Negotiating Bloc
European Union
Content associated with European Union
Summary report 16 October 2016
2nd World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments
Highlights and images for 14 October 2016
Montreal Protocol MOP 28
The final day of the twenty-eighth Meeting of the Parties (MOP 28) to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer convened on Friday, 14 October 2016, in Kigali, Rwanda. The High-Level Segment (HLS) plenary met in the morning, where delegates continued hearing statements from Heads of Delegation, and participated in a ministerial roundtable, ‘Towards an Agreement on a hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) Amendment under the Montreal Protocol: Ensuring benefits for all.'
In the afternoon, the HLS continued with Heads of Delegation statements, following which they adopted the meeting report, where possible. The preparatory segment plenary then reconvened for a stock-taking session.
The HFC Management Contact Group met in the morning, whereafter a small group met to work on a "package deal" on control schedules for an amendment. The Contact Group reconvened later in the day to discuss and approve the "package deal." These discussions are ongoing.
The Budget Committee, the informal group on establishing an ad hoc standards coordination group, and the Contact Group on the MLF Replenishment Study Terms of Reference (TOR) also met during the day.
* 9:16 pm - HFC Management Contact Group completes discussions. The amendment negotiations will resume at midnight, in Plenary.
* 01:01 am - Preparatory Segment plenary reconvenes to hear update from HFC Management CG on progress on an amendment for HFCs. The Co-Chairs commend parties for honoring their commitment to delivering on the Dubai pathway on HFCs.
* 02:49 am - Preparatory Segment plenary still discussing amendment text under the Dubai pathway on HFCs.
* 03:07 am - Plenary is adjourned for informal consultations.
* 03:53 am - The Preparatory Segment plenary resumes to continue discussions.
* 05:07 am - Parties begin discussion of the draft decision on the further amendment of the Montreal Protocol.
* 06:23 am - Plenary is adjourned for informal consultations.
* 06:47 am - Plenary resumes to continue discussions.
* 06:52 am - Delegates conclude discussion on the draft amendment package. Package forwarded to the MOP for adoption.
* 06:54 am - The Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol is adopted.
* 07:37 am - Rwandan-Moroccan proposed CRP on energy efficiency is adopted.
* 08:05 am - MOP 28 President Vincent Biruta closes MOP 28.
IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, provided web coverage and a report from the Resumed OEWG38. In addition, IISD Reporting Services provided daily web coverage, daily reports and a summary and analysis report from MOP 28. The summary and analysis report is available in HTML and PDF.
Photos by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth
For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page.
High-Level Roundtable
View of the dais during the High-Level Segment Ministerial Round Table 'Towards an Agreement on the HFC
Amendment under the Montreal Protocol - Part 2: Ensuring Benefits for All'
Martha Garcíarivas, Under-Secretary
for Environmental Protection, Mexico
Norbert Kurilla, State Secretary, Slovakia
Andrew Yatilman,
Federated States of Micronesia
Jay Dev Joshi, Minister of Population
and Environment, Nepal
Batio Bassiere, Minister of
Environment, Burkina Faso
Hakima El Haité, Minister of the Environment, Morocco
Vidar Helgesen, Minister of Climate
and Environment, Norway
Moderator Johnston Barkat, UN Assistant Secretary-General and UN Ombudsman
High-Level Segment Statements
Delegates hear the High-Level Segment statements
Eric Weerawardhana, Private Secretary to the President, Sri Lanka
Kare Chawicha Debessa, State Minister, Ministry
of Environment and Forests, Ethiopia
Francesco La Camera, Director General, Ministry of Environment, Italy
Abdulla Naseer, Senior Policy Executive, Ministry of Environment and Energy, Maldives
Irene Cañas Díaz, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Environment and Energy,
Costa Rica
Hiroyuki Nishiura, Director, Global Environment
Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan
Mokhtar Abdul Majid, Deputy Director General,
Department of Environment, Malaysia
André Weidenhaupt, Director General, Department of the Environment, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure, Luxembourg
Sin Lan Ng Yun Wing, Director
of Environment, Ministry
of Environment, Mauritius
Afioga Taefu Lemi,
Member of Parliament, Samoa
Tree Planting Ceremony
Dignitaries gather for the tree planting ceremony at the Kigali Convention Centre
Vincent Biruta, MOP 28 President, and
László Sólymos, Minister of Environment, Slovakia
