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Highlights and images for 17 December 2016

UN Biodiversity Conference 2016 (Cancún)

On Saturday, 17 December, Working Groups met in the morning to address outstanding items, including on the guidelines on prior informed consent and benefit-sharing from the use of traditional knowledge, and adopt their reports. An afternoon plenary addressed organizational matters and adopted decisions on all substantive agenda items. At 6 pm plenary was suspended to allow for the budget negotiations to conclude. It is expected to reconvene at 9:30 pm. Update 00:20 am: Budget negotiations continue, plenary to resume at 1:30 am Update 03:00 am: Plenary still awaits the outcome of budget negotiations Update 04:15 am: Plenary still waiting Update 04:50 am: Plenary resumes Update 05:03 am: Plenary was gavelled to a close IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, has provided daily web coverage, daily reports and a summary and analysis report from the UN Biodiversity Conference. The summary and analysis report is available in HTML and PDF. Photos by IISD/ENB | Francis Dejon For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page. Working Group I WG I Chair Mette Gervin Damsgaard (Denmark) at the conclusion of WG I deliberations Anna Takombwa, Zimbabwe Felipe Costa, Brazil Federico Galloni, Argentina Sepali De Silva, Dominica Yousef Al-Hafedh, Saudi Arabia Bongani Zipho Nkhabindze, Swaziland Christian Prip, Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI), Norway Mohamed Elmi Obsieh, Djibouti Delegates from Switzerland consulting L-R: Andy Stott and Holly Kelley-Weil, UK L-R: Wadzi Goredema-Mandivenyi and Natalie Feltman, South Africa L-R: Christine von Weizsäcker and Antje Lorch, ECOROPA Working Group II WG II Chair Malta Qwathekana (South Africa) at the conclusion of WG II deliberations Albun William Banye Lemnyuy, Cameroon Diego Pacheco Balanza, Bolivia Maria Eugenia Choque Quispe, UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) Mitzi Gurgel Valente da Costa, Brazil Delegates from Madagascar Participants from WG II consulting Asghar Mohammadi Fazel, Iran Amita Prasad, India Adem Bilgin, Turkey L-R: WG II Chair Malta Qwathekana (South Africa) and WG I Chair Mette Gervin Damsgaard (Denmark) Plenary CBD Executive Secretary Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias Rafael Pacchiano Alamán, COP 13 President Elizabeth Mrema, UNEP David Cooper, Deputy Executive Secretary, CBD Maria Luisa Angelica Del Rio Mispireta, Peru Fumiko Nakao, Japan Alexander Shestakov, the Russian Federation Habib Gademi, Dominica Rastislav Rybanič, EU Moustafa Mokhtar Ali Fouda, Egypt Lucy Mulenkei, International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity, (IIFB) José Luis Echeverría Tello, Guatemala Participants from the Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN) Cancun Children's Choir entertaining COP 13 participants Delegates from Africa consulting COP 13 Snapshots CBD Secretariat staff CBD Executive Secretary Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, with ENB/IISD Reporting Services team CBD Secretariat with UN and local staff Rafael Pacchiano Alamán, COP 13 President, enjoying the Mariachi entertainment while waiting for plenary to reconvene Traditional Mexican Mariachi band Delegates from Australia and New Zealand Delegates from Mexico Delegates from ETC Group, Econexus, Federation of German Scientists, and Friends of the Earth International
Daily Highlights

Highlights and images for 16 December 2016

UN Biodiversity Conference 2016 (Cancún)

On Friday, 16 December, delegates addressed draft decisions on several agenda items, including: unintentional transboundary movements, transit, risk assessment and management of living modified organisms (LMOs), and assessment and review under the Cartagena Protocol; capacity building under the Convention and the Protocols; the financial mechanism; cooperation with other conventions; mainstreaming; synthetic biology; guidelines on prior informed consent (PIC) and benefit-sharing under Article 8(j); and ecologically or biologically significant marine areas (EBSAs). Following agreement in the Friends of the Chair group, two draft decisions were approved on establishing a process for the consideration of digital sequence information on genetic resources in the next biennium under the Convention and the Nagoya Protocol. A contact group on the financial mechanism and the budget group met throughout the day. WG deliberations and informal consultations continued into the night. IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, has provided daily web coverage, daily reports and a summary and analysis report from the UN Biodiversity Conference. The summary and analysis report is available in HTML and PDF. Photos by IISD/ENB | Francis Dejon For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page. Working Group I WG I Chair Mette Gervin Damsgaard (Denmark) Jimena Nieto Carrasco, Colombia Séhounkpindo Gaston Akouehou, Benin Behzad Ghareyazie, Iran Alexis Ardrouin, Haiti Delegates from WG I consulting L-R: Endah Ambarwati, Indonesia; Amita Prasad, India; Ágnes Fejes and Zsuzsanna Ujj, Hungary Delegates from Brazil L-R: Andres Factos and Angel Onofa, Ecuador L-R: Indra Prasad Sapkota and Bijaya Raj Paudyal, Nepal L-R: Rajeyah Binkulaib and Nahla Noobi, United Arab Emirates Delegates from Nicaragua consulting Letchumanan Ramatha, Malaysia Kongit Haile-Gabriel, Dominica Akkharath Inthavy, Lao Democratic Republic CBD Secretariat staff Working Group II L-R: WG II Chair Malta Qwathekana (South Africa) and Lisa Janishevski, CBD Secretariat Damaso Luna, Mexico Itai Hilary Tendaupenyu, Zimbabwe Anna Trakhtenbrot, Israel Darío Luque, Panama Patrick Leon Pedia, Côte d'Ivoire Gabriele Obermayr, Austria Suleiman Al Akhzami, Oman Umair Shahid, Pakistan Joe Horokou, Solomon Islands Jiří Mach, Czech Republic L-R: Pedro Ivo Arriegas, and Marco Rebello, Portugal Conference room attendants Delegates from Uganda and Mexico consulting Representatives of Colombia, Chile and Iran consulting COP 13 Snapshots Participants from indigenous and local communities Norma Munguia and Damaso Luna, Mexico Christine von Weizsäcker, ECOROPA (far left), with delegates from Guatemala and the Philippines Delegates from the EU Hayria Mohamed, Comoros Participants from the Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN)
Daily Highlights

