agreed to an additional meeting in the lead up to the Katowice Climate Change Conference COP 24 to ensure the "timely completion" of the Paris Agreement Work Programme.
Event 4 September 2018 - 9 September 2018

Bonn Climate Change Conference - April 2018

Subsidiary bodies adopted a decision on the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture and recommended a decision to the COP on the review of the effective implementation of the Climate Technology Centre and Network. As a unique feature, the Talanoa Dialogue asked parties and stakeholders to share stories around the questions “Where are we?” “Where do we want to go?” and “How do we get there?”
Event 30 April 2018 - 10 May 2018

47th Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC-47)

During IPCC-47, the Panel adopted decisions related to extending the mandate of the Ad Hoc Task Group on Financial Stability, which will report back to IPCC-48; establishing a task group on gender; the terms of reference of a task group on the organization of the future work of the IPCC in light of the global stocktake under the Paris Agreement; expanding the IPCC Scholarship Programme to include funding for chapter scientists, and more. 
Event 13 March 2018 - 16 March 2018