Agriculture & Food Security

As the world population grows, it is essential to increase sustainable agricultural production, improve the global food supply chain, decrease food loss and waste, and ensure everyone—especially those suffering from poverty, hunger and malnutrition—has access to food. Improving yields on agricultural lands and restoration of degraded lands through sustainable agriculture techniques can also relieve pressure to clear forests for agriculture. Better management of water through improved irrigation and storage technologies, combined with development of new drought-resistant crop varieties, can contribute to sustaining drylands productivity.

Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG 2), “End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture,” recognizes the importance of supporting sustainable agriculture, empowering small farmers, promoting gender equality, ending rural poverty, ensuring healthy lifestyles, tackling climate change, and other issues addressed by the 17 SDGs in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) takes the lead on agriculture and food security in the UN system, working in cooperation with other international and regional organizations and national governments.


Events and Articles

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Showing 1 - 10 of 88 results

Harmoniya 4 Climate Resilience: Empowering Farmers, Villages, and Rural Communities

This event introduced participants to the Harmoniya Initiative, which will serve as a hub for work on agrifood systems during the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 29) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The Harmoniya Initiative is a joint project of the COP 29 Presidency and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). 
Event 4 June 2024


At COP 28, the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) will address two of humanity’s most urgent challenges—climate change and food security.
Event 30 November 2023 - 12 December 2023

FAO at COP 28

FAO’s programme of events at COP 28 includes discussions on the intersection of agriculture and loss and damage, and adaptation solutions for agrifood systems, as well as the climate finance gap these face.
Event 30 November 2023 - 12 December 2023

10th Session of the ITPGRFA Governing Body

Collaboration between the Treaty and relevant international instruments and organizations came into the spotlight as the Governing Body worked through its agenda, including enhancing the Treaty’s Multilateral System of access and benefit-sharing, farmers’ rights, and the impact of technological developments, including digital sequence information (DSI) on genetic resources.
Event 20 November 2023 - 24 November 2023

Global Crop Diversity Summit 2023

Stakeholders from around the world gathered to reflect on the transformation of agri-food systems in the face of interlinked global challenges such as the climate crisis, biodiversity loss, food insecurity, and conflicts. Discussions centered on the role of gene banks in preserving and restoring crop diversity.
Event 14 November 2023

19th Session of the UN FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Delegates acknowledged the Commission’s role continues to grow beyond animal, plant, forest and aquatic genetic resources for food and agriculture (GRFA), and is tackling “new” issues, including the role of GRFA in mitigating and adapting to climate change, and microorganism and invertebrate genetic resources, including pollinator and biological control agents.
Event 15 July 2023 - 21 July 2023