ENBOTS selected side events coverage for 16 December 2016

UN Biodiversity Conference 2016 (Cancún)

The following events were covered by IISD Reporting Services on Friday, 16 December 2016: Increasing the Policy Impact of Ecosystem Service Assessments and Valuations – Insights from Assessment Processes in Côte d’Ivoire, Peru, Namibia and Mexico Mainstreaming Biodiversity in the Fisheries Sector: The Role of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and of Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation Innovative Mechanisms for Financing Biodiversity Conservation: An Exchange of Experiences Between Europe, Mexico And China Association of South East-Asian Nations’ (ASEAN) Response to the Challenge of Biodiversity Loss IISD Reporting Services, through its ENBOTS Meeting Coverage, is providing daily web coverage of selected side-events from the UN Biodiversity Conference. Photos by IISD/ENB | Diego Noguera For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page. Increasing the Policy Impact of Ecosystem Service Assessments and Valuations – Insights from Assessment Processes in Côte d’Ivoire, Peru, Namibia and Mexico Presented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), the Mexican Commission of National Protected Areas (CONANP), and the Governments of Côte d’Ivoire, Peru and Namibia This event, moderated by Paulina Campos, GIZ, discussed key findings from a review of assessments in three countries on how to mainstream the ecosystem services concept into sectoral and cross-sectoral policies and plans for biodiversity conservation. Elsa Nickel, Director General, German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), identified three ways of improving ecosystem services for decision making through: a systematic consideration of how economic activities depend on ecosystem services; consideration of risks to human wellbeing from ecosystem degradation; and assessment and valuation of ecosystem services. Augustin Berghöfer, Helmholtz Zentrum für Umweltforschung (UFZ), identified three requirements for increasing the policy impact of ecosystem service assessments and valuations (ESAVs), including: the need to balance trade-offs between the credibility, relevance and legitimacy of scientific policy advice; closing the loop between ESAV and the policy setting; and tailoring the ESAV to a particular context. He noted three options for meeting these requirements, including: investing in scoping; jointly designing ESAVs without leaving it to technical experts; and using the ESAV process as a “vehicle” for adopting an ecosystem service lens. Lucía Ruiz, CONANP, Mexico, spoke on protected areas ecosystem valuation efforts in Mexico, noting findings that show: the Cabo Pulmo National Park contributes to maintain the fisheries sector; the value of the coral reefs of Cozumel Island for tourism; and the value of Iztaccíhuatl-Popocatépetl National Park for water provision. She stressed the need to integrate information from ecosystem valuation into institutional messages and discourses. Adama Tondossama, National Parks Authority (OIPR), Côte d’Ivoire, described the assessment and valuation of ecosystem services for consolidating political and financial support for the management of the Taï National Park in Côte d’Ivoire. He noted the strategic selection of ecosystem services, particularly for carbon sequestration provided by avoided deforestation, to better integrate their values in line with regional and national development plans. Ferdinand Mwapopi, Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Namibia, presented on experiences with ecosystem services assessments in his country. He highlighted this process has involved: studies to identify, delineate and assess ecosystems; the identification of ecosystem services and development of an ecosystem services inventory; prioritization of certain ecosystem services given limited resources; and capacity development. In discussion, participants identified, inter alia: how to promote cross-sectoral communication between government ministries; the challenge of defending values identified for ecosystem services; and an overview of methods available to conduct ecosystem services assessments relevant to context. Paulina Campos, GIZ, moderated the event. Elsa Nickel, BMUB, emphasized that ecosystem service valuation needs to be integrated into policy and planning in order to mainstream biodiversity. Augustin Berghöfer, UFZ, said it is critical to think of the process influencing the role of ecosystem services in policy planning, since “a single blueprint does not exist.” Adama Tondossama, OIPR, Côte d’Ivoire, highlighted ecosystem services provided by the Taï National Park, including water security, ecotourism, forest products and carbon sequestration. Lucía Ruiz, CONANP, Mexico, stressed that “conserving protected areas is about conserving our future as well as our immediate quality of life.” A slide from Lucía Ruiz’s presentation Ferdinand Mwapopi, Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Namibia, stressed that ecosystems and their biodiversity underpin Namibia’s economy, with 70% of the country’s population depending on ecosystems for their incomes and livelihoods. Participants listen to Adama Tondossama’s address. Contact: Paulina Campos (Coordinator) | More Information: Mainstreaming Biodiversity in the Fisheries Sector: The Role of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and of Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation Presented by: the Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law & Governance (SCELG), the University of Edinburgh; the World Wildlife Fund; and the Global Ocean Biodiversity Initiative This event, moderated by Elisa Morgera, SCELG, explored the role of marine ecosystem services to alleviate poverty, with particular attention given to the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from sustainable fisheries with small-scale fishing communities. Panelists shared key research findings from an interdisciplinary and multi-scale assessment of fisheries governance by academics and practitioners with expertise in international fisheries law and policy, management, science and economics. Setting the stage for the event, Morgera noted the opportunities of fisheries-relevant Aichi Biodiversity Targets and the SDGs, particularly SDG 14, on the sustainable use of marine resources, for mainstreaming in the fisheries sector. Daniela Diz, SCELG, introduced the Marine Benefits project based at the University of Edinburgh and SCELG and funded by the Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation programme, aimed at investigating fair and equitable benefit sharing from sustainable fisheries. Diz said the notion of ecosystem services is less well developed in marine environments than in terrestrial areas. She further reported that the identification of beneficiaries is ambiguous, and that there is a need for multi-scalar considerations, especially in the context of transboundary marine environments, highlighting the broader frame provided by the Ecosystem Approach and interlinkages with the SDGs and Aichi Biodiversity Targets. Andrew Kenny, Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS), via video, discussed an ecosystem approach to fisheries management to achieve the SDGs, acknowledging that SDG 14.4 (achieving maximum sustainable yield by 