Elidier Vargas Castro, Costa Rica
Jesús Castillo, Vice Minister, Ministry of Popular Power for Eco-Socialism and Water, Venezuela
Gulshirin Jorayeva, State Committee on Environment Protection and Land Resources, Turkmenistan
OEWG 38 Co-Chair Paul Krajnik, Austria
HFC Management Contact Group
Delegates during the HFC Management Contact Group
Delegates from Russia, Belarus and US speak with
Tina Birmpili, Executive Secretary, Ozone Secretariat
Delegates from Saudia Arabia, Canada and UK confer
HFC Management Contact Group Co-Chairs Xia Yingxian, China, and Patrick McInerney, Australia;
Tina Birmpili, Executive Secretary, Ozone Secretariat; Gilbert Bankobeza, Ozone Secretariat; and
Masa Nagai, Senior Legal Advisor, UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
Harry Irawan, Indonesia
Zhou Xiaofang, China
Pak Sokharav Uth, Cambodia
Delegates applaud agreement on key issues
Contact Group on MLF Replenishment Study
Delegates during the Contact Group on MLF Replenishment Study
Gudi Alkemade, EU
S.V. Subbarao, India
Nancy Seymour, Canada
High-Level Segment Plenary
US Secretary of State John Kerry
Mattlan Zackhras, Minister in Assistance in the Office of the President, Marshall Islands
Sirakarn Srilekha, Director of Treaties and International Strategies Bureau, Department of Industrial Works, Thailand
Final Plenary
Delegates during the final plenary
HFC Management Contact Group Co-Chairs Xia Yingxian, China, and Patrick McInerney, Australia, and Tina Birmpili, Executive Secretary, Ozone Secretariat
Vincent Biruta, MOP 28 President, Rwanda
Gina McCarthy, Administrator, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) confers with delegates
Andrei Pilipchuk, Belarus
Manoj Kumar Singh, India
Philip Owen, EU
Delegates huddle during an informal consultation
Delegates sign a 'birthday card' to celebrate the
anticipated birth of an amendment on HFCs
Delegates confer
Laura Berón, Argentina
Samuel Paré, Burkina Faso
Sunrise from the Kigali Convention Centre
Delegates applaud the adoption of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol
MOP 28 is gaveled to a close
Around the Venue
Delegates from Morocco and Saudi Arabia speak between sessions
Delegates from Canada
Delegates from Brazil
Members of the Secretariat confer
Delegates from Djibouti
Delegates from the UK
Delegates between sessions
US Secretary of State John Kerry at the Kigali Convention Centre
Delegates from Kuwait, India, EU and Saudi Arabia
Interpreters during plenary
Media teams record the proceedings
Delegates between sessions
Vincent Biruta, MOP 28 President, Rwanda, leads dignitaries to the tree planting ceremony
Vincent Biruta, MOP 28 President, Rwanda, and Louise Mushikiwabo, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Rwanda
Monique Mukaruriza, Mayor of Kigali, Rwanda
Around the Kigali Convention Centre grounds
The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) team covering the meeting:
Annelies Van Gaalen; Cleo Verkuijl; Keith Ripley; Catherine Wahlén; Kate Helfenstein-Louw; and Kiara Worth
Daily report for 13 October 2016
World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders - Local Voices for a Better World and 5th United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) World Congress
Daily report for 13 October 2016
Montreal Protocol MOP 28
Highlights and images for 12 October 2016
Montreal Protocol MOP 28
The twenty-eighth Meeting of the Parties (MOP 28) to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer met for its third day in Kigali, Rwanda on Wednesday, 12 October 2016.
In the morning, plenary reconvened for a stocktaking session. Issues discussed include, inter alia: consideration of the membership of the Montreal Protocol bodies for 2017; critical-use exemptions (CUEs) for 2017-2018; Terms Of Reference (TOR) for the 2018-2020 Multilateral Fund (MLF) replenishment study; and issues related to the phase-out of HCFCs. Parties also heard a report on progress from the hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) Management Contact Group.
Following plenary’s adjournment, Article 5 and non-Article 5 parties met separately to coordinate positions on an amendment on HFCs. The HFC Management Contact Group met in the evening. The Budget Committee, informal consultations on safety standards and the contact group on the TOR for the 2018-2020 MLF replenishment also took place during the day.
IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, provided web coverage and a report from the Resumed OEWG38. In addition, IISD Reporting Services provided daily web coverage, daily reports and a summary and analysis report from MOP 28. The summary and analysis report is available in HTML and PDF.
Photos by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth
For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page.
