On Wednesday, 21 January 2015, delegates at the Stocktaking Session for the intergovernmental negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda offered statements on the means of implementation and global partnership, and follow-up and review. The day began with three presentations related to follow-up and review.
Ambassador Fatuma Ndangiza, Chairperson, African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), discussed the experience and lessons learned from the APRM. Among other elements, she highlighted the importance of: national ownership and leadership; peer review at the highest level; effective institutional frameworks; and realistic thematic areas, goals and targets. She said voluntary review is important, and should be accompanied by incentives.
Marianne Beisheim, German Institute for International and Security Affairs, discussed the importance of follow-up and offered suggestions for how to follow up on commitments. She said Member States should have sovereign control over their commitments and review could be open to partnerships for sustainable development. Pali Lehohla, Statistician-General for South Africa, discussed the need to review the location and authority of statistics/information systems, and stressed that statistics should be integrated with geography and informatics.
In the afternoon session, Major Groups and Other Stakeholders engaged in a discussion with Member States. Representatives presented proposals and statements to the group, heard responses from government delegates, and a wide variety of topics were discussed, including the Secretary-General’s Synthesis Report, the review mechanism, and means of implementation.
In closing, Co-Facilitator Donoghue summarized the discussion during the three days. He closed the meeting at 5:30 pm.