2020) and the UN World Oceans Assessment are laudable goals but present challenges to implementation. He proposed a three-step science-based ecosystem management approach, involving mapping ecosystem production areas, identifying vulnerable marine ecosystems, and undertaking a stock assessment of the result. He stressed the need to: target fisheries management in areas of greatest need; protect essential fish habitats; identify multi-species models; and implement appropriate data-limited stock assessment methods and fisheries management control measures. Morgera drew attention to various elements and gaps to be addressed by the project in regards to SDG 14, including: the lack of mention of ecosystem services; the missing link to social and cultural aspects; and the risk of addressing one aspect of the goal more than others. She reported that contributions from the project would be published in an open access special issue of the journal of Marine Policy focusing on SDGs and sustainable fisheries. She highlighted papers on a wide range of interdisciplinary fields, including: science-based fisheries management; other effective conservation measures; fiscal reforms for sustainable marine fisheries governance; and marine technology transfer. Reporting on marine spatial planning (MSP) for SDG synergies and biodiversity mainstreaming, Morgera reported on stakeholder baselines, which will be used to describe past and future anticipated uses of ecosystem services. In the discussions, participants considered, inter alia: how to harmonize science and traditional knowledge into a science-based ecosystem approach to fisheries management; transboundary collection of data on fishstocks; the political challenges posed by transboundary fishstocks management; the need for an emphasis on risk-based approaches to fisheries management in regions that are data-poor; and the need to incorporate measures to address climate change and pollution in the ecosystem approach to fisheries management. Andrew Kenny, CEFAS, via video, called for prioritizing areas for monitoring assessment and management in order to define the science-based fisheries management plan to ensure sustainable fisheries; Daniela Diz and Elisa Morgera, SCELG, are seated at the table. Daniela Diz, SCELG, said the ecosystem approach provides a broader framework for benefit sharing in ecosystem stewardship, and noted that in a legal context, the “right to food” is a good anchor to this process. Elisa Morgera, SCELG, reported that MSP contributes to the understanding of stakeholder dependency on ecosystem services and includes participatory mapping of ecosystem services and vulnerabilities, including culturally important areas. Participants during the discussion A view of the room during the event Contact: Daniela Diz (Coordinator) | Elisa Morgera (Coordinator) | More Information: Innovative Mechanisms for Financing Biodiversity Conservation: An Exchange of Experiences Between Europe, Mexico and ChinaPresented by the European Commission (EC) and the Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD) This event, moderated by Driss Ezzine de Blas, CIRAD, included an exchange of experiences and information between experts on innovative financing for biodiversity conservation from Mexico, the European Union (EU) and China. In brief remarks, Laure Ledoux, EC, highlighted the EU’s interest in learning about other countries’ experiences of innovative financing mechanisms (IFMs) though its Partnership Instrument. Lorenzo J. de Rosenzweig Pasquel, Mexican Fund for the Conservation of Nature, noted his organization is moving from philanthropy to impact investment for biodiversity conservation in Mexico. Among examples, he highlighted: financial support to communities acting as custodians of the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve, as a result of which illegal logging has “disappeared”; the training of 21 community forestry enterprises to access commercial credits to improve forest management as well as livelihoods; and a planned project to involve various donors for the development of an alternative economy for a region where the critically endangered vaquita is “collateral damage” of illegal totoaba fishing. David Meyers, Biodiversity Finance Initiative of the UN Development Programme (BIOFIN), reviewed IFMs, in particular those in China, noting that the country is one of the 12 most biodiverse countries in the world, has a high number of protected areas, and requires more than €4 billion to finance these protected areas. He highlighted recent innovative finance workshops in China, and said 107 IFMs were identified, including ecological fiscal transfers, ecotourism and payment for ecosystem services (PES). He pointed to IFMs, including: China’s eco-compensation policy; PES projects like “Grain for Green”; biodiversity offsets, highlighting the Forest Vegetation Restoration Fee; biodiversity in climate change funding, pointing to finances from REDD+; biodiversity in international development finance; and capital markets, noting that China has the second largest Green Bond in the world. Colin Herron, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), described the Water Fund as a multi-stakeholder governance mechanism, with science-based decision making and sustainable financing, which is ready deployability. He highlighted that Water Fund partnerships should comprise competing private sector partners, civil society, academia and sports teams, supporting a central theme. On financing, he highlighted the Fondo para la Protección del Agua, which uses a percentage of income from the water utility that is paid into an interest-generating trust fund to finance conservation efforts. He underscored the need to find the “sweet spot” between ecosystem services and public interest, and for a science-based approach to draw investment. Ezzine de Blas highlighted various examples of innovative financing instruments in Europe, including: ecological fiscal transfers in Portugal whereby states have been compensated for their expenditure on biodiversity conservation, which led to six additional regional protected areas in 2008-2016; and the Natural Capital Financing Facility in which the European Investment Bank makes initial investments in natural capital that are expected to attract additional private sector investments. On lessons, he highlighted the need to consider how IFMs can work together with traditional funding mechanisms for a “policy mix” and the possibility of learning from Mexico’s development of dynamic partnerships. In the discussion, participants considered, inter alia: the role of public versus private financing in innovative financial mechanisms; how to bridge the gap between financing and needs; China’s laudable reforestation efforts; and the controversy over water ownership in Mexico. They also raised, among others, the need to base decisions not just on science, but on socio-political questions, such as: whether communities or large soft drink corporations receive the benefits of water conservation, and whether to place offsetting in the same “package” as nature conservation given that it maintains the status quo and is paired with the “destruction” of nature elsewhere. Driss Ezzine de Blas, CIRAD, highlighted the “open question” of whether products that are harmful for biodiversity can be taxed for damage caused. Colin