Fiona Kinniburgh (Dr.)


Fiona Kinniburgh is a Writer with the Earth Negotiations Bulletin and researcher focusing on environmental governance and science-policy interfaces. Her research examines the roles of science and public policies in enabling deep societal transformations towards sustainability. She has academic and policy experience working on multi-level environmental governance and sustainable development, combining interdisciplinary perspectives on biodiversity, agriculture, chemicals, and climate change. Her work on global environmental governance has focused on the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventions and the Convention on Biological Diversity.

She previously worked at the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) in Paris, in the Department of Governance and the Department of Science and Technology Studies at the Technical University of Munich, and at research institutes in the U.S. She joined ENB in spring 2024.

Fiona holds a B.A. in Sustainable Development (Columbia University), an M.A. in Environmental Policy (Science Po), and a Ph.D. in Environmental Politics and Technology (Technical University of Munich).