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Highlights and images for 8 November 2017

Fiji / Bonn Climate Change Conference - November 2017

The Fiji / Bonn Climate Change Conference continued on Wednesday. In the morning, the Presidency convened an open dialogue among NGO constituency representatives and parties, and a technical workshop on ways to increase the efficiency and transparency of the budget process met. Informal consultations under the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), and the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA) throughout the day. IISD Reporting Services, through its Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) Meeting Coverage, has providing daily web coverage, daily reports, and a summary and analysis report from the Fiji / Bonn Climate Change Conference 2017. The summary and analysis report is now available in HTML and PDF. Photos by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page. The Presidency's Open Dialogue between UNFCCC NGO Constituency Representatives and Parties View of the dais during the session Frank Bainimarama, COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1-2 President UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa Lucas Di Pietro, Argentina Anabella Rosemberg, Trade Union NGOs (TUNGOs) Archie Young, UK Ceris Jones, Farmers Juan Carlos Arredondo Brun, Mexico Yungratna Srivastava, Youth NGOs (YOUNGOs) Deo Saran, Fiji Facilitators Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, Fiji, and Benito Müller, Oxford Climate Policy Brendina Drollet, Cook Islands Paul Oquist Kelley, Nicaragua Yunus Arikan, Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMAs) Shradha Shreejaya, Women and Gender Naoyuki Yamagishi, Environmental NGOs (ENGOs) View of the room during the session Contact Groups and Informal Consultations throughout the Day Informal consultations on APA agenda item 3, further guidance in relation to the mitigation section of the Paris outcome Delegates gather for the informal consultations on APA agenda item 7, modalities and procedures for the committee to facilitate implementation and promote compliance SBI informal consultations on coordination of support for the implementation of activities in relation to mitigation actions in the forest sector by developing countries Informal consultations on APA agenda item 4, further guidance on adaptation communication SBSTA informal consultations on local communities and indigenous peoples platform Informal consultations on APA agenda item 6, matters relating to the global stocktake Civil Society Action Members of civil society demonstrate outside the conference area Around the Venue UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa, and Nazhat Shameem Khan, COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1-2 Presidency Frank Bainimarama, COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1-2 President, and Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, Fiji Lorena Aguilar, Costa Rica (centre) Hoesung Lee, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Chair (centre) Kava, a traditional Fijian drink, is available at the venue
Daily Highlights

Highlights and images for 2 November 2017

7th Session of the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA GB 7)

A morning plenary addressed items on: appointment of the Secretary; the communication strategy; and digital sequence information. In the afternoon, plenary discussed draft resolutions on: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; sustainable use; collaboration with the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the Crop Trust, the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA), and other bodies; compliance; and operations of the Multilateral System (MLS). Contact groups on farmers’ rights and on enhancing the MLS met in the evening. A night plenary addressed revised draft resolutions, including on cooperation with the CBD and MLS operations. Deliberations continued into the night. IISD Reporting Services, through its Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) Meeting Coverage, provided daily web coverage, daily reports, and a summary and analysis report from the 7th session of the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. The Earth Negotiations Bulletin summary and analysis of ITPGRFA GB 7 is now available in HTML and PDF. Photos by IISD/ENB | Mike Muzurakis For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page. Muhamad Sabran, Chair of the Seventh Session of the Governing Body Afshaan Shafi, Communication Specialist, ITPGRFA Secretariat Mónica Martínez Menduiño, Ecuador Seta Agustina, Indonesia Matthew Worrell, Australia Delegates from the EU Pierre du Plessis, Namibia Georgina Catacora-Vargas, Plurinational State of Bolivia Antonio Otavio Sá Ricarte, Brazil Kim van Seeters, the Netherlands Médi Moungui, Cameroon Annick Van Houtte, Senior Legal Officer, FAO Javad Mozafari Hashjin, Iran Anke van den Hurk, International Seed Federation, and Bert Visser, Co-Chair, Working Group on enhancing the MLS Mario Marino, ITPGRFA Secretariat, with Kent Nnadozie, Secretary a.i., Governing Body of the International Treaty Alwin Kopse, Switzerland Luciano Martin Donadio Linares, Argentina Ghulam Muhammad Ali, Pakistan Delegates from the EU Bert Visser, Co-Chair, Working Group on enhancing the MLS, and Pat Mooney, ETC Group Kent Nnadozie, Secretary a.i., Governing Body of the International Treaty, with Elsa Tsioumani, IISD/ENB Contact Group on enhancing the MLS Contact Group on Farmers' Rights Delegates from the Caribbean region Participants networking Around the venue
Daily Highlights

Daily report for 31 October 2017

7th Session of the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA GB 7)

ENB Daily report

Highlights and images for 12 October 2017

44th Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS 44)