Herron, TNC, linked biodiversity conservation with Star Wars, noting that “biodiversity is what gives us all power,” urging the use of scientific models to make the case for business engagement in biodiversity conservation. Günter Mitlacher, World Wildlife Fund David Meyers, BIOFIN, pointed to markets for green products, noting that ecotourism presents an opportunity with over 82 million visitors to green spaces, drawing RMB 48 billion in 2010 alone, but also noted the pressure created on these green spaces. Lorenzo J. de Rosenzweig Pasquel, Mexican Fund for Nature Conservation, highlighted a financing gap for biodiversity conservation of US$130-440 billion annually, noting governments and the private sector must step in to bridge this gap. Participants during the discussion A view of the room during the event A group photo at the end of the event Contact: Driss Ezzine de Blas (Coordinator) | More Information: Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ (ASEAN) Response to the Challenge of Biodiversity Loss Presented by the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB), the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) This event, moderated by Clarissa Arida, ACB, brought together key partners and stakeholders to share progress and experiences on the ASEAN Heritage Parks (AHP) Programme. The second edition of the ASEAN Biodiversity Outlook (ABO2), showcasing developments for biodiversity conservation in the region, was also launched at the event. Berthold Seibert, GIZ, presented the work of the ACB on the protection of biodiversity in ASEAN member states. He reported on three projects: the UN Development Programme’s Small Grants Programme (SGP) project on strengthening biodiversity protection and management of natural resources in line with basic needs of communities in the ASEAN region; and two GIZ projects, on climate change, agriculture and natural resource management, and on cities, transport and energy. Roberto V. Oliva, Executive Director, ACB, said that in 2005, ASEAN leaders made a decision to promote biodiversity protection on a regional basis across the Southeast Asian region to promote regional cooperation for the conservation and sustainable use of, and fair and equitable sharing of benefits from the use of, biodiversity. In expressing gratitude for support towards regional cooperation efforts for biodiversity conservation, he presented a plaque of appreciation to CBD Executive Secretary Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias. Dias said biodiversity in Southeast Asia is under intense pressure and urged increased conservation actions. He said collaborations between countries with similar history and social and environmental contexts are the best way to strengthen partnerships, lauding the ASEAN region for achieving regional cooperation in biodiversity conservation. Saroj Srisai, ASEAN Secretariat, presented on the institutional framework of ASEAN cooperation for environmental issues and ASEAN’s efforts for regional and international cooperation for promoting biodiversity conservation. He identified key activities planned for 2017, which prioritize biodiversity, including the ASEAN ‘Biodiversity Heroes’ programme in recognizing outstanding achievements in biodiversity conservation and advocacy within the region, and implementation of an ASEAN-European Union agreement for the management of protected areas. Arida presented the ASEAN-EU Biodiversity Conservation and Management of Protected Areas (BCAMP) project, which is expected to improve effectiveness, generate knowledge and capacity building for biodiversity conservation and protected area management, and mainstream protected area management into development plans and education. Praopan Tongsom, Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP), Thailand, presented outcomes of the second ASEAN Conference on Biodiversity held in Thailand in February 2016 (ACB 2016). She highlighted key outcomes in diverse topics including on: agrobiodiversity; mainstreaming biodiversity into national and sectoral plans; and species conservation and wildlife management. Win Naing Thaw, Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry, Myanmar, discussed objectives and outcomes of the 5th ASEAN Heritage Parks Conference in sharing experience for solutions, good practices and tools to effectively manage and govern protected areas. He discussed the importance of, inter alia: collaborative partnerships for livelihood development; strategies for the management of invasive alien species (IAS); policy support and internationally-accepted standards for protected area management; and transboundary protected areas and wildlife law enforcement. Sheila Vergara, Director, ACB’s Biodiversity Information Management, presented the second edition of the ABO2. She noted that while ABO1 presented baselines, ABO2 assessed progress based on drivers of biodiversity loss, including climate change, over-exploitation, IAS and pollution. She highlighted ABO2’s four chapters, namely: progress towards achieving the Aichi Biodiversity Targets; biodiversity and changing environment; priority actions for enhancing implementation; and ABO: 2020 and beyond. L-R: Clarissa Arida, ACB; Saroj Srisai, ASEAN Secretariat; Roberto V. Oliva, Executive Director, ACB; Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, Executive Secretary, CBD; and Berthold Seibert, GIZ Clarissa Arida, ACB, said the BCAMP project aims to contribute to global sustainability by ensuring ASEAN’s rich biodiversity is conserved. A slide from Clarissa Arida’s presentation Berthold Seibert, GIZ, explained that the “core business” of ACB at present is to enable implementation of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and the biodiversity-related Sustainable Development Goals in the region. Roberto V. Oliva, Executive Director, ACB, stressed that the key for ensuring the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity is “implementation, implementation, implementation.” A plaque of appreciation is presented to Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, Executive Secretary, CBD, in recognition of his support for regional cooperation for biodiversity conservation. Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, Executive Secretary, CBD, said he looks forward to seeing commitments of the ASEAN region translated into good action showcased at the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 15) of the CBD to be held in Beijing, China. Saroj Srisai, ASEAN Secretariat, emphasized that ASEAN is working closely with international development partners in promoting biodiversity conservation. Win Naing Thaw, Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry, Myanmar, said the ACB supports capacity building for protected area management according to identified needs for management planning, law enforcement and standard setting. Praopan Tongsom, ONEP, Thailand, said ACB 2016 was useful in enabling ASEAN member states prepare for CBD COP 13. Members of ASEAN region witnessed the launch of the second edition of the ASEAN Biodiversity Outlook. Contact: Clarissa Arida (Coordinator) | More Information: Around the Venue Your ENBOTS team at CBD COP 13 (L-R) Vijay Krishnan Kolinjivadi, Canada; Dorothy Wanja Nyingi, Kenya; Cleo Verkuijl, Zimbabwe/the Netherlands; Diego Noguera, Colombia; and Tallash Kantai, Kenya/Uganda
Side Events

