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Highlights and images for 14 November 2017

Fiji / Bonn Climate Change Conference - November 2017

The Fiji / Bonn Climate Change Conference continued on Monday. Contact groups and informal consultations under the Conference of the Parties (COP), Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), and Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA) met in the morning and afternoon. In the evening, the APA contact group met to consider all its substantive agenda items, and the closing plenaries of the SBI and SBSTA met, adopting several conclusions and decisions. IISD Reporting Services, through its Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) Meeting Coverage, has providing daily web coverage, daily reports, and a summary and analysis report from the Fiji / Bonn Climate Change Conference 2017. The summary and analysis report is now available in HTML and PDF. Photos by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page. Informal Consultations throughout the Day SBI informal consultations on the review of the functions of the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF) Informal consultations on further guidance in relation to adaptation communication (APA agenda item 4) Delegates huddle during informal consultations on matters relating to the global stocktake (APA agenda item 6) Informal consultations on further matters except the Adaptation Fund (APA agenda item 8) Civil Society Actions throughout the Day Members of the Indigenous Peoples constituency hold a demonstration to "reclaim a space for indigenous peoples and protest their continued marginalization" in the negotiations Representatives of ACT Alliance hand out chocolate coins, promoting the need for climate finance for adaptation Representatives of the Nuclear Information and Resource Service demonstrate against the use of nuclear energy, saying it is not a solution to combating climate change Representatives of CARE International hand out "care packages" that serve as "sweet policy recommendations" Representatives of The Big Shift Global protest against the financing of fossil fuels, offering delegates the chance to put chocolate coins into either a green piggy bank representing green energy, or a brown piggy bank representing fossil fuels Representatives of the Women and Gender constituency hold a tribute to honor women who have faced repression, persecution, threats, intimidation, violence, and even murder, in pursuit of the protection of human rights and the environment APA Contact Group Members of the Secretariat hand out the draft APA conclusions Delegates from Costa Rica and Argentina Delegates from Switzerland and Georgia Delegates read the draft APA conclusions APA Co-Chairs Sarah Baashan, Saudi Arabia, and Jo Tyndall, New Zealand Sin Liang Cheah, Singapore, Co-Facilitator for APA agenda item 3 - mitigation section Pieter Terpstra, Netherlands, Co-Facilitator for APA agenda item 8 - further matters, Adaptation Fund Xiang Gao, China, Co-Facilitator for APA agenda item 5 - transparency framework Julio Cordano, Chile, Co-Facilitator for APA agenda item 4 - adaptation communication Peter Horne, Australia, Co-Facilitator for APA agenda item 7 - committee to facilitate implementation and promote compliance Outi Honkatukia, Finland, Co-Facilitator for APA agenda item 6 - global stocktake SBI and SBSTA Closing Plenaries View of the dais during the SBI and SBSTA joint closing plenary SBSTA Chair Carlos Fuller, Belize Sidat Yaffa, The Gambia SBI Chair Tomasz Chruszczow, Poland Marianne Karlsen, Norway Hamdhoon Mohamed, Maldives, speaking on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) Adão Soares Barbosa, Timor-Leste Patricia Soares Leite, Brazil Elizabeth Pirth, Research and Independent NGOs (RINGOs) Mathias Edetor, Youth NGOs (YOUNGOs) Jisun Hwang, Local Government and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) Bjørn Gimming, Farmers Ndivile Colia Mokoena, Women and Gender Krishneil Narayan, Climate Action Network (CAN), and Tetet Nera Lauron, Climate Justice Now! (CJN!) SBI Chair Tomasz Chruszczow, Poland; Katia Simeonova, UNFCCC Secretariat; SBSTA Chair Carlos Fuller, Belize; Wanna Tanunchaiwatana, SBSTA Coordinator; and Hanna Hoffmann, UNFCCC Secretariat Around the Venue Peter Thomson, UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy for the Ocean Horacio Peluffo, UNFCCC Secretariat, speaks with a delegate Delegates from the EU Emmanuel Dumisani Dlamini, Swaziland UN Security around the venue Delegates from Argentina SBSTA Chair Carlos Fuller, Belize (left) with members of the UNFCCC Secretariat Delegates between sessions
Daily Highlights

Highlights and images for 10 November 2017

Fiji / Bonn Climate Change Conference - November 2017

The Fiji / Bonn Climate Change Conference continued on Friday. In the morning, the facilitative sharing of views convened, followed by the multilateral assessment in the afternoon. Contact groups and informal consultations under the Conference of the Parties (COP), Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP), Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), and Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA), met throughout the day. IISD Reporting Services, through its Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) Meeting Coverage, has providing daily web coverage, daily reports, and a summary and analysis report from the Fiji / Bonn Climate Change Conference 2017. The summary and analysis report is now available in HTML and PDF. Photos by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page. Informal Consultations throughout the Day Informal consultations on APA agenda item 7, modalities and procedures for the committee to facilitate implementation and promote compliance APA informal consultations on item 6, global stocktake Informal consultations on the joint annual report of the Technology Executive Committee (TEC) and the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) Informal consultations on national adaptation plans (NAPs) SBSTA informal consultations on the local communities and indigenous peoples platform Informal consultations on APA agenda item 4, further guidance on adaptation communication SBI Facilitative Sharing of Views and the Multilateral Assessment SBI Chair Tomasz Chruszczow, Poland, chaired the session Andrei Pilipchuk, Belarus  María Victoria Chiriboga, Ecuador Diana Harutyunyan, Armenia Jaivardhan Ramanlal Bhatt, India Rehab Ahmed Hassan Ahmed, Sudan Ricardo Fernandez, EU Xing Fan, China APA Co-Chairs' Dialogue with Observer Organizations View of the dais during the session APA Co-Chairs Jo Tyndall, New Zealand, and Sarah Baashan, Saudi Arabia Nathan Thanki, Climate Justice Now! (CJN!), Environmental NGOs (ENGOs) Kalyani Raj, Women and Gender Chih Chie Sung, Youth NGOs (YOUNGOs) Majda Dabaghi, Business and Industry NGOs (BINGOs) Li Shuo, Climate Action Network (CAN), ENGOs Anabella Rosemberg, Trade Union NGOs (TUNGOs) Bjørg Vårli Håland, YOUNGOs Around the Venue Delegates between sessions Stella Gama, Malawi, speaks with Benito Müller, Oxford Climate Policy A young delegate in the venue Delegates from Europe Delegates from the Arab world Delegates gather between sessions Ismail El Gizouli, Sudan Interviews conducted in the venue Delegates speak informally UN Security around the venue Milañ Loeak, Marshall Islands In the park between the Bula and Bonn Zones, an art installation titled 'Unbearable' depicts the climate crisis, including a 'freedom to pollute' sculpture of the US Statue of Liberty, and bronze sculptures of climate refugees
Daily Highlights

Highlights and images for 8 November 2017

Fiji / Bonn Climate Change Conference - November 2017

The Fiji / Bonn Climate Change Conference continued on Wednesday. In the morning, the Presidency convened an open dialogue among NGO constituency representatives and parties, and a technical workshop on ways to increase the efficiency and transparency of the budget process met. Informal consultations under the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), and the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA) throughout the day. IISD Reporting Services, through its Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) Meeting Coverage, has providing daily web coverage, daily reports, and a summary and analysis report from the Fiji / Bonn Climate Change Conference 2017. The summary and analysis report is now available in HTML and PDF. Photos by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page. The Presidency's Open Dialogue between UNFCCC NGO Constituency Representatives and Parties View of the dais during the session Frank Bainimarama, COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1-2 President UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa Lucas Di Pietro, Argentina Anabella Rosemberg, Trade Union NGOs (TUNGOs) Archie Young, UK Ceris Jones, Farmers Juan Carlos Arredondo Brun, Mexico Yungratna Srivastava, Youth NGOs (YOUNGOs) Deo Saran, Fiji Facilitators Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, Fiji, and Benito Müller, Oxford Climate Policy Brendina Drollet, Cook Islands Paul Oquist Kelley, Nicaragua Yunus Arikan, Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMAs) Shradha Shreejaya, Women and Gender Naoyuki Yamagishi, Environmental NGOs (ENGOs) View of the room during the session Contact Groups and Informal Consultations throughout the Day Informal consultations on APA agenda item 3, further guidance in relation to the mitigation section of the Paris outcome Delegates gather for the informal consultations on APA agenda item 7, modalities and procedures for the committee to facilitate implementation and promote compliance SBI informal consultations on coordination of support for the implementation of activities in relation to mitigation actions in the forest sector by developing countries Informal consultations on APA agenda item 4, further guidance on adaptation communication SBSTA informal consultations on local communities and indigenous peoples platform Informal consultations on APA agenda item 6, matters relating to the global stocktake Civil Society Action Members of civil society demonstrate outside the conference area Around the Venue UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa, and Nazhat Shameem Khan, COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1-2 Presidency Frank Bainimarama, COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1-2 President, and Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, Fiji Lorena Aguilar, Costa Rica (centre) Hoesung Lee, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Chair (centre) Kava, a traditional Fijian drink, is available at the venue
Daily Highlights