Morning Plenary
View of the dais during the morning plenary
OEWG 38 Co-Chair Leslie Smith, Grenada
OEWG 38 Co-Chair Paul Krajnik, Austria
HFC Management Contact Group Co-Chair Xia Yingxian, China
Bruce Edwards, Australia
Nancy Seymour, Canada
Hassan Ali Mubarak, Bahrain
Samuel Paré, Burkina Faso
MLF Replenishment Study Contact Group Co-Chair Obed Baloyi, South Africa
Andrei Pilipchuk, Belarus
Taha Mohammed Zatari, Saudi Arabia
Satyendra Kumar Purkayastha, Bangladesh
Ahmed El Korashy, Egypt
Informal Consultations
Delegates during Article 5 coordination discussions
Delegates during non-Article 5 coordination discussions
Informal consultations on safety standards
Budget Committee
Delegates during the Budget Committee
Tina Birmpili, Executive Secretary,
Ozone Secretariat
Andrew Clark, US
Yassin Ahmed, Ozone Secretariat
Annie Gabriel, Australia
Marine Collignon, France
Contact Group on MLF Replenishment Study
Delegates during the Contact Group on MLF Replenishment Study
MLF Replenishment Study Contact Group Co-Chairs Philippe Chemouny, Canada, and Obed Baloyi, South Africa
Mayuka Ishida, Japan
S.V. Subbarao, India
Gudi Alkemade, EU
Elisa Rim, US
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) Management Contact Group
Delegates from the Ozone Secretariat, Kuwait, EU, Lebanon, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia
speak informally before the start of the HFC Management Contact Group
Delegates discuss the proposed outcomes from informal discussions
HFC Management Contact Group Co-Chair Patrick McInerney, Australia
Iftikhar-ul-Hassan Gilani, Pakistan
Laura Berón, Argentina
Blaise Horisberger, Switzerland
Manoj Kumar Singh, India
Brian Ruddie, UK
Delegates during the session
Around the Venue
Delegates meet outside plenary
Delegates from Iraq
Delegates from Indonesia
Delegates from Lebanon
Tina Birmpili, Executive Secretary, Ozone Secretariat, with OEWG 38 Co-Chairs Paul Krajnik, Austria, and Leslie Smith, Grenada, Megumi Seki, Ozone Secretariat, and Yaqoub Al-Matouq, Kuwait
A delegate reads the IISD Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) website to keep track of negotiations
Delegates from Brazil and Saudi Arabia confer
Tilson Kephas, Federated States of Micronesia,
and Augustin Sánchez Guevara, Mexico
Delegates between sessions
Rwandan artifacts on display around the venue
Daily report for 12 October 2016
World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders - Local Voices for a Better World and 5th United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) World Congress
Summary report 12–15 October 2016
World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders - Local Voices for a Better World and 5th United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) World Congress
Daily report for 12 October 2016
Montreal Protocol MOP 28
Highlights and images for 11 October 2016
Montreal Protocol MOP 28
The twenty-eighth Meeting of the Parties (MOP 28) to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer convened for its second day in Kigali, Rwanda on Tuesday, 11 October 2016.
In the morning, plenary discussed issues related to the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP) assessment of the climate benefits and financial implications of the hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) phase-down schedules in the amendment proposals as well as other matters. Parties also heard a report on the previous evening’s discussions in the HFC Management Contact Group and the Legal Drafting Group.
Following plenary’s adjournment, the HFC Management Contact Group resumed its work. The Contact Group adjourned at lunch for informal consultations, which continued into the evening. The contact group on the Terms Of Reference (TOR) for the 2018–2020 Multilateral Fund (MLF) replenishment study, the budget committee and the informal consultation on safety standards also met during the course of the day.
IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, provided web coverage and a report from the Resumed OEWG38. In addition, IISD Reporting Services provided daily web coverage, daily reports and a summary and analysis report from MOP 28. The summary and analysis report is available in HTML and PDF.
Photos by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth
For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page.
Morning Plenary
Delegates during the morning plenary
OEWG 38 Co-Chair Leslie Smith, Grenada
OEWG 38 Co-Chair Paul Krajnik, Austria
Sergey Vasiliev, Russian Federation
Marcos Wabi, Benin
Cindy Newburg, US
Augustin Sánchez Guevara, Mexico
Coletha Ruhamya, Rwanda
Hassan Ali Mubarak, Bahrain
Manoj Kumar Singh, India
Ghazi Al Odat, Jordan
Saad Al Numairy, UAE
Cheikh Ndiaye Sylla, Senegal
Laura Berón, Argentina
Alhagie Sarr, the Gambia
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) Management Contact Group
Delegates take notes during the HFC Management Contact Group
Taha Mohammed Zatari, Saudi Arabia
Philip Owen, EU
HFC Management Contact Group Co-Chair Xia Yingxian, China
John Thompson, US
Zhou Xiaofang, China
Rafael Da Soler, Brazil
Delegates during the session
Contact Group on MLF Replenishment Study
Delegates during the Contact Group on MLF Replenishment Study
MLF Replenishment Study Contact Group Co-Chair
Obed Baloyi, South Africa
MLF Replenishment Study Contact Group Co-Chair
Philippe Chemouny, Canada
Annie Gabriel, Australia
Nancy Seymour, Canada
Budget Committee
Delegates during the Budget Committee
Ives Enrique Gómez Sala, Mexico
Yassin Ahmed, Ozone Secretariat
Around the Venue
Delegates from the EU speak informally
Delegates from Senegal
A delegate reads the IISD Earth Negotiations
Bulletin (ENB) website to keep track of negotiations
A delegate takes notes
Delegates speak informally between sessions
Daily report for 11 October 2016
Montreal Protocol MOP 28