Highlights and images for 15 December 2016

UN Biodiversity Conference 2016 (Cancún)

On Thursday, delegates continued consideration of draft decisions in Working Groups (WG), contact groups and Friends of the Chair groups. WG I addressed draft decisions on financial resources and mechanism, capacity building, and public awareness, resource mobilization, and compliance under the Cartagena Protocol, among others. WG II considered draft decisions on: ecologically or biologically significant marine areas (EBSAs); synthetic biology; and national reports. Contact groups and Friends of the Chair groups met throughout the day to address: transboundary movements of living modified organisms (LMOs); Article 8(j) (traditional knowledge); capacity building; digital sequence information on genetic resources; EBSAs; synergies; financial mechanism; a global multilateral benefit-sharing mechanism under the Nagoya Protocol; risk assessment of LMOs; and the budget. IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, has provided daily web coverage, daily reports and a summary and analysis report from the UN Biodiversity Conference. The summary and analysis report is available in HTML and PDF. Photos by IISD/ENB | Francis Dejon For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page. Working Group I L-R: Marcus Lehmann, CBD Secretariat; WG I Chair Mette Gervin Damsgaard (Denmark); Manoela Pessoa de Miranda; CBD Secretariat and Ravi Sharma, CBD Secretariat Nneka Nicholas, Antigua and Barbuda Ruben Dekker, EU Emmanuel Bayani Ngoyi, Gabon Leslie Melisa Ojeda Cabrera, Guatemala Babucarr Dumbuya, the Gambia Jafar Barmaki, Iran Angela Lozan, Moldova Ho-Min Jang, Republic of Korea L-R: Sergei Melnov and Elena Makeyeva, Belarus, reviewing text L-R: Marle Aguilar Ponce and Lenin O'Connor Cano, Honduras Working Group II WG II Chair Malta Qwathekana (South Africa) Ágnes Fejes, Hungary Eleni Tokaduadua, Fiji Jorge Ernesto Quezada Diaz, El Salvador Anne Teller, EU Didier Babin, CIRAD David Hafashimana, Uganda Esther Shushu Makwaia, Tanzania Stefan Leiner, EU Silvia Ribeiro, ETC Group Anne Daniel, Canada Melissa Cotterill, Australia L-R: Victoria Lichtschein, Ana Julia Gutierrez Telleria, and Marcia Levaggi, Argentina Delegates from South Africa Delegates from France COP 13 Snapshots L-R: Maria Crespo, Véronique Allain, Anastasia Beliaeva, and Vince Gopez, CBD Secretariat Delegates from Thailand César Augusto Azurdia Pérez, Guatemala, and Teresa Agüero Teare, Chile Flash event organized by ICCA
Daily Highlights

Highlights and images for 14 December 2016

UN Biodiversity Conference 2016 (Cancún)

On Wednesday, 14 December, delegates continued negotiations on draft decisions in the Working Groups (WG), contact groups, and Friends of the Chair groups. WG I addressed draft decisions under the Cartagena Protocol on: the roster of experts; cooperation with other conventions; the Biosafety Clearing-House (BCH); socioeconomic considerations; and assessment and review. WG I further addressed draft decisions under the Nagoya Protocol on: cooperation with other conventions; the ABS Clearing-House; and the financial mechanism. WG II addressed a draft decision on ecologically or biologically significant marine areas (EBSAs). Contact groups and Friends of the Chair groups met throughout the day to address: Article 8(j) (traditional knowledge); risk assessment and risk management of living modified organisms (LMOs); mainstreaming; synergies; capacity building; the financial mechanism; and sequence information on genetic resources. IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, has provided daily web coverage, daily reports and a summary and analysis report from the UN Biodiversity Conference. The summary and analysis report is available in HTML and PDF. Photos by IISD/ENB | Francis Dejon For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page. Working Group I L-R: Valerie Normand, CBD Secretariat; WG I Chair Mette Gervin Damsgaard (Denmark); and Ravi Sharma, CBD Secretariat Gurdial Singh, Malaysia Pierre du Plessis, Namibia Leo Maier, EU Marina Hernández, Dominican Republic Xu Jing, China Antonietta Gutiérrez-Rosati, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Peru Felipe Costa, Brazil Anne-Gabrielle Wüst-Saucy, Switzerland L-R: Edda Fernández and Elleli Huerta Ocampo, Mexico Delegates from the Republic of Korea consulting L-R: Jaqueline Monterre, Edis Solórzano, Carliz Díaz, and Anabel Arvelaez, Venezuela Working Group II WG II Chair Malta Qwathekana (South Africa) consulting with the Secretariat Alexander Shestakov, the Russian Federation Clarissa Nina, Brazil Sigurdur Thrainsson, Iceland Vittorio de Cristofaro, Italy Jin Han Kim, Republic of Korea François Lengrand, France Eugenia Arguedas, Costa Rica Anthony Foronda, ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) Martijn Pijs, EU Gabriella Blatter, Switzerland Elpidio Peria, the Philippines L-R: Mark Zimsky and Yoko Watanabe, Global Environment Facility (GEF) L-R: Marina von Weissenberg and Ilkka Heikkinen, Finland L-R: Joni Jackson, Stewart Panton, and Andrea Donaldson, Jamaica COP 13 Snapshots Internet computer stations Posters from the CEPA fair Flags of UN member states
Daily Highlights

