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Highlights and images for 18 November 2016

Marrakech Climate Change Conference - November 2016

On Friday, 18 November, the UN Climate Change Conference continued in Marrakech, Morocco, for its last scheduled day. In the afternoon, informal consultations on preparations for the entry into force of the Paris Agreement and the first session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA 1) were held under the Presidency of the 22nd session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 22) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and CMA 1. In the evening, the COP and Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP) closing plenaries convened to resolve most remaining agenda items, before suspending. UPDATE: 10:03pm: COP and CMA draft decision text has been distributed in the room. 10:52pm: The CMA closing plenary opens. 11:58pm: CMA 1 adopts the decision on matters relating to the implementation of the Paris Agreement. CMA suspended at 11:53pm. The COP resumes its closing plenary at 11:53pm. COP 22 adopts the decision on preparations for the entry into force of the Paris Agreement and CMA 1. 1:44am: Closing statements under the COP continue. 2:18am: CMA 1 suspends at 2:16am, and will reconvene in 2017. 2:20am: CMP 12 closes at 2:20am. 2:47am: COP 22 closed at 2:47am. IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, is providing daily web coverage, daily reports and a summary and analysis report from the Marrakech Climate Change Conference - November 2016. Photos by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth. For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions on our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage page. Informal Consultations throughout the Day CMA 1/COP 22 informal consultations under the Presidency on the preparations for the entry into force of the Paris Agreement and CMA 1 Security controls access into the informal consultations The COP Presidency consults Delegates confer informally in the final stages of negotiations COP and CMP Closing Plenaries Delegates gather outside of the Marrakech plenary hall for the closing plenaries Paweł Sałek, Secretary of State for the Environment, Poland Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama, Fiji Delegates applaud the work done by the UNFCCC Global Climate Action Champions UNFCCC Global Climate Action Champions Laurence Tubiana, France, and Hakima El Haité, Morocco Paweł Sałek, Secretary of State for the Environment, Poland, Salaheddine Mezouar, COP 22/CMP 12 President, and Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama, Fiji Richard Kinley, Deputy Executive Secretary, UNFCCC, and SBI Chair Tomasz Chruszczow, Poland CMA Closing Plenary Delegates read the draft text of the COP decision for the preparations for the entry into force of the Paris Agreement and CMA 1 Delegates huddle to discuss the text Salaheddine Mezouar, COP 22/CMP 12 President Adriana Murillo, Costa Rica, speaking on behalf of the Independent Association of Latin America and the Caribbean (AILAC) Diego Pacheco Balanza, Bolivia Hussein Alfa Nafo, Mali, speaking on behalf of the African Group Ravi Prasad, India Jonathan Pershing, US, speaking on behalf of the Umbrella Group Plenary sings happy birthday to Hussein Alfa Nafo, Mali UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa Delegates applaud the work of Richard Kinley, UNFCCC Deputy Executive Secretary, June Budhooram, UNFCCC Secretariat, and Dan Bondi Ogolla, UNFCCC Secretariat, for their long-standing contributions to international climate negotiations UNFCCC Family Photo Hundreds of delegates gather for the largest ever UNFCCC family photo Around the Venue Delegates arrive at the venue for the last day of the conference Media reports occur throughout the day Delegates from Sudan and South Sudan Merlyn Van Voore, Special Advisor on Climate Change to the Executive Director of UN Environment (UNEP) Delegates from Norway Delegates from Sweden The COP Presidency consults informally Artist Nordine Znati, Morocco Marilyn Averill, RINGOs UNFCCC Global Climate Action Champion Hakima El Haité, Morocco Bedouin tents around the venue The Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) team covering the negotiations: Beate Antonich; Jennifer Allan; Sandra Gagnon; Virginia Wiseman; Anna Schulz; Mari Luomi; Cleo Verkuijl; and Kiara Worth
Daily Highlights