On Thursday, CFS 44 delegates discussed the response to the independent evaluation of CFS and policy convergence on urbanization, rural transformation and implications for food security and nutrition. In the morning, Angela Bester, World Health Organization (WHO) and CFS Evaluation Manager, presented the main findings and recommendations from the evaluation, noting its usefulness in generating insights on multi-stakeholder collaboration. She highlighted several findings, including: the tenuous linkages at regional and national levels; low awareness of the Global Strategic Framework; limited dissemination of reports and products, except for the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT); and the need to clarify CFS’s role at the international and national level. Participants discussed, among other issues: the roles and procedures of the CFS Bureau and its Advisory Group; funding and resource mobilization; inclusion of Youth; focus of CFS work and its intersessional processes; and the need to enhance the visibility of CFS and its products. In the afternoon, Hans Hoogeveen, Chair of the Open-ended Working Group on urbanization, rural transformation and implications for food security and nutrition, presented progress towards the development of policy convergence. Many members supported further intersessional work based on a multi-sectoral approach, with several focusing on the impact of urban-rural dynamics on low-income groups, women and youth. Hoogeveen then moderated an interactive panel discussion on measures to address food security in the context of urbanization and rural transformation, including: realizing opportunities in rural areas from urbanization, such as increasing demand for food; urban farming; and reducing food waste. IIISD Reporting Services, through its ENB+ Meeting Coverage, has provided daily web updates from CFS 44. In addition, IISD Reporting Services has published a summary report of CFS 44 which is available in HTML and PDF. Response to the Independent Evaluation of CFS The dais during the discussion on the response to the independent evaluation of CFS. L-R: Khaled El Taweel (Egypt) and Jón Erlingur (Iceland), Evaluation Co-facilitators; Amira Gornass, CFS Chair ©FAO Jón Erlingur (Iceland), Evaluation Co-facilitator ©FAO Khaled El Taweel (Egypt), Evaluation Co-facilitator ©FAO Delegate from Cameroon ©FAO Delegate from Brazil ©FAO CSM Representative ©FAO Representative of the World Farmers’ Organization ©FAO Urbanization, Rural Transformation and Implications for Food Security and Nutrition The dais during the discussion on Rural Transformation and Implications for Food Security and Nutrition. L-R: Hans Hoogeveen, Netherlands; Amira Gornass, CFS Chair; Deborah Fulton, CFS Secretary ©FAO Hans Hoogeveen moderated an interactive session on Rural Transformation and Implications for Food Security and Nutrition. ©FAO Marco Sanchez Cantillo, Agricultural Development Economics Division, FAO ©FAO Nono Dimakatso Sekhoto, Farmer, South Africa ©FAO HRH Princess Viktória de Bourbon de Parme, the Netherlands ©FAO Side Event: Trade, Investment and Food Security: Designing Rules for Sustainable Food Systems ©FAO ©FAO ©FAO Side Event: Launch of the report ‘Climate Smart Agriculture - Building Resilience to Climate Change’ ©FAO ©FAO ©FAO
Daily Highlights

Highlights and images for 10 October 2017

44th Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS 44)

On Tuesday morning, CFS 44 launched the report of the High-level Panel of Experts (HLPE) on Nutrition and Food Systems and discussed follow up to the second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2). Jessica Fanzo, HLPE Project Team Leader, outlined the HLPE Report’s findings and recommendations, highlighting barriers to improving nutrition, including failure to recognize the right to adequate food, imbalance of power across food systems, and inability to mitigate conflicts of interest. Patrick Caron, Chair of the HLPE, underlined physical and economic access to healthy and sustainable diets, and improving consumer information and education. Participants endorsed the Report’s recommendations as a starting point for developing policy convergence. On ICN 2 follow up, Chizuru Nishida, World Health Organization (WHO), explained that implementation requires integrating nutrition objectives in intersectoral policies and policy coherence. In the afternoon, participants shared good practices and lessons learned for improved nutrition in an interactive panel session. Katerina Eriksson, Tetra Laval, said her company is creating a secure market to enable subsistence milk producers to grow their production. Lister Katsvairo, HarvestPlus, outlined the use of biofortification to improve local crops using disease and drought resistant, nutrient rich seeds. Lorena Rodriguez, Chile, described her country’s approach, including enhancing food labeling transparency and applying taxes on food with high sugar content. Zafar Hasan, Pakistan, discussed his country’s food system model which provides food subsidies for specialized nutritious foods based on poverty levels. Salvatore Basile, International Network of Eco-Regions (INNER), highlighted an organic farming initiative harnessing local multi-level governance. Elizabeth Mpofu, Zimbabwe Smallholder Organic Farmers Forum, emphasized the importance of local agroecology. IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB+ Meeting Coverage, has provided daily web updates from CFS 44. In addition, IISD Reporting Services has published a summary report of CFS 44 which is available in HTML and PDF. Launch of HLPE Report on Nutrition and Food Systems Jessica Fanzo, HLPE Project Team Leader  ©FAO Patrick Caron, HLPE Chair  ©FAO View of the dais during the discussion on the HLPE report on Nutrition and Food Systems. L-R: Jessica Fanzo, HLPE Project Team Leader; Patrick Caron, HLPE Chair; Amira Gornass, CFS Chair.  ©FAO Update on INC Reporting and Advancing Nutrition including the Decade of Action on Nutrition Anna Lartey, Director, Nutrition and Food Systems Division, FAO Chiruzu Nishida, WHO  ©FAO A representative of the Civil Society Mechanism waiting to speak.  ©FAO Representatives of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) during the discussion of the HLPE Report on Nutrition and Food Systems.  ©FAO Good Practices and Lesson Sharing for Improved Nutrition Zafar Hasan, Ministry of Planning Development and Reform, Pakistan and Focal Point for the Scaling Up Nutrition Initiative (SUN)  ©FAO Salvatore Basile, International Network of Eco-Regions (INNER)  ©FAO Lorena Rodriguez, Head of the Department of Food and Nutrition, Ministry of Health, Chile  ©FAO Elizabeth Mpofu, Zimbabwe Smallholder Organic Farmers Forum (ZIMSOFF)  ©FAO Lister Katsvairo, Head, Africa Region Partnership Countries, HarvestPlus  ©FAO  Katarina Eriksson, Food for Development Office, Tetra Laval  ©FAO Around the Venue  ©FAO  ©FAO
Daily Highlights