ENBOTS selected side events coverage for 8 November 2017

Fiji / Bonn Climate Change Conference - November 2017

The following events were covered by IISD Reporting Services on Wednesday, 8 November 2017: Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in Addressing Marine and Coastal Zone Management in the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) Implementation in Small Island Developing States (SIDS): Linking Mitigation and Adaptation Efforts for Sustainable Development Integrated Observations for Mitigation and Adaptation & Practical Support to Parties Climate-related Human Mobility: Connecting the Dots to Implement the Paris Agreement Forests Country Showcase Slow Onset Impacts, Fast Action: Multisectoral Responses to Climate Change Addressing Uncertainties in Estimating GHG Emissions and Removals in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses (AFOLU) Sector to Strengthen Land Management Impacts 5 Years of Experiences Gained from the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM): Lessons Learned and Way Forward IISD Reporting Services, through its Earth Negotiations Bulletin on the Side (ENBOTS) Meeting Coverage, will provide daily web coverage from selected side events at the UN Climate Change Conference - November 2017. Photos by IISD/ENB | Ángeles Estrada and Herman Njoroge Chege For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page. Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in Addressing Marine and Coastal Zone Management in the Red Sea and Arabian GulfPresented by the Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden (PERSGA) This session, moderated by Ziad Abu Ghararah, Secretary General, PERSGA, showcased national-regional collaborative efforts for applying ecosystem approaches in the implementation of NDCs. Participants considered examples of marine and coastal zone management measures in the region, and highlighted ways through which PERSGA supports its member states in implementing ecosystem-based conservation measures. Ahmed Khalil, PERSGA, explained that his organization focuses on the conservation of the marine environment in the region; and pointed to a recent agreement with the Islamic Development Bank to cooperate on providing support for ecosystem-based management projects.  Islam Taha Mohamed, PERSGA, pointed to various web-based tools, such as an environmental sensitivity database, pollution load and oil trajectory models, and an integrated regional system on fisheries, which enhances knowledge exchange among countries in the Red Sea region.  Axel Michaelowa, Managing Director, Perspectives GmbH, focused on blue carbon to, inter alia, delineate methodological approaches to measuring adaptation benefits, building on indicators of “saved wealth” and “saved health.”  Christian Voolstra, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), outlined activities at KAUST, particularly the Red Sea Research Center on ocean science and the blue economy in Saudi Arabia. He described the Red Sea as KAUST’s “largest laboratory,” characterized by deep, warm water, a lack of fresh water input, nutrient poor and oxygen deficient. He said these extreme conditions make it a “model ocean of the future.” Highlighting the blue economy as the way forward, he outlined key focus areas for KAUST, including conservation and restoration of mangrove, seagrasses and saltmarsh ecosystems. On coral bleaching, he explained that this phenomena is regional in scope, with the northern Red Sea hardly experiencing any bleaching, which provides a window of opportunity to study coral reef resilience.  Daniele Daffonchio, KAUST, discussed KAUST’s work on: the preservation of coastal intertidal ecosystems; ecological connectivity; Red Sea mangroves mapping; Red Sea blue carbon sequestration and stocks; and mangrove microbiomes.  Khaled Abdullah Al-Abdulkader, Saudi Aramco, highlighted his company’s experience in marine environmental protection and research in collaboration with KAUST. He highlighted: a management framework for fisheries resources in the Gulf; mangrove transplantation efforts, which resulted in two million trees being planted; and the Aramco Biodiversity Park, as an example of the company’s engagement in environmental conservation. L-R: Khaled Abdullah Al-Abdulkader, Saudi Aramco; Daniele Daffonchio, KAUST; Christian Voolstra, KAUST; Ziad Abu Ghararah, PERSGA; Ahmed Khalil, PERSGA; Islam Taha Mohamed, PERSGA; and Axel Michaelowa, Perspectives GmbH Christian Voolstra, KAUST, outlined activities at KAUST, particularly the Red Sea Research Center on ocean science and the blue economy in Saudi Arabia. Ziad Abu Ghararah, Secretary General, PERSGA, moderated the session.   Axel Michaelowa, Managing Director, Perspectives GmbH, said the most effective way to harness the potential of blue carbon is to conserve existing mangrove forests and seagrass beds rather than opt for costly restoration measures. Daniele Daffonchio, KAUST, discussed the preservation of coastal resources in the Red Sea. Ahmed Khalil, PERSGA, pointed to the Red Sea’s great richness in marine biodiversity, including corals and marine mammals such as dugongs. Islam Taha Mohamed, PERSGA, illustrated the importance of web-based tools in providing a knowledge base for evidence-based conservation measures. Khaled Abdullah Al-Abdulkader, Saudi Aramco, highlighted his company’s experience in marine environment protection and research in collaboration with KAUST.       Contact: Nathalie Parra | More Information: Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) Implementation in Small Island Developing States (SIDS): Linking Mitigation and Adaptation Efforts for Sustainable DevelopmentPresented by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) This session, moderated by Vera Scholz, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), centered on examples of cross-sectoral cooperation that foster linkages between mitigation and adaptation action on the ground. Participants discussed, inter alia, financial and capacity building needs SIDS, and the need to move to long-term, climate-smart investments. Pointing to the special responsibility of G20 countries to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, Jochen Flasbarth, State Secretary, BMUB, praised SIDS for making ambitious mitigation pledges in their NDCs. He further pointed to the long-standing partnership between Germany and SIDS, highlighting cooperation on political approaches such as supporting the 1.5ºC goal, and on technical cooperation such as through the International Climate Initiative Bruce Kijiner, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Marshall Islands, highlighted the good progress his country has made in NDC implementation, especially in relation to increasing solar energy capacity and addressing questions of energy efficiency.  Trevor Thompson, Grenada, emphasized the importance of legislative instruments to open the energy market to competition and foster renewable energy production, and pointed to the momentum created by the reestablishment of the National Climate Change Committee.  Soenke Kreft, Executive Director, Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII), recalled his organization’s mission to find tangible solutions for unavoidable climate change impacts, and highlighted that it successfully brought insurance products to two Caribbean countries, with others being close to approval. Karsten Sach, Germany, described the consultation process that led to the adoption of his country’s Climate Action Plan 2050 and underlined the importance of opening up institutions to stakeholder input in designing decarbonization pathways. Espen Ronneberg, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), emphasized SPREP’s role as a regional organization providing technical support for national measures, including the preparation of national communications and project proposals to the Green Climate Fund and the Adaptation Fund. In the ensuing discussion, participants discussed, inter alia: the potential for regulatory frameworks at the regional level to accelerate and efficiently foster the uptake of climate friendly technology at the national level; the importance of stakeholder inclusion and ownership of solutions by local communities; and the potential of fiscal reforms, especially on fossil fuel subsidies, to achieve transformation.  L-R: Vera Scholz, GIZ; Bruce Kijiner, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Marshall Islands; Karsten Sach, Germany; Soenke Kreft, Executive Director, MCII; Trevor Thompson, Grenada; and Espen Ronneberg, SPREP Soenke Kreft, Executive Director, MCII, pointed to the growing demand for climate risk insurance products and highlighted that a significant number of NDCs mention such schemes. Karsten Sach, Germany, underlined the need for policy coherence across all sectors to achieve a deep transformation. During the discussion, a representative of Green Budget Europe indicated that the United Nations Office for Sustainable Development provides training workshops on fiscal policy reform. Trevor Thompson, Grenada, highlighted the need for capacity building to ensure that local communities have the skills to maintain technologies that have been installed with international support. Vera Scholz, GIZ, and Bruce Kijiner, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Marshall Islands Espen Ronneberg, SPREP, emphasized the need to adapt climate solutions to the small scale of island economies. Contact: Julia Schweigger  (BMUB) | More Information: Integrated Observations for Mitigation and Adaptation & Practical Support to PartiesPresented by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), the Group on Earth Observation (GEO) and the Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan (RESTEC) This session, moderated by Stephen Briggs, GCOS Steering Committee, centered on the role of new technology in supporting parties to mitigate and adapt to climate change, including through access to climate observations, data records and information sharing. In his opening remarks, Andrea Tilche, European Commission, explained that GEO is a system improving open access to and interoperability of Earth observations, fulfilling efforts to enhance climate data across the world.  Paul Becker, Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), discussed the national implementation of GEO and GCOS activities in Germany. He emphasized that these tools can support the implementation of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and highlighted: learning opportunities; improvement of national policies and data sharing; and GEO’s contribution to the Global Forest Observations Initiative.   Jouni Heiskanen, Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS), spoke on GHG sinks, natural carbon cycles, and how fossil fuel emissions affect these natural processes. He argued that ICOS enhances data at the regional level, and noted its overarching goal of coordinating observations globally.  Kiyoto Tanabe, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), spoke on the “2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories.” Focusing on satellite data, he noted efforts of over 200 scientists working on the refinement of the Guidelines with regards to improving verification methods, especially on Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU).  