ENBOTS selected side events coverage for 14 December 2016

UN Biodiversity Conference 2016 (Cancún)

The following events were covered by IISD Reporting Services on Wednesday, 14 December 2016: A Successful Biosafety Clearing House (BCH) Asia Family Rooted in the Ground: Community Participation and Biodiversity Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Agriculture - Pesticides and its Impacts on Bees as a Key Discussion Implementing the Plan of Action on Customary Sustainable Use (CSU) Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) - World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Partnership on Aichi Biodiversity Target 1- Ceremonial Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Land Use Decisions and Agricultural Biodiversity Diverging Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) Laws in North and South – What are the Consequences? IISD Reporting Services, through its ENBOTS Meeting Coverage, is providing daily web coverage of selected side-events from the UN Biodiversity Conference. Photos by IISD/ENB | Diego Noguera For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page. A Successful Biosafety Clearing House (BCH) Asia Family Presented by the Division of Environmental Law and Conventions of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP-DELC) This event, moderated by Ruel Maningas, Colegio de San Juan de Letran Calamba, the Philippines, was organized to recognize the Asian BCH collaboration that unites Asian countries in a common goal of full compliance with the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. In opening remarks, Homin Jang, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), retraced the journey of the formation of the Asia BCH Family from 2008, highlighting milestones, leading to the development of the Asia BCH Roadmap at the fourth Asia BCH Regional Workshop in 2015 in Nanjing, China. Letchumanan Ramatha, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia, emphasized that the success of the Family depends on the ability of all members to support and uplift each other in order to complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Changyong Wang, Nanjing Environmental Science Institute, China, said the country is committed to continued support for the BCH Road Map, and highlighted activities such as: training for genetically-modified organism (GMO) detection in collaboration with the Republic of Korea; capacity building in risk assessments and detection of gene flows across Asian countries; and the management of transboundary issues. Julieta Fe L. Estacio, Philippines Department of Science and Technology (DOST), confirmed that her country would continue coordinating activities of the BCH Roadmap to build capacity towards effective participation to the BCH, promote public awareness, education and information, and enhance regional networking and cooperation. Ileana Lopez, UN Environment, lauded the Asia BCH Family for their initiative, referring to their cooperation as the right basis for ensuring environmental self-sustainability regionally. Homin Jang, KRIBB, said the spirit of camaraderie and collaboration in the Asia BCH Family is thanks to respect, commitment and the self-giving spirit of its members. Ruel Maningas, Colegio de San Juan de Letran Calamba, Philippines, moderated this event. Letchumanan Ramatha, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia, called for further mobilization to “move together in order to meet compliance with the Cartagena Protocol, together.” Ileana López, UN Environment, urged other regions to consider similar initiatives following the model of the Asia BCH Family. Participants during the event Group photo of the Asia BCH Family members Contact: Julieta Fe L. Estacio (Coordinator) | More Information: Rooted in the Ground: Community Participation and Biodiversity Presented by Society for Wildlife and Nature (SWAN) International This event, moderated by Lee Yung-Jaan, SWAN International, discussed several cases of conservation management efforts in Belize, Indonesia and Taiwan, which have developed through community outreach and participation. Boris Arevalo, Friends for Conservation and Development (FCD), Belize, presented on conservation efforts of the Scarlet Macaw in the Chiquibul Forest in his country. Noting the importance of biomonitoring and collecting data on illegal poaching and enforcement activities, he lauded the success of conservation efforts in increasing the number of fledglings and reducing poaching of the Scarlet Macaw in recent years. He underlined, inter alia, that reaching chicks on site, public outreach and assistance from volunteers have contributed to this success. Arevalo also presented on increasing rates of deforestation of the Chiquibul Forest in Belize along the Guatemalan border, noting that a territorial dispute, food insecurity and a “worrying” trend towards cattle ranching among poor Guatemalan communities as being among the root causes of deforestation. He reported the efforts of FCD to curtail the growing deforestation, including providing support for: agroforestry systems; pig and poultry-raising projects for enhancing food security; providing alternative cook stoves; and the development of a watershed conservation alliance comprised of both Belizean and Guatemalan communities. Carolina Hazin, BirdLife International (BLI), presented on a “forest of hope” in Harapan Rainforest in Indonesia. She described the deforestation in the Rainforest, noting that logging removes high-value timber, and the rest of the forest is then cleared for oil palm plantations. She noted that BLI is working in conservation, as well as in public policy and advocacy to address private sector exploration and restoration efforts through the Ecosystem Restoration Concession legislation. Noting that this legislation is just the beginning, she highlighted efforts to involve local communities, underscoring the importance of creating a balance between conservation needs and community needs, through community conservation agreements. Stressing the need for partnerships between governments, the private sector, civil society, and indigenous peoples and local communities, Chi-Chang Liu, National Taiwan University (NTU), discussed the small Wan-Shian indigenous community, with very strong traditional systems, highlighting that it had recently been under threat leaving its territory vulnerable to deforestation and degradation. He pointed to livelihood activities being promoted, with NTU also offering training