Highlights and images for 17 November 2016

Marrakech Climate Change Conference - November 2016

On Thursday, 17 November, the UN Climate Change Conference continued in Marrakech, Morocco. In the morning, the High-Level Event on Accelerating Climate Action took place. Contact groups on climate finance under the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) also convened. In the afternoon, informal consultations also took place under the COP Presidency on the first session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA 1), and under the COP on entry into force of the Paris Agreement and the convening of CMA 1. In the evening, the first parts of the COP and COP serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP) closing plenaries took place. The joint high-level segment continued throughout the day. A webcast of the joint high-level segment is available at:; and IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, is providing daily web coverage, daily reports and a summary and analysis report from the Marrakech Climate Change Conference - November 2016. Photos by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth. For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions on our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage page. High-Level Event on Accelerating Climate Action View of the panel during the High-Level Event on Accelerating Climate Action UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa Ségolène Royal, COP 21/CMP 11 President Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama, Fiji Ronald Jumeau, Ambassador for Climate Change, Seychelles Nawal Al Hosany, Masdar and Zayed Future Energy Prize, UAE José Graziano da Silva, Director General, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) Loïc Fachon, Honorary President, World Water Council Panelists discuss the role of nature and nature-based solutions in adaptation and mitigation Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, Head of Climate and Energy, WWF Jeff Seabright, Chief Sustainability Officer, Unilever Moderator Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, Coordinator, Association for Indigenous Women and Peoples of Chad Edna Molewa, Minister of Environmental Affairs, South Africa Stéphane Le Foll, Minister of Agriculture, France UNFCCC Global Climate Action Champion Laurence Tubiana, France High-Level Segment View of the dais during the high-level segment  Ipul Powaseu, Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO), speaking on behalf of Women and Gender Ghazali Ohorella, speaking on behalf of Indigenous Peoples Gaston Meskens, University of Ghent, speaking on behalf of RINGOs Mohamed El Wafy, International Trade Union Confederation, speaking on behalf of TUNGOs Luizio Felipe Gomes Rocha, YOUNGO Contact Groups throughout the Day COP contact group on matters relating to finance: report of the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF) and review of the functions of the SCF COP contact group on matters relating to finance: report of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to the COP and guidance to the GEF COP contact group on matters relating to finance: long-term climate finance COP and CMP Plenaries View of the dais during the COP plenary Salaheddine Mezouar, COP 22/CMP 12 President Aziz Mekouar, COP 22/CMP 12 Presidency Singer Ferdaouss performs to inspire people to join in the fight against climate change Delegates applaud the proposed Marrakech Action Proclamation for our Climate and Sustainable Development APA Co-Chairs Sarah Baashan, Saudi Arabia, and Jo Tyndall, New Zealand SBI Chair Tomasz Chruszczow, Poland SBSTA Chair Carlos Fuller, Belize Oleg Shamanov, Russian Federation Philip Weech, the Bahamas Civil Society Demonstrations Members of civil society advocate for the elimination of the use of fossil fuels Members of civil society advocate for more financial resources to address climate change Members of civil society demonstrate against the Dakota Access Pipeline in the US, advocating for the rights of indigenous peoples to be protected Members of civil society call for "big polluters" to be kicked out of the climate negotiations Members of civil society are "hungry" for climate action Around the Venue Flags at the entrance to the venue UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon UNFCCC Global Climate Action Champion Hakima El Haité, Morocco, speaks with the press Rachel Kyte, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and CEO, Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) Inger Andersen, Director General, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Conference officers during a session Representatives from the interfaith community Katia Simeonova, UNFCCC Secretariat Delegates around the venue Solar trees at the venue APA Co-Chair Sarah Baashan, Saudi Arabia Shadow art in the Thailand Pavilion Traditional painting in the Turkish Pavilion
Daily Highlights