Masanobu Kimura, Japan, spoke on how satellite data can support national climate mitigation planning. He noted that the GHG Observing Satellite (GOSAT) allows higher accuracy in detecting anthropogenic emissions and explained that this tool can assist other parties in reporting progress on NDC implementation under the Paris Agreement transparency framework. Tim Oakley, UK, addressed the GCOS Cooperation Mechanism, which supports parties in mitigating and adapting to climate change. He said that this mechanism responds to the need to provide capacity building and improve expert networks. He referred to training workshops for technicians and activities on telecommunications, giving the example of Chad, which has benefited from the GCOS system since 2017. Simon Eggleston, GCOS, reported on a programme in Fiji resulting from a COP 22 decision, which addresses: upper air measurements; precipitation; increased costs in remote areas; and procurement. Explaining the global importance of upper air observations, he said that the quality of the models predicting meteorological conditions vary drastically. He emphasized ongoing work on sustainable funding, communications, transport, national precipitation observations and training that will be presented at COP 24 by SPREP, the World Meteorological Organization, the Pacific Islands Conservation Initiative and the Pacific Meteorological Council. Barbara Ryan, GEO, emphasized the importance of partnerships to scale up data solutions at the international and national levels. She underscored the need for accessibility of data in all areas: land, oceans and space. She said that increasing capacity in data measurement and measurement frequency are important. She further emphasized the vitality of open data platforms, lamenting that a high number of governments still refuse to share information. During closing remarks, Carolin Richter, GCOS Director, declared that “we are family” to highlight the collaborative work of all presented projects and invited continued financial support to these initiatives.  In the ensuing discussion, participants debated, among other issues: low-cost options for precipitation observations; challenges to replace existing measurement technology with cheaper options; the global benefits of local measurements; adaptation needs of developing countries; and plans for observations in oceans. L-R: Paul Becker, DWD; Jouni Heiskanen, ICOS; Kiyoto Tanabe, IPCC; Masanobu Kimura, Japan; Tim Oakley, UK; and Simon Eggleston, GCOS. Tim Oakley, UK, highlighted the need to invest in adaptation measures to overcome increasing natural disasters in remote areas. Participants during the event Masanobu Kimura, Japan, noted inter-agency use of GOSAT in his country. Simon Eggleston, GCOS, focused on climate observation benefits, particularly in Africa. Stephen Briggs, GCOS Steering Committee, declared “it’s great how much we can achieve when we don’t worry about who gets the credit,” to illustrate the need for continued partnerships. Barbara Ryan, GEO, highlighted international collaboration as the way forward to improve data accessibility and advocated for open data platforms to “close the information gap.” L-R: Carolin Richter, GCOS, and Barbara Ryan, GEO Participants debate, among others, low-cost options for precipitation observations. Contact: Barbara Ryan (GEO) | Carolin Richter (GCOS) | Masatoshi Kamei (RESTEC) | More Information: Climate-related Human Mobility: Connecting the Dots to Implement the Paris AgreementPresented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) In this side event, panelists explored the topic of human mobility in climate change sharing lessons learned. Moderator Madeline Garlick, UNHCR, noted the timeliness of the session given that the Task Force on Displacement is underway. Renate Held, IOM, noted the issue of climate-related mobility has increased in prevalence at recent COPs. She underscored the need to focus on programme and project development to address the issue and empower practitioners and policymakers to take action. She urged, in light of complex challenges, support to states to address it coherently, and proposed holding capacity-building sessions at the national level.  Rima Al Azar, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), shared the experience of a FAO community-driven development project in Nepal, where people most vulnerable to migration, including women, learned agriculture activities. She recommended investment in sustainable agriculture as it addresses root causes of migration, such as poverty and food insecurity. Meredith Byrne, International Labour Organization (ILO), underscored that national development planning and regional discussions would boost resilience and address loss and damage, including through skills development. She added that these measures, along with migration through regular pathways, would help to facilitate decent work.   Ben Schachter, Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), recommended that the Task Force and the international community promote human rights policy coherence throughout the development agenda. He elaborated that parties are obligated to ensure the dignity, safety and human rights of climate migrants. Barbara Bendandi, UN Convention on Combatting Desertification (UNCCD), explained that since September 2017, 3.2 million people have been displaced, half of them by drought. She called on the international community to take responsibility for displacement by addressing the root causes, arguing that land should have a critical role in that. Pradeep Kurukulasuriya, UN Development Programme (UNDP), observed that climate-related mobility was fundamental to his organization’s work, adding that partnerships and accessible finance are necessary to address it. Robert Oakes, UN University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), underscored the importance of facilitating options when addressing mobility, as this helps to control loss and damage. He argued that forced migration should be minimized and avoided, and in the case of individuals who want to migrate, parties should enable movements to be made with dignity, which can be done by extending adaptive migration. Verona Collantes, UN Women, called for gender equality in addressing human mobility related to climate change. She underscored that women are significantly contributing to climate change solutions and, therefore, should also have a voice in the discussion. Amir H. Delju, World Meteorological Organization (WMO), called for increased climate literacy among vulnerable communities. He added that information on the complex human outcomes of climate change must be transformed and communicated to better manage climate risks. Following the presentations, participants and panelists discussed: definitions and figures of climate migrants; how to identify recipients of capacity-building initiatives; the relationship between climate literacy; and a need for information and mechanisms for policy coherence within the UN system. Ovais Sarmad, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), provided concluding remarks, reiterating the complexity of the topic, and called for scaling up policy coherence within the UN to bring out the human dimension of climate change. Garlick added that “the spotlight is on us to do more in this situation of extreme human need.” L-R: Renate Held, IOM; Robert Oakes, UNU-EHS; Verona Collantes, UN Women; Pradeep Kurukulasuriya, UNDP; and Amir H. Delju, WMO Madeline Garlick, UNHCR, warned that overlooking “protection” in climate change policy could lead to human rights violations. Verona Collantes, UN Women, stated that women and girls are disproportionately impacted by climate change. Renate Held, IOM, said that we need policy coherence on climate-related mobility to maximize action.   Robert Oakes, UNU-EHS, stressed that migration can increase vulnerability and put a strain on resources. Ben Schachter, OHCHR, affirmed that migrants are entitled to human rights. Ovais Sarmad, UNFCCC, argued that the human dimension is being diluted out of the climate change negotiations. Contact: Mariam Traore Chazalnoel (IOM) | Erica Bower (UNHCR) |  More Information: Forests Country ShowcasePresented by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) In this side event, panelists explored forest landscape restoration policies, processes and lessons learned in Mexico, Uganda, El Salvador and Burundi. Horst Freiberg, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), Germany, moderated the panel. Fabiola Navarrete, Mexico, spoke about forest management projects in her country. She outlined four elements of the National Forestry Commission’s landscape intervention model: inter-institutional coordination; harmonization of policies among sectors; stakeholder participation; and identification and implementation of actions specifically designed to meet regional needs. Describing a pilot project on payments for environmental services and women in apiculture, she said that it is simultaneously beneficial for ecosystem protection and women’s livelihoods. She described challenges in obtaining buy-in from stakeholders. Jorge Quezada, El Salvador, presenting on his country’s National Landscape and Ecosystem Restoration Program, described its strategic framework as aiming to: control deforestation and forest degradation; restore and conserve forest ecosystems and agroforestry systems; increase tree cover and carbon stocks; and restore degraded soil. He highlighted key success factors, including: high-level political support; good governance including full participation; building strategic alliances; emphasizing local adaptation; and addressing the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation. Alphonse Polisi, Burundi, explaining the forest landscape restoration process in his country, outlined elements, including the National Landscape Restoration Program and a national taskforce for landscape restoration. He said a key priority is to collect data to identify priority areas for forest restoration. Xavier Mugumya, Uganda, explained drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in his country, and said it has agreed to the Bonn Challenge commitment to restore 2.5 million hectares. He described the loss of forest cover in Uganda and outlined criteria for identifying areas that have potential for forest landscape restoration. He mentioned national policy instruments including Vision 2040, national development plans, the National Forestry Plan and the REDD+ Strategy, stating that finance is the most important missing element. During the ensuing discussion, participants addressed, among others: policy tensions between food security and forest landscape conservation and restoration; enabling environments for finance; and mainstreaming the value of restoring ecosystems in developing countries. Fabiola Navarrete, National Forestry Commission, Mexico, highlighted the importance of inter-institutional coordination. Horst Freiburg, BMUB, Germany, said forest landscape restoration could be a “game-changer” for global climate action. Jorge Quezada, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, El Salvador, described projects on drought monitoring and mangrove restoration. Alphonse Polisi, Director for Environment and Climate Change, Burundi, emphasized his country’s commitment to forest landscape restoration. Contact: Sandra Caya (IUCN) | More Information: Slow Onset Impacts, Fast Action: Multisectoral Responses to Climate ChangePresented by the German Development Institute (DIE) and the Philippines’ Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC) This event, chaired by Renato Redentor Constantino, ICSC, showcased research into slow-onset events and their impacts on vulnerable communities in the Philippines and Ethiopia. Constantino expressed hope that the discourse about slow-onset events would be elevated to the same level of urgency as that of extreme events, and identified ocean acidification, sea-level rise and drought as the most prevalent disasters. Kare Chawicha Debessa, State Minister of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Ethiopia, emphasized the importance of increasing research on slow-onset events, saying extreme events tend to overshadow the extent of damage caused by droughts, ocean acidification and sea-level rise. He reported the impacts of the recent El Niño drought on 10.2 million vulnerable people in his country and stressed the need for developing capacity and understanding to deal with these types of “creeping” emergencies. Denise Matias, DIE, presented the results of a desktop study on slow-onset publications worldwide, and lamented the lack of research in regions most impacted by these events. Distinguishing between different scientific disciplines, she lamented that the social sciences lag behind.   