opportunities to ensure that the Wan-Shian youth can be self-sufficient, noting also that these young people are hired as rangers to prevent illegal logging and poaching. He also drew attention to a payment for ecosystem services project in terraced rice paddy fields in the Gongliao area established by the Environmental Ethics Foundation on Taiwan, underlining that this artificial wetland is an example of enhancing livelihoods and promoting conservation through agroecology. In the ensuing discussions, participants considered, inter alia: broader environmental factors, which may have resulted in reduced predation of the Scarlet Macaw in Belize; the need to address the systemic challenges presented by community land rights; whether community involvement in conservation efforts is a “product of consensus” or a “product of a non-governmental organization (NGO)”; and the role of government in driving deforestation in the name of “development.” (L-R): Carolina Hazin, BLI; Boris Arevalo, FCD; Lee Yung-Jaan, SWAN International; and Chi-Chang Liu, NTU Carolina Hazin, BLI, pointed to her organization’s work in the conservation of Important Bird and Biodiversity Sites, highlighting the importance of learning with local communities as well as providing capacity support where it is necessary to achieve best results. Chi-Chang Liu, NTU, stressed the importance of traditional knowledge, the identification of conservation priorities, the need to build lasting partnerships, and the importance of effectiveness monitoring to ensure community participation in biodiversity mainstreaming. Lee Yung-Jaan, SWAN International, moderated the event. Boris Arevalo, FCD, stressed that conservation is not an activity that can be accomplished by a single entity; “it is everyone’s business.” Participants during the discussion A view of the room during Chi-Chang Liu’s address Participant group photo at the end of the event Contact: Ling-Ling Lee (Coordinator) | More Information: Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Agriculture - Pesticides and Its Impacts on Bees as a Key Discussion Presented by Greenpeace International and Greenpeace Mexico Participants of this event convened to evaluate challenges posed by industrial agriculture on honeybees, wild-pollinator bee populations and livelihoods of local communities. They explored ecological and organic farming as alternatives to chemical pesticides and fertilizers in order to mitigate harmful effects and foster biological diversity. Sandra Laso, Greenpeace Mexico, moderated the event saying that the impacts of industrial agriculture have been of great focus worldwide and need greater attention to prevent further damage to ecosystems and livelihoods. Leydi Pech Martín, Beekeeper, Campeche State, discussed interventions by a women’s group to conserve the Melipona bee from extinction in Campeche State due to the effects of industrial agriculture. She cited deforestation and toxins from pesticides as the main culprits and stressed the need to protect Mayan rights over their territories and agricultural practices. Rémy Vandame, The College of the Southern Border (ECOSUR), reported on the impacts of pollinators in Mexico, highlighting the lethal effects of pesticides, particularly neonicotinoids to populations of Apis mellifera, the honey-producing bee. He said that mortality occurs at a high dosage, while low doses cause disorientation and the inability to return to hives since these bees fly up to 3 kilometer from bee-keeping farms. Fernando Funes, Estación Experimental “Indio Hatuey,” Cuba, discussed agroecological alternatives, reporting on benefits of mixed agriculture systems in maintaining on-farm biodiversity. He cited the successful use of compost, biogas energy and biological control of pests to produce high quality and healthy food. Jaime Rendón von Osten, Autonomous University of Campeche, reported on the impacts of pesticides on biodiversity and communities in the Yucatán Peninsula. He reported that residues of the Herbicide 2,4-D, commonly used in agriculture and golf courses to control weeds, has been shown to enter the water table and affect biodiversity and human health. María Colin, Greenpeace Mexico, highlighted recommendations to the Mexican government to respect human rights by regulating industrial agriculture, including the need to: regulate indiscriminate use of highly toxic pesticides; monitor and control land-use change and the impacts on biodiversity; develop a national pesticide catalogue; and build a platform to discuss and address effects of industrial agriculture. (L-R): Leydi Pech Martín, Beekeeper, Campeche State; Fernando Funes, Estación Experimental “Indio Hatuey”, Cuba; Jaime Rendón von Osten, Autonomous University of Campeche; María Colin, Greenpeace Mexico; and Remy Vandame, ECOSUR Sandra Laso, Greenpeace Mexico, said the Yucatán Peninsula government has committed to develop policies to promote indigenous farming methods.   Leydi Pech Martín, Beekeeper, Campeche State, stated, “when we see the bees die we see ourselves dying,” because our health is also being affected by toxins from pesticides. María Colin, Greenpeace Mexico, said the government should be fostering ecological agriculture instead of subsidizing industrial agriculture. A slide from María Colin’s presentation Rémy Vandame, ECOSUR, said 87 pesticides used in Mexico are toxic to bees adding that there is need for mobilization by beekeepers to control their use. Jaime Rendón von Osten, Autonomous University of Campeche, reported the use of over 200 harmful pesticides and herbicides in the Yucatán Peninsula. Fernando Funes, Estación Experimental “Indio Hatuey,” Cuba, said farmer-led agroecological practices enable sharing of best practice and improved innovation. A participant asks a question to the panel. Participants during the discussion Contact: Aleira Lara Galicia | More Information: Implementing the Plan of Action on Customary Sustainable Use (CSU) Presented by Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) This session addressed the extent to which the Plan of Action on CSU of Biological Diversity, adopted by the twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 12) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has been implemented, and provided case studies and recommendations for further implementation. Joji Cariño, FPP, introduced CSU as relating to the use of biological resources in accordance with traditional cultural practices, compatible with conservation and sustainable use. She identified