Highlights and images for 15 November 2016

Wildlife Justice Commission (WJC) Public Hearing: Viet Nam Investigation

The WJC Public Hearing reconvened today at the Peace Palace in The Hague. Participants first heard “a story from the field,” with Lawrence Munro, field operation manager of African Parks, sharing his experiences with what he called the “rhino war” in Kruger National Park, South Africa. He explained how, with 800 rhinos killed in the park each year, the field is an area of continuous conflict and violence, which is taking its toll on rangers and their families. Participants then engaged in a discussion involving NGOs, IGOs and academic experts on various options to address illegal wildlife trade. Issues discussed included demand reduction, involving local communities, and innovative strategies to tackle the entire trade network. Speakers highlighted the need to enhance law enforcement through increased international collaboration and capacity building, including to combat corruption. During a public discussion, participants addressed, among many other things: engagement with existing online action networks; tourism as a mechanism to effectuate change; diplomatic dialogue; ways to change mindsets throughout the trade chain; and future priorities for the WJC. After some time of deliberation, the Accountability Panel presented its findings. Justice Philippe Kirsch, Former President of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, said the Panel had unanimously concluded that the WJC Public Hearing constituted a “fair and neutral description of the facts.” Edgardo Buscaglia, Senior Scholar in Law and Economics at Columbia University, then presented several recommendations addressed to the Vietnamese government, international legal frameworks, civil society organizations and other stakeholders. In closing the meeting, WJC Executive Director Olivia Swaak-Goldman said these recommendations are not the end of the process, noting there is still a long way to go to support the Vietnamese government to take the appropriate law enforcement action. She announced the WJC will continue its work to stimulate the international community to offer such support, and closed the meeting at 5:00 pm. IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB+ Meeting Coverage, has provided digital coverage and a summary report from the WJC Public Hearing: Viet Nam Investigation, which is available in HTML and PDF. Photos by IISD/ENB | Angeles Estrada Vigil For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page Presentation of Accountability Panel Findings and Recommendations Edgardo Buscaglia, Argentina/United States, Senior Scholar in Law and Economics at Columbia University, and President of the “Instituto de Acción Ciudadana para la Justicia y Democracia,” Mexico Justice Philippe Kirsch, Canada, Former President of the International Criminal Court in The Hague; and Diego García-Sayán, Peru, Former President of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights   Olivia Swaak-Goldman, Executive Director, WJC Discussion with NGOs, IGOs and academic experts Participants during the Public Hearing Rikkert Reijnen, Senior Project Lead Wildlife Trade and Elephants, IFAW; Annette Hübschle, University of Cape Town and senior research advisor Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime; and Director of Proceedings Ghida Fakhry Debbie Banks, Environmental Investigation Agency; and Steve Broad, Executive Director of TRAFFIC International Sarath Kotagama, Ecologist and Special Advisor, Ministry of Sustainable Development & Wildlife, Sri Lanka (video statement) Annette Hübschle, University of Cape Town and senior research advisor, Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime Lawrence Munro, African Parks Field Operations Manager, and Director of Proceedings Ghida Fakhry Mary Rice, Executive Director, Environmental Investigation Agency, and Leif Gӧrts, National Member for Sweden, Eurojust Philip Muruthi, Chief Scientist, African Wildlife Foundation (video statement) Samuel Wasser, Center for Conservation Biology, University of Washington (video statement) Vivek Menon, Head, Wildlife Trust of India Justice Philippe Kirsch, Canada, Former President of the International Criminal Court in The Hague; Diego García-Sayán, Peru, Former President of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights; Justice Isaac Lenaola, Kenya, Presiding Judge of the Constitution and Human Rights Division of the High Court, and Deputy Judge of the East Africa Court of Justice; Edgardo Buscaglia, Argentina/United States, Senior Scholar in Law and Economics at Columbia University, and President of the “Instituto de Acción Ciudadana para la Justicia y Democracia,” Mexico; and Misha Glenny, United Kingdom, award-winning journalist and historian Rob Parry-Jones, Species Manager, WWF International Gillian Dell, Head of Conventions, Transparency International   Misha Glenny, United Kingdom, award-winning journalist and historian Edgardo Buscaglia, Argentina/United States, Senior Scholar in Law and Economics at Columbia University, and President of the “Instituto de Acción Ciudadana para la Justicia y Democracia,” Mexico Polly Higgins, Barrister, Earth Community Trust Daniel Turner, Associate Director, Born Free Foundation Public Discussion – moderated by the Director of Proceedings Marcus Asner, Partner at Arnold & Porter LLPs and Member of the WJC Advisory Council; Olivia Swaak-Goldman, Executive Director, WJC; and Director of Proceedings Ghida Fakhry   Around the Venue
Daily Highlights