Lourdes Tibig, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report Lead Author, lamented the disconnect between policymakers, scientists and communities. She reported on research by three Philippine state universities into the three main sectors most affected on the islands, and emphasized the country’s vulnerability to extreme events, which are exacerbated by slow-onset disasters. Tadesse Tujuba Kenea, German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), highlighted the challenges to, and his recommendations for, addressing slow-onset events. He called for enhanced collaboration and bottom-up policies that consider the condition on the ground. He noted that data poses a challenge, as it is often unavailable, of poor quality and difficult to monitor.  Anne Sperschneider, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, presented on several fellowships offered by her organization, which aim to build trust and understanding. She emphasized that the fellowships try to tackle broader issues, and allow researchers from developing countries to work on climate protection and climate-related resource protection. She concluded that networking amongst fellows helps to promote cross-border protection. During the ensuing discussion, participants addressed, among other things: cooperation between policymakers and researchers; the sources of literature used in the presentations; existing impact models to see the effects of climate change on ecosystems; and the opportunities for partnerships between German climate institutes and universities in the Philippines. On the latter, Sperschneider added that the German Academic Exchange Service offers masters and PhD fellowships related to development for non-Germans. Emmanuel de Guzman, the Philippines, closed the session, calling for evidence-based research and for governments to ensure that policies reflect realities on the ground. He reiterated that collaboration is key, particularly in creating longer-term work plans necessary in addressing slow-onset climate change. Emmanuel de Guzman, the Philippines, commended the speakers for effectively communicating the importance of slow-onset climate events. Lourdes Tibig, IPCC Fifth Assessment Report Lead Author, highlighted the altered pathways of cyclones in the Philippines. Kare Chawicha Debessa, State Minister of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Ethiopia, emphasized the importance of governments’ commitment in addressing disaster impacts. Denise Matias, DIE, cautioned that “policy alone is not enough, and neither is research.” L-R: Anne Sperschneider, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation; Tadesse Tujuba Kenea, GFZ; Denise Matias, GIZ; and Lourdes Tibig, IPCC Fifth Assessment Report Lead Author Contact: Denise Fontanilla (ICSC) | Denise Matias (DIE) | More Information:   Addressing Uncertainties in Estimating GHG Emissions and Removals in the Agriculture, Forestry And Other Land Uses (AFOLU) Sector to Strengthen Land Management ImpactsPresented by Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD), Cornell University, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) and New Zealand In this side event, panelists explored biological methods for carbon removal, including soil carbon storage. Jean-Luc Chotte, IRD, moderated the panel. Marc Sadler, World Bank, noted the need to move away from current agriculture and land-use practices, and emphasized the importance of communicating the co-benefits of soil carbon storage to farmers. He said the challenge is to deliver “viable, reliable and stable” incomes to farmers to encourage them to continue feeding the planet while supporting them to do so in a low-carbon and resilient way. Johannes Lehmann, Cornell University, said that even a small fraction of increase in soil carbon storage would make a large difference to the global carbon budget. He listed various approaches, which need to be combined, including water management, enhanced root phenotypes, cropland management, grazing land management, biochar application, and restoration of degraded land. He highlighted that uncertainty is not variability and that a “management learning” approach is needed when implementing soil carbon projects. Lini Wollenberg, CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), reported on a study assessing measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) of emission reductions from livestock in 140 countries. She stated that 85% of the developing countries surveyed were not using MRV practices that could capture mitigation. On barriers to MRV, she highlighted weak links with national data providers and finance for data collection and emissions research. Martial Bernoux, FAO, reported on a study assessing NDCs, stating that 98% of countries included agriculture, and 89% mentioned a relationship between mitigation and agriculture. He called for policies reconciling adaptation, mitigation and agriculture, and noted country priorities for international support, including: research, analysis and data; capacity building; and the mobilization of public and private finance. Özgül Erdemli Mutlu, Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion, for Reforestation and the Protection of Natural Habitats (TEMA Foundation), underlined the role of NGOs in communicating technical information about soil carbon to policymakers. She highlighted the interconnectedness of the UNCCD and UNFCCC processes, urging to “break down these silos.” She lamented the lack of capacity in analyzing soil data, and suggested setting land degradation neutrality targets. Noting the inclusion of non-state actors in the Paris Agreement, she said it is important to consider local stakeholders. Souleymane Konate, University of Nangui Abrogoua, explained difficulties in analyzing data, noting that in Côte d'Ivoire, sufficient data is collected from farming institutions but difficulties arise at the scientific level. He called for a common methodology for data analysis, stating that “we are credible if we have reliable data.” Pascal Martinez, Global Environment Facility (GEF), outlined his organization’s work, highlighting the diversity in countries and agencies it works with. He emphasized the need to provide concrete and credible environmental data, and reported progress in the development of new tools to do so. He said the GEF is trying to improve data quality in terms of carbon benefits. During the ensuing discussion, participants addressed, among others: capacity building and strengthening partnerships; communicating with farmers; renewable energy and manure management; prospects for scaling-up soil carbon storage; and geoengineering. L-R: Souleymane Konate, University of Nangui Abrogoua; Marc Sadler, World Bank; Lini Wollenberg, CCAFS; Martial Bernoux, FAO; Jean-Luc Chotte, IRD; Özgül Erdemli Mutlu, TEMA Foundation; Pascal Martinez, GEF; and Johannes Lehmann, Cornell University Martial Bernoux, FAO, called for harmonizing data collection tools and methodologies. Özgül Erdemli Mutlu, TEMA Foundation, called for building capacity in soil data analysis. Pascal Martinez, GEF, said that the GEF is “on the eve of a new era”. Marc Sadler, World Bank, said that agriculture is currently an “extractive industry” which needs to change. Souleymane Konate, University of Nangui Abrogoua, said that uncertainty in data is a key issue. Lini Wollenberg, CCAFS, recommended South-South experience sharing on priorities for livestock MRV system development. Contact: Benoit Martimort-Asso (IRD) | Emmanuel Torquebiau (CIRAD) | Allison Chatrchyan (Cornell University) | Claire Weill (INRA) | Hayden Montgomery (New Zealand) | More Information: 5 Years of Experiences Gained from the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM): Lessons Learned and Way ForwardPresented by the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) This session, moderated by Stefano De Clara, IETA, centered on the Japanese Government’s experience with the JCM, including its development, methodologies and credit issuing schemes. Participants debated the relationship between existing markets, the JCM and Article 6 of the Paris Agreement (cooperative approaches). Naoki Torii, Japan, provided an overview of the JCM and experiences gained from its implementation in his country. He said that the Paris Agreement had a significant impact on the JCM, and that more research is needed to explore how to manage the issued credits and the linkages to this global regime. He noted several supporting schemes designed to smooth the process, underscoring that government-to-government consultations help adjust to new rules.  Shinichiro Sano, Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting (MURC), spoke on JCM process and statistics, explaining the procedures and methodologies. He emphasized the importance of transparency through public consultations and a credit registration system to avoid double counting. He also noted that 21 projects had been registered in six countries, and compared time requirements between the JCM and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).  Kentaro Takahashi, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), spoke on options for accounting related to Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOS) under the Paris Agreement. He said that double counting occurs when there appears to be a reduction in overall emissions, but actual emissions remain constant or increase. He called on parties to prioritize this issue.  Simon Henry, the International Carbon Reduction and Offset Alliance (ICROA), explained the role of his organization, which provides codes of best practice to companies. He noted governments’ bilateral approaches in addressing double counting and improving compliance with international agreements.  Jeff Swartz, South Pole Group, highlighted projects developed to provide emitting companies with carbon neutrality and carbon positive goals, in order to enhance their social and environmental co-benefits. He noted Australia as a key market, as the government guarantees the acquisition of carbon credits for 10 years. He said that, in the context of Article 6, JCM has an early mover advantage.  Jos Cozijnsen, Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), recalled that Article 6.4 addresses global reductions and said that more models need to be developed in order to improve emission reductions by sector. He suggested opportunities for the JCM to work with REDD+ and noted that single rather than double counting is the major JCM challenge.  In the ensuing discussion, participants discussed, inter alia: the modalities of trading carbon credits between countries; climate finance; and how other countries approach the JCM. On the way forward for the JCM, panelists indicated: increased targets under the JCM by 2030; renewed targets for 2050; and guidelines provided by the rulebook operationalizing the Paris Agreement. L-R: Stefano De Clara, IETA; Jos Cozijnsen, EDF ; Jeff Swartz, South Pole Group; Naoki Torii, Japan; Kentaro Takahashi, IGES; and Simon Henry, ICROA Shinichiro Sano, MURC, noted the JCM methodology is country-specific but that energy efficiency remains the main one in Japan. Kentaro Takahashi, IGES, noted that schemes such as “cap and trade” and “credits” should be designed to reduce overall emissions. Jos Cozijnsen, EDF , said the Japanese were “wise to advance the JCM ahead of all countries.” Naoki Torii, Japan, noted that the “world of the Paris Agreement is completely different from the one of the Kyoto Protocol” and that ensuring environmental integrity is crucial for the success of this global agreement. Contact: Stefano De Clara (IETA) | More Information:
Side Events

Highlights and images for 7 November 2017

Fiji / Bonn Climate Change Conference - November 2017

The Fiji / Bonn Climate Change Conference continued on Tuesday. In the morning, the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA) resumed its first session in an opening plenary, and met in a contact group for all substantive agenda items. The plenaries for the Conference of the Parties (COP) and Conference of the Parties Serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP) resumed in the afternoon. Throughout the day, the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) and Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) contact groups and informal consultations and APA informal consultations convened. IISD Reporting Services, through its Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) Meeting Coverage, has providing daily web coverage, daily reports, and a summary and analysis report from the Fiji / Bonn Climate Change Conference 2017. The summary and analysis report is now available in HTML and PDF. Photos by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page. APA Opening Plenary Delegates gather for the APA opening plenary APA Co-Chairs Jo Tyndall, New Zealand, and Sarah Baashan, Saudi Arabia Helmut Hojesky, Austria, COP 23 Vice-President Delegates applaud the re-election of the APA Co-Chairs Walter Schuldt Espinel, Ecuador, speaking on behalf of the G-77/China Franz Perrez, Switzerland, speaking on behalf of the Environmental Integrity Group (EIG) Patrick Suckling, Australia, on behalf of the Umbrella Group Gebru Jember, Ethiopia, speaking on behalf of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) Ayman Shasly, Saudi Arabia Meelis Münt, EU Hussein Alfa Nafo, Mali, speaking on behalf of the African Group Amjad Abdulla, Maldives, speaking on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) Xiandi Ooi, Youth NGOs (YOUNGOs) Majda Dabaghi, Business NGOs (BINGOs) Tianyang Zhou, Women and Gender APA Contact Group Delegates during the APA contact group Ravi Prasad, India Liang Pei, China APA Co-Chair Jo Tyndall, New Zealand APA family photo Civil Society Actions throughout the Day Representatives from Friends of the Earth call for an end to 'dirty energy' Representatives of the Women and Gender constituency conduct an aerobics class to remind COP 23 delegates to metaphorically 'mind the gap' of gender inequality, and 'reach' for a gender action plan Contact Groups and Informal Consultations throughout the Day SBI informal consultations on National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) Delegates sit on the floor as rooms are filled to capacity SBSTA informal consultations on issues relating to agriculture SBI/SBSTA contact group on the impact of the implementation of response measures SBI contact group on administrative, financial and institutional matters COP Plenary View of the dais during the COP plenary Frank Bainimarama, COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1-2 President Nazhat Shameem Khan, COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1-2 Presidency Ewen McDonald, Co-Chair, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Chizuru Aoki, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Georg Børsting, Co-Chair, Standing Committee on Finance (SCF) Paweł Sałek, Secretary of State, Government Plenipotentiary for Climate Policy, Poland Nedal Katbeh-Bader, State of Palestine CMP Plenary View of the dais during the CMP plenary Frank Wolke, Chair, Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Executive Board (EB) Gherghita Nicodim, Vice Chair, Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC) Gerhard Loibl, Co-Chair, Compliance Committee Victor Vinas, Vice Chair, Adaptation Fund Board (AFB) Around the Venue Delegates from Poland Marcela Main Sancha, Secretary to the COP/CMP, UNFCCC, speaks with Nazhat Shameem Khan, COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1-2 Presidency Salaheddine Mezouar, COP 22/CMP 12/CMA 1 President, speaks with delegates from Morocco Hayrapet Hakobyan, Armenia Delegates read the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) to keep track of negotiations Delegates between sessions
Daily Highlights

ENBOTS selected side events coverage for 6 November 2017

Fiji / Bonn Climate Change Conference - November 2017

The following events were covered by IISD Reporting Services on Monday, 6 November 2017: Together for Climate Solutions, Opening of the German Pavilion Opening of the Talanoa Space: United for Climate Action Pacific Islands Inspiring Leadership in Renewable Energy Climate Action Network: Yardsticks for Success at COP 23 The Global Implications of a Rapidly-changing Arctic Implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement Catalysing Climate Action, Realizing the SDGs: Science, Interconnections and Implementation Role of Women as Guardians of the Ocean at the Frontlines of the Climate-Development-Nature Nexus European Climate Policy After Paris IISD Reporting Services, through its Earth Negotiations Bulletin on the Side (ENBOTS) Meeting Coverage, will provide daily web coverage from selected side events at the UN Climate Change Conference 2017. Photos by IISD/ENB | Ángeles Estrada and Herman Njoroge Chege For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page. Together for Climate Solutions, Opening of the German PavilionPresented by the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) This event, moderated by Michael Schroeren, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, Germany, was convened to open the German Pavilion at COP 23, and to outline Germany’s commitments on climate action.  Barbara Hendricks, Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, Germany, explained that the Pavilion would provide an opportunity for Germany to present its national climate actions and priorities, including on adaptation and oceans. She described the Fijian COP Presidency as an opportunity to draw attention to the impacts of climate change on small island developing states (SIDS), and pointed to the Talanoa Space, setup in conjunction with Fiji, to provide non-state actors a platform at COP 23 to celebrate their diversity, showcase activities and encourage exchange.  Hendricks stressed that the Paris Agreement would not be renegotiated, and that the focus in Bonn should be on developing guidelines for implementation to ensure mitigation goals are increasingly ambitious. She emphasized the need for transparent, comprehensive and comparable Nationally Determined Contributions, and for measuring progress towards goals, emphasizing that the Talanoa Dialogue would help to close the action gap. Gerd Müller, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany, highlighted German funding for global projects, which in terms of emission reductions, is equivalent to 25% of Germany’s total emissions, or offsetting the equivalent of 100 coal-fired power plants. He announced that Germany would invest an additional €1 billion to fund global mitigation and adaptation action. Highlighting climate protection as an opportunity for both development and investment, Müller emphasized the vital role that German clean technologies play in global climate action. He concluded by outlining Germany’s strategy to become carbon neutral by 2020, stressing that they “are not just talking but acting. ”  The ensuing discussion focused on: ministerial expectations for COP 23; the impact of the US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement; the allocation of Germany’s €1 billion contribution; and Germany’s mitigation commitments and achievements. (L-R): Petra Diroll, Spokesperson for Minister Müller; Gerd Müller, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany; Barbara Hendricks, Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany; and Michael Schroeren, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, Germany Barbara Hendricks, Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, Germany, stressed the importance of moving from words to action, and said this COP offers a space to foster implementation. Michael Schroeren, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, Germany Gerd Müller, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany, said that climate action is a central issue for the survival of humanity, and we only have “one planet, one world and one climate.” Participants during the event Participants interact with the panel during the event Participants follow the event's proceedings Gerd Müller, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany, fields questions from a journalist after the event.   Contact: Michael Schroeren (moderator) | More Information: Opening of the Talanoa Space: United for Climate ActionPresented by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Helena Humphrey, Deutsche Welle, moderated the opening of the Talanoa Space, jointly set up by the governments of Germany and Fiji to enable non-state actors to showcase their activities and learn from each other. Inia Seruiratu, Minister for Agriculture, Rural and Maritime Development, and National Disaster Management and High-Level Climate Champion, Fiji, underscored the objective of the Talanoa Space to facilitate open discussions to enable different actors to express themselves and forge relationships. He pledged to “feed ideas” emerging from the Talanoa Space into the negotiations, and called for COP 23 to move further and faster.  Friedrich Kitschelt, State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany, emphasized that while governments must provide the framework for ambitious climate action, implementation also lies with civil society, business, and cities and local actors. Turning to the risks faced by environmental activists, he underscored Germany’s support to civil society actors.   Lorna Eden, Assistant Minister for Local Government, Housing and Environment, Fiji, observed that despite countries and communities around the world facing a unique set of climate-related challenges, solutions developed in one country could be useful for other countries. Barbara Hendricks, Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, Germany, highlighted climate action not only as an issue for national governments but for society as a whole, calling for critical and constructive engagement with policy makers.  During the ensuing panel discussions, Anote Tong, former President of Kiribati, addressed the fate of island states and, echoing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, questioned whether we are “leaving anyone behind.” Christiane Averbeck, Executive Director, Climate Alliance Germany, pointed to the coalition talks in Berlin, challenging the new government to achieve the German climate targets. Responding to a question on phasing-out coal, Hendricks emphasized the need to bring everyone on board during this transition and to prevent climate action from becoming “an elite project.” Holger Lösch, Deputy Director General, Federation of German Industries, underscored the need for a coherent agenda to implement climate action, emphasizing the need to take risks into account. Ashok-Alexander Sridharan, Mayor of Bonn, described the city’s approach to citizen engagement, climate education and cooperation with cities in the Global South. Kitschelt outlined his ministry’s track record on climate finance, highlighting an additional €1.4 billion specifically for the Adaptation Fund and projects in small island developing states (SIDS). Bernd Bornhorst, Chairman, Association of German Development and Humanitarian Aid NGOs (VENRO), pointed to challenges related to decarbonizing the agricultural sector. Krishneil Narayan, Pacific Islands Climate Action Network (CAN), emphasized the need to translate the Paris Agreement into action on the ground. (L-R): Barbara Hendricks, Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, Germany; Christiane Averbeck, Executive Director, Climate Alliance Germany; Helena Humphrey, Deutsche Welle; Inia Seruiratu, Minister for Agriculture, Rural and Maritime Development, and National Disaster Management and High Level Climate Champion, Fiji; Holger Lösch, Deputy Director General, Federation of German Industries; and Anote Tong, former President of Kiribati Barbara Hendricks, Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, Germany, emphasized the value of COPs, not just for advancing the negotiations but also for providing a space for the vibrant exchange of ideas. Inia Seruiratu, Minister for Agriculture, Rural and Maritime Development, and National Disaster Management and High Level Climate Champion, Fiji, stressed that the Talanoa Space is a great symbol for the partnership and friendship between the governments of Fiji and Germany. Friedrich Kitschelt, State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany, lamented the US decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement and called upon the country’s responsibility to tackle climate change. Lorna Eden, Assistant Minister for Local Government, Housing and Environment, Fiji, said that if we want to foster a grand coalition for climate action we must learn to truly understand each other. Participants clap during the event (L-R): Krishneil Narayan, Pacific Islands CAN; Ashok-Alexander Sridharan, Mayor of Bonn; Helena Humphrey, Deutsche Welle; Friedrich Kitschelt, State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany; Lorna Eden, Assistant Minister for Local Government, Housing and Environment, Fiji; and Bernd Bornhorst, VENRO Krishneil Narayan, Pacific Islands CAN, asked how much implementation progress has been achieved in the two years since the Paris meeting. Anote Tong, former President of Kiribati, recalled that while great progress has been made since Cancún, the needs of island states have yet to be truly addressed. Christiane Averbeck, Executive Director, Climate Alliance Germany, challenged the German government to live up to its ambition of being a climate leader. Holger Lösch, Deputy Director General, Federation of German Industries, cautioned that “it doesn’t help to want something badly without knowing how to achieve it,” referring to the need for a coherent long-term agenda. Contact:  Pieter Pauw (German Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation) | More Information: Pacific Islands Inspiring Leadership in Renewable Energy Presented by Solar Head of State (SHOS) and the Pacific Islands Development Forum (PIDF) This event, moderated by James Ellsmoor, Director, SHOS, included speeches from high-level representatives from SIDS, a panel discussion of innovative renewable energy projects in Pacific SIDS, and the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between Tonga, SHOS and PIDF.  Ellsmoor opened the event by emphasizing that its objective is to showcase the innovation and leadership taking place in SIDS on new renewable energy technologies.  Paula Faiva, Tokelau, highlighted Tokelau’s achievements through the Tokelau Renewable Energy Project (TREP), which has enabled the island to become the first nation in the world to source 100% of its electricity supply from renewable energy. She noted that the Tokelau case has been instrumental to demonstrate that solar power is a “no regrets, climate and economic resilient pathway.” She concluded by noting Tokelau’s energy goal to generate 100% of energy used by all sectors from renewable sources. Paula Ma’u, Ministry of Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Climate Change and Communications (MEIDECC), Tonga, noted that progress towards their national target of 50% of energy generation from renewables by 2020 was currently only at 11. He noted the commission of a new two-megawatt solar farm, and concluded by recounting the launch of the Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Tonga.  François Martel, Secretary General, PIDF, indicated that PIDF has been tasked by Pacific leaders to support a “paradigm shift” to a low carbon future, green growth and the blue economy. He gave an overview of the PIDF’s partnership with SHOS, noting their goal to engage leaders from around the Pacific to continue on the 1.5°C path and implement the Paris Agreement.  Ngedikes Olai Uludong, Permanent Representative to the UN, Palau, noted that Palau’s NDC focuses on renewable energy and energy efficiency, with a commitment to source 45% of energy from renewable sources by 2025. She gave an overview of the activities on energy that have occurred in Palau since 2015, emphasizing this year’s Energy Summit, which defined what an NDC means for Palau, and assessed the ability of the grid to accommodate shifts in energy generation.  Ida Talagi Hekesi, Chamber Executive Committee, Niue, delineated her country’s journey towards increasing the share of renewables in the island’s energy production and pointed to the fact that in Niue, the energy legislation is outdated and needs revising to accompany the transition to renewables. She further emphasized the need for countries to not only share their success stories, but to also talk about the challenges they encounter so that others can learn from those experiences.  Mokshanand Sunil Dowarkasing, Greenpeace International, recalled that since 1992, SIDS have been recognized by the UN as a special group of developing countries due to the unique challenges they face, especially with regards to climate change. He further emphasized that the transition to renewable energy in SIDS is not just a matter of energy transition but of system change and economic restructuring. Key for successfully implementing this transition, he said, is raising awareness and achieving ownership of the renewable energy projects by local communities and fostering the engagement of local entrepreneurs in this new pillar of the economy. Dani Robertson, ClimateWorks Australia, described her organization’s work on devising “whole economy approaches” to decarbonization and highlighted that they successfully advised a number of Australian states and territories in developing net-zero plans for 2050.   The ensuing discussion addressed: the role of the private sector in facilitating the transition to renewable energy; challenges in moving from centralized to decentralized grid systems; and participatory approaches to revising legislative tools. (L-R): Dani Robertson, ClimateWorks Australia; Mokshanand Sunil Dowarkasing, Greenpeace International; Ida Talagi Hekesi, Chamber Executive Committee, Niue; Ngedikes Olai Uludong, Permanent Representative to the UN, Palau; Paula Ma’u, MEIDECC, Tonga; and François Martel, Secretary General, PIDF Ngedikes Olai Uludong, Permanent Representative to the UN, Palau, said that her country has developed an action plan to evaluate progress towards the target of generating 45% of energy from renewable sources by 2025. James Ellsmoor, SHOS, highlighted the initiative to install solar panels by the monarch of Tonga, noting its importance for the country and its expanding solar panel initiatives. Paula Faiva, Tokelau, said that Tokelau is the number one region in the world in reducing per-person greenhouse gas emissions. Paula Faiva, Tokelau, said that Tokelau is the number one nation in the world in reducing per-person greenhouse gas emissions.  Mokshanand Sunil Dowarkasing, Greenpeace International, addressed polluters around the world: “small islands without capacity are walking the talk, so what are you waiting for?” Ida Talagi Hekesi, Chamber Executive Committee, Niue, highlighted that successes and failures go hand in hand and events like this one provide a good opportunity to share lessons learned. Dani Robertson, ClimateWorks Australia, reported that an increasing number of Australian states and territories are pledging to achieve net-zero emissions by mid-century. François Martel, Secretary-General, PIDF, noted that the PIDF plays a important role in shaping renewable energy in the Pacific region and the globe’s energy future. Yardsticks for Success at COP 23Presented by Climate Action Network (CAN), China Association for NGO Cooperation (CANGO) and Asociación La Ruta del Clima In this side event, panelists explored various yardsticks for success in COP 23, including on, inter alia, identifying concrete steps for the implementation of guidelines, and ensuring effective participatory processes and commitment to stay below 1.5ºC. Lina Dabbagh, CAN, moderated the panel. Eliza Northrop, World Resources Institute (WRI), introduced the Talanoa Dialogue and remarked that it is critical to establishing a virtuous cycle of ambition. She emphasized that the Dialogue must be forward thinking and inclusive, and ideally avoid negotiation. In speaking about the progress on its modalities, she called on negotiators to be clear and comprehensive. Lucile Dufour, CAN France, underscored the important role of climate finance in the UNFCCC process, noting that it enhances solidarity, unlocks ambition, and would signal developed country commitment to the 2020 targets. She added that special attention needs to be paid to loss and damage finance. Jenny Jiva, Pacific Islands CAN, drew attention to the natural disasters that her country, Fiji, had experienced recently. She noted an increased sense of urgency, and called on the Talanoa Dialogue to establish actions that ensure a safe, just and sustainable future. Jenny Jiva, Pacific Islands CAN, drew attention to the natural disasters that her country, Fiji, had experienced recently. She noted an increased sense of urgency, and called on the Talanoa Dialogue to establish actions that ensure a safe, just and sustainable future. Yongsong Chen, Green Education Center, China, called for increased green education in order to reach the Paris Agreement goals. He stated that green education provides people with the knowledge and skills to take action, and called on the UN to translate conventions into simple teaching materials. Adrian Martinez, Asociacíon la Ruta del Clima, highlighted the need for civil society participation in negotiations in order to increase transparency. He called for more ambitious public participation, including critically analyzing what participation means. Following statements by the panelists, moderator Dabbagh invited ambassadors from countries that have hosted COPs to provide comments. Deo Saran, Fijian Ambassador to Belgium, underscored his country’s goal to empower marginalized people, including through a gender action plan.  Aziz Mekouar, Ambassador for Multilateral Negotiations, Morocco, highlighted the need for private finance.  Brigitte Collet, Ambassador for Climate Change Negotiations, Renewable Energy and Climate Risk Prevention, France, reiterated the importance of engagement with civil society.  In the ensuing discussion, participants asked questions about using participation to build empathy and about opportunities for open dialogue during the COP. (L-R): Lina Dabbagh, CAN; Jenny Jiva, Pacific Islands CAN; Eliza Northrop, WRI; Lucile Dufour, CAN France; Yongsong Chen, Green Education Center, China; and Adrian Martinez, Asociación La Ruta del Clima Lina Dabbagh, CAN, stressed that “this is not just another COP; this COP must deliver. Observing that although the Pacific is responsible for “negligible emissions,” Jenny Jiva, Pacific Islands CAN, said that she had seen the effects of climate change first hand, including living through a Category five cyclone in Fiji. Eliza Northrop, WRI, stressed that the Talanoa Dialogue is part of a process, not a singular moment.   Yongsong Chen, Green Education Center, China, called for support for green education at all levels. Ambassadors and participants listen to the panelists outline the measures of success they can expect at COP 23. The Global Implications of a Rapidly-changing ArcticPresented by the Arctic Council (AC), the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), and Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF). This side event, moderated by Morten Skovgaard Olsen, Denmark, explored recent scientific developments on Arctic climate change and its global impacts. René Söderman, Senior Arctic Official for the Government of Finland, reported on changes in Arctic temperatures, sea ice, land ice and permafrost. He stated that these changes are affecting weather in the mid-latitudes and expressed hope that Arctic states can display full, early and ambitious implementation of the Paris Agreement. Noting that no state will be immune to climate impacts, he said that Arctic warming will accelerate climate change globally.  David Barber, University of Manitoba, spoke about Arctic sea ice, highlighting that it provides a good indication of the overall climate system. He reported on the Arctic “amplification” of global temperature changes and, noting changes in summer and winter ice covers, ice mobility and ice quality, suggested that the Arctic would be ice-free within the next 15 to 20 years while the risks of these rapid changes remain little understood.  Pettari Taalas, World Meteorological Organization (WMO), presented data on changes in atmospheric temperature, ocean acidification, sea ice and precipitation in the Arctic. He elaborated on the role of the WMO regarding weather, climate and oceans observation, noting the need to enhance observation systems at high latitudes. He stated that, to date, thermal expansion has been the largest contributing factor to sea level rise, followed by glacial and Greenland ice sheet melt, though Arctic sea ice melt is also a large factor. Paul Wassman, University of Tromsø, discussed Arctic sea ice and adaptation. He noted the need for more research into the seasonal ice zone and described ‘four apocalyptic riders,’ which affect sea ice cover: warming, ice, light and freshening. He emphasized the effects of more Arctic open water on weather variability and emphasized the need for pan-Arctic comprehension and multi-disciplinary, coordinated system-ecological investigations throughout the seasonal ice zone. He listed essential adaptation measures, including on fisheries and marine protected areas. Monica Tennberg, University of Lapland, noted the unique demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the Barents region, calling for increased adaptive capacity and developing processes, as well as structures for adaptive governance. Reporting on local government programmes for adaptation planning, she said that, although awareness exists regarding the need to adapt, the plans need to be implemented.  Jason Box, Geological Survey of Greenland and Denmark, spoke about Arctic contributions to sea level change. Highlighting that, even when taking the Paris Agreement into account, Arctic temperatures will still rise by 7°C, he emphasized the need to consider strategies to achieve the Paris Agreement more rapidly in order to “buy time” for the Arctic. He noted difficulties in sea level rise modeling and stated that current predictions are probably underestimated. He emphasized that sea level rise is not uniform globally, as it affects tropical regions more than the Arctic due to changes in the Earth’s center of gravity.  Okalik Eegeesiak, Inuit Circumpolar Council, stated that Inuit must be “front and center” to climate action, based on their sovereignty, knowledge and rights. Noting the Indigenous Peoples’ Platform, she highlighted the opportunity for the Platform to link indigenous peoples directly with decision-making to ensure that indigenous rights are upheld. She emphasized that the Arctic Council is effective because Inuit are at the table and able to directly contribute to solutions. In relation to the increased shipping and fossil fuel exploration opportunities in the Arctic, she stressed the Inuit right to free, prior and informed consent.  (L-R) Morten Skovgaard Olsen, Denmark; René Söderman, Senior Arctic Official for the Government of Finland; David Barber, University of Manitoba; Paul Wassman, University of Tromsø; Monica Tennberg, University of Lapland; and Okalik Eegeesiak, Inuit Circumpolar Council David Barber, University of Manitoba, said that although he began his academic career as a climate skeptic, he was convinced otherwise by the “alarming” evidence he has discovered. Monica Tennberg, University of Lapland, said that “the main problem” is complacency and called for people to “wake up” to the urgency of the climate change threat. Paul Wassman, University of Tromsø, described the issue of how ice retreat will affect Arctic marine ecosystems as the “million-dollar question.” Pettari Taalas, WMO, said that about 75% of Arctic sea ice mass has melted. Jason Box, Geological Survey of Greenland and Denmark, called for early implementation of the Paris Agreement given the inevitability of further climate change in the Arctic. Contact: Anne Birgitte Hansen (Organizer) | Thomas Fries (Organizer) | More Information: Implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement Presented by the International Center for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) and the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP) Andrei Marcu, Director, European Roundtable on Climate and Sustainable Transition (ERCST), and Senior Fellow, the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), moderated the debate. In this side event, panelists explored how international markets can be a tool to meet Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement. Yuji Mizuno, Programme Director, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), explained the context of Article 6 negotiations, highlighting that avoiding double accounting is the most essential task for COP 23 Article 6 negotiators. Martin Hession, European Commission, declared that the long-term objectives of the Paris Agreement must be ensured, and noted that NDCs must generate carbon value at the domestic level. Martin Lajoie, negotiator on Article 6, Canada, recalled the importance of finalizing a rulebook, which will provide guidelines for countries on implementing the Paris Agreement. He noted that negotiations are a party-driven exercise, but subnational efforts, through a bottom-up approach, must also be scaled up to promote trust. Constanze Haug, Head of Secretariat, the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP), said that Article 6 provides flexibility for parties to implement the Paris Agreement and noted that carbon markets contribute to technology transfer, provide an incentive for robust measurement, reporting and verification (MRV), and are an important motivator in moving towards significant domestic GHG reduction. El Hadji Mbaye Diagne, Negotiator, Senegal, explained that negotiations on Article 6 contain three main facets: cooperative approaches; mechanisms for mitigation and sustainable development; and non-market mechanisms. He stressed that many concepts and principles still require common understanding among parties, noting that environmental integrity is interpreted differently. In the ensuing discussion, participants addressed, among others, carbon pricing and strategies to put a price on pollution; clean technology investments; diversification of transport systems; and carbon market tools. They also recalled that countries’ different social and economic contexts require different tools and trajectories to achieve a zero-carbon economy. Martin Lajoie, negotiator on Article 6, highlighted the importance of building confidence in carbon markets, not only within markets, but also from citizens. Yuji Mizuno, Programme Director, IGES, said avoiding double counting is one of the most essential goals of the Paris Agreement. L-R: Constanze Haug, Head of Secretariat, ICAP; Martin Lajoie, negotiator on Article 6, Canada; Andrei Marcu, Director, ERCST and Senior Fellow ICTSD; Martin Hession, European Commission; Yuji Mizuno, Programme Director, IGES; El Hadji Mbaye Diagne, Negotiator, Senegal. Constanze Haug, ICAP, declared that carbon markets are close to the hearts of all 35 countries under the ICAP. Martin Hession, European Commission, stated that, for the EU, the CDM approach must be reinvented to avoid a “business-as-usual scenario.”   Contact:  Kentaro Takahashi, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies |  More Information: Catalysing Climate Action, Realizing the SDGs: Science, Interconnections and ImplementationPresented by German Committee Future Earth, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), German Development Institute/ Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) in cooperation with Future Earth and the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) This side event, moderated by Imme Scholz, Vice-Director, German Development Institute, highlighted the need for a better understanding of the interactions between climate action and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and for improved exchange between academia and decision-makers. Panelists discussed, among others: the advantages of South-South cooperation, which relates to the contextual similarity of these countries and consequently facilitates the translation of policy solutions; and the importance of enhancing policy-oriented science in developing countries, especially through institutional support and funding for new researchers. María Amparo Martínez Arroyo, Director General, National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (INECC), IAI Representative, shared her perspective on linking national policy frameworks and the 2030 Agenda to scientific research, stating that politics, geography and demographics are essential subjects to address this theme.  Leena Shrivastava, Vice Chancellor, TERI University, highlighted that climate science has advanced and been well communicated, but expressed concern over a lack of national actions. She noted India’s NDC commitments, emphasizing examples of science-based action such as circular economy approaches to landfill management, and mapping rural areas according to social-cultural-economic contexts. Edith Adera, Senior Programme Specialist, the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada, lamented the lack of solid scientific support for African negotiators, and said that implementing the Paris Agreement and the SDGs are the most critical task for all stakeholders. Charles Tonui, Environmental Scientist and Research Assistant, African Center for Technology Studies (ACTS), spoke on the need to build on scientific evidence and stressed the importance of multidisciplinary approaches, as well as data translation to policy makers. Asun St. Clair, Senior Principal Scientist at the Climate Programme, DNV GL Group, Norway, highlighted the need to include a human perspective in climate policy, and that private sector engagement and a cross-sectoral approaches need to be enhanced in order to implement the SDGs and the Paris Agreement. Martin Visbeck, Chairman German Committee Future Earth and GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, highlighted the drastic increase in global population, which requires urgent multilateral cooperation. He stressed the importance of investing in science at the local level to implement global goals. During closing remarks, St. Clair recalled the need to build trust and to increase basic science knowledge, including social sciences at the national level.  Visbeck called for general science literacy and policy coherence in order to address both the SDGs and climate goals. Leena Shrivastava, Vice Chancellor, TERI University, focused on the needs to translate climate science into national enhanced actions. Imme Scholz, Vice-Director, German Development Institute, highlighted the need for a better understanding of the interactions between climate action and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Edith Adera, Senior Programme Specialist, IDRC, stressed the need for interdisciplinarity when studying climate change impacts. Asun St. Clair, Senior Principal Scientist, Climate Programme, DNV GL Group, emphasized the need for science to be co-produced with stakeholders, and be policy-relevant. Martin Visbeck, Chairman German Committee Future Earth and GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, highlighted the drastic increase in global population, which requires urgent multilateral cooperation. Contact:  Ione Anderson (IAI, International Partnerships & UN Liaison Officer) | Bettina Schmalzbauer (Executive Director, German Committee Future Earth) | More Information: www.iai Role of Women as Guardians of the Ocean at the Frontlines of the Climate-Development-Nature NexusPresented by World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Earth Island Institute (EII) In this side event, panelists explored the role of women in leading by example in climate change responses, with “climate witnesses” from Pacific Island states sharing their stories, and highlighting the links between gender and oceans. Carol Phua, WWF, moderated the panel. Raumanu Pranjivan-Sharma, COP23 Presidency, emphasized that women are “powerful agents of change.” She stressed the Presidency’s commitment to the COP’s work on gender and climate change, noting the planned adoption of principles on gender and climate change at COP 23. She outlined the goals of parties under the agenda item on gender and climate change and emphasized that the work of women bridges across climate action, sustainable development, and nature protection. Elisabeth Holland, University of the South Pacific, recalled the power of women as stewards, saying that the concept of stewardship was “grounded in the very essence of who we are as women.” Relating her experience of visiting a German coal mine, she emphasized the need to keep fossil fuels in the ground. Penina Moce, WWF Climate Witness, Fiji, relating her experience of climate impacts on the island of Kabara, Fiji, said that less rainfall and accelerated sea level rise has put pressure on water resources and fisheries. She called on industrialized countries to reduce emissions by at least 30% by 2030; developing economies to work with affluent nations to develop their own climate solutions; and for an end to deforestation. Monifa Fiu, Fiji, spoke about the importance of sharing stories and amplifying them through action. She said that kinship must not be forgotten and recalled the connections both among ourselves and between ourselves and the ocean. She spoke about the resilience of the reefs in her lagoon, noting the “dramatic” changes she has witnessed. Ingrid Gabriela-Hoven, German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, stressed the need to bring a sense of urgency into COP23. She underlined the importance of the COP23 Presidency in supporting SIDS. Reporting on Germany’s development funding, particularly the recent EUR 37 million Blue Action Fund, she acknowledged that more must be done and called for closing the gender gap in the UNFCCC. Monifa Fiu, Fiji, said that like many attendees, she comes from a small island, but “we are connected by an ocean.” L - R: Carol Phua, WWF; Raumanu Pranjivan-Sharma, COP23 Presidency; and Elisabeth Holland, University of the South Pacific Carol Phua, WWF, stressed that climate change “doesn’t affect everyone equally,” but that women are leading by example in climate change responses. Contact: Mandy Jean Woods (WWF) | Christian Holz (EII) |   More Information: European Climate Policy After ParisPresented by the Climate Partnership of Alpine Municipalities within the Alpine Convention, the German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) and the International Commission for the Protection of the Alps (CIPRA) In this side event panelists discussed the Climate Partnership of Alpine Communities and strategies to engage local municipalities in their region. Andreas Pichler, CIPRA, moderated the session and stated that the Partnership, to be launched in 2018, would serve as an example for communities to adapt to and mitigate climate change. Helmut Hojesky, Chair of the Alpine Climate Board, introduced the Alpine Convention, which was signed in 1995 and has eight member states. He noted that involving communities in combatting climate change, an objective of the Board, is crucial, as communities have direct experience and are where impacts are felt. Pichler introduced the Climate Partnership of Alpine Municipalities, a bottom-up platform to connect communities. In underscoring what municipalities can do in addressing climate change, he noted three key efforts: a strategy on climate change adaptation and mitigation; an energy and climate management system; and evaluation and innovation mechanisms. Heike Summer, Office of Environment, Principality of Liechtenstein, stated that the government in her country worked closely with its communities to adapt to climate change. She noted that, with the overall goal of minimizing risks and increasing adaptation ability in all sectors, her Office promoted stakeholder involvement from an early stage. During the ensuing discussion, participants asked to what extent the Board and Partnership engage with similar geographic regions globally, such as the Himalayas and the Andes. Panelists also discussed best strategies for municipalities in moving forward on climate change adaptation, which included providing stakeholders with adequate information. Jochen Flasbarth, State Secretary, BMUB, provided concluding remarks. He said that the COP is useful for the efforts of the Alpine Partnership and Convention, as it provides civil society and politicians with the opportunity to engage in dialogue. The session concluded with a film on Strengthening Climate Cooperation within the European Union, by the European Climate Initiative. Helmut Hojesky, Chair of the Alpine Climate Board, stated that Alpine countries feel the effects of climate change much more than other countries. Heike Summer, Office of Environment, Principality of Liechtenstein, said that though GDP and population are increasing in her country, GHG emissions are decreasing. A participant poses a question on the global reach of the Climate Partnership of Alpine Municipalities. Around the Venue
Side Events