the three priority tasks of the CBD’s CSU plan: incorporation of CSU in NBSAPs; support to community initiatives on CSU; and identification and operationalization of best practices to promote full and effective participation, prior informed consent, traditional knowledge (TK) and CSU. Maurizio Farhan Ferrari, FPP, highlighted findings on the incorporation of customary sustainable use in NBSAPs, noting only 20% of 98 NBSAPs that were examined mentioned CSU; 34% of NBSAPs had no targets relating to Aichi Biodiversity Target 18 (TK); and only 14% of national reports indicated that this target was on track to be achieved by 2020. Among challenges to the incorporation of indigenous peoples’ views into law in Costa Rica, Donald Rojas Marato, Mesa Nacional Indígena de Costa Rica (MNICR), highlighted the question of who authorizes access to benefits, and the fact that ancestral lands are under state control. Rodrigo de la Cruz, Body of the Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA), lamented that when indigenous territories become protected areas and under regulation of environment ministries, indigenous communities lose their identity, autonomy and traditional use of resources. Ruth Spencer, UN Development Programme (UNDP), noted the challenge of legally registering groups in order to ensure their access to funds and empowerment through sharing of experiences between different local groups. Pernilla Malmer, Stockholm Resilience Centre, shared reflections from a workshop on collective action in biodiversity conservation held in June 2015 in Guatemala, including that collective action was characterized as involving: commonality, cooperation, support for group dynamics, long-term vision, a voluntary nature, and being beneficial and rewarding in itself. Ramiro Batzin, Asociación Sotz´il Guatemala, noted challenges in Guatemala include: a lack of full recognition of collective rights on communal lands; and communities being under pressure to sell their lands on an individual basis. He highlighted a proposed law by indigenous peoples, which addresses, inter alia, recognition of indigenous resource management systems and recognition of TK. Stan Stevens, ICCA Consortium, noted recent IUCN policy on developing more guidance on best practices for indigenous peoples’ and community conserved territories and areas (ICCAs), as well as a draft CBD decision on this topic. Joji Cariño, FPP, highlighted how customary rules and laws ensure that overuse is prevented and that sufficient resources exist for future generations.   Maurizio Farhan Ferrari, FPP, stressed “it is our responsibility to contact CBD focal points and other relevant agencies to push for implementation of the CBD’s CSU Action Plan.” Participants listen to panelists Rodrigo de la Cruz, COICA, highlighted "a serious conflict" between Ecuador’s good environmental intentions, and its priorities related to mining, hydroelectric plants and hydrocarbon exploitation. Donald Rojas Marato, MNICR, highlighted a publication on how indigenous peoples’ resource concerns have been incorporated in Costa Rican law. A view of the room during the event Contact: Joji Cariño (Moderator) | More Information: Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) - World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Partnership on Aichi Biodiversity Target 1- Ceremonial Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Presented by CBD and WWF This event highlighted a partnership between the CBD Secretariat and WWF to make significant progress in achieving Aichi Biodiversity Target 1 on Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA). An MOU on this was signed as a cornerstone for four-year joint activities in this regard. Omar Vidal, CEO, WWF Mexico, said a major challenge facing biodiversity conservation is the low awareness levels on biodiversity loss. He emphasized that if people do not realize the value of biodiversity, they will not protect it. Rodolfo Lacy Tamayo, Undersecretary for Environmental Policy and Planning, Mexican Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, speaking on behalf of Rafael Pacchiano Alamán, Minister of the Environment and Natural Resources, Mexico, lauded the cooperation between the CBD secretariat and WWF to tackle awareness raising on biodiversity loss. Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, Executive Secretary, CBD, noted that while progress has been made in conserving biodiversity in terms of commitments and actions by governments, civil society and the private sector, he stressed “we will fail” to achieve the Aichi Biodiversity Targets unless a significant portion of the population is aware of why biodiversity matters. He stressed “we must go beyond speaking to the converted” to better communicate how fisheries, farming, forestry and ecotourism depend on biodiversity. He recognized the role of business partnerships to support conservation and applauded WWF’s skills and outreach capacity to support the implementation of Aichi Biodiversity Target 1 on awareness raising. Marco Lambertini, Director, WWF International, via video message, highlighted the need to spread awareness about CEPA, noting this is not just about wildlife, but about vital services such as clean water, pure air, food and a stable climate. Sudhanshu Sarronwala, WWF International, noted that WWF and the CBD share the vision of humans living in harmony with nature. He underscored the need to optimize and maximize communication efforts “to reach billions,” highlighted the annual Earth Hour event in 178 countries, and announced the eight-part series “Our Planet,” a joint WWF-Netflix-Silverback Films venture, which aims to transmit biodiversity-related footage to one billion people beginning in 2019. Elsa Nickel, German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), identified her country’s International Climate Initiative (ICI) as an instrument to fund climate change-related projects and noted its potential to target synergies with biodiversity conservation in achieving the CBD’s Strategic Plan 2011-2020. She stressed that ICI projects are designed to promote mutual learning, raise awareness and educate people to value biodiversity in directly addressing Aichi Biodiversity Target 1. She also described a media project called “Global Nature,” which illustrates successful models of biodiversity and climate change projects through a range of media material, including interactive graphics and multimedia web reports that are suitable for schools. Highlighting the need for