Highlights and images for 14 November 2016

Marrakech Climate Change Conference - November 2016

On Monday, 14 November, the UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC) continued in Marrakech, Morocco. Throughout the day, contact groups and informal consultations took place under the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the COP serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP) and the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA). In the evening the contact group on agenda Items 3-8 convened under the APA. A joint Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI)/Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) informal consultations also took place. The closing plenaries of the 45th sessions of the SBI and the SBSTA, and the second part of the first session of the APA took place in the evening. The APA suspended at 11:23pm. The SBI and SBSTA are expected to close on Tuesday morning. IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, is providing daily web coverage, daily reports and a summary and analysis report from the Marrakech Climate Change Conference - November 2016. Photos by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth. For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions on our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage page. Informal Consultations throughout the Day Informal consultations on Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA) agenda item 8: further matters related to implementation of the Paris Agreement COP informal consultations on linkages between the Technology Mechanism and the Financial Mechanism of the Convention COP informal consultations on the proposal from Papua New Guinea and Mexico to amend Articles 7 and 18 of the Convention COP informal consultations on matters relating to finance: sixth review of the Financial Mechanism Informal consultations by the Presidency on the first session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA) 1 COP informal consultations on matters relating to finance: report of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) to the COP and guidance to the GCF First Working Group Session of the Multilateral Assessment View of the dais during the session Mark Sinclair, New Zealand SBI Chair Tomasz Chruszczow, Poland Peer Stiansen, Norway Reed Schuler, US Sylwia Waśniewska, Poland Markus Nauser, Switzerland Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) Closing Plenary View of the dais during the SBSTA closing plenary SBSTA Chair Carlos Fuller, Belize Kanchana Patarachoke, Thailand, speaking on behalf of the G-77/China Ismail Raushan, Maldives, speaking on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) Lassina Coulibaly, Mali, speaking on behalf of the African Group María Amparo Martínez Arroyo, Mexico, speaking on behalf of the Environmental Integrity Group (EIG) Gloria Young, Panama Alicia Ilaga, the Philippines Tunga Bhadra Rai, speaking on behalf of Indigenous Peoples Anne-Beth Skrede, TUNGOs Eddy Pérez, Climate Action Network (CAN) Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) Closing Plenary View of the dais during the SBI closing plenary SBI Chair Tomasz Chruszczow, Poland Sophie Davies, Australia, speaking on behalf of the Umbrella Group Svitlana Grynchuk, Ukraine Rebecca Chien, YOUNGOs Kwon Sei-joong, Republic of Korea, speaking on behalf of the EIG Theo De Jager, Farmers Daniela Rangel Esparza, Women and Gender APA Closing Plenary View of the dais during the APA closing plenary APA Co-Chairs Sarah Baashan, Saudi Arabia, and Jo Tyndall, New Zealand Manasvi Srisodapol, Thailand, speaking on behalf of the G-77/China Franz Perrez, Switzerland Collin Beck, Solomon Islands Peter Horne, Australia, speaking on behalf of the Umbrella Group Ayman Shasly, Saudi Arabia Amjad Abdulla, Maldives, speaking on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) Gabriela Fischerová, EU Adriana Murillo, Costa Rica, speaking on behalf of the Independent Association of Latin America and the Caribbean (AILAC) Diego Pacheco Balanza, Bolivia, speaking on behalf of the Like-Minded Developing Countries (LMDCs) Civil Society Demonstrations throughout the Day Members of civil society call for eliminating the use of fossil fuels Members of civil society advocate for using 100% renewable energy to stay below the 1.5°C limit Youth from New Zealand advocate for an increase in ambition, not emissions Around the Venue UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa congratulates Austrian youth delegates on their 'green footprints' initiative aimed at increasing the participation of children in climate change action High-level event hosted by the COP 22 President to discuss progress made in advancing national adaptation plans (NAPs) Delegates huddle between sessions Delegates speak informally Ismail El Gizouli, Sudan Inger Andersen, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Director General Press briefing with Jonathan Pershing, US Special Envoy for Climate Change UN Security around the venue Chizuru Aoki, Global Environment Facility (GEF) and Tosi Mpanu-Mpanu, Democratic Republic of the Congo Art made from recycled tires The supermoon rises over the COP 22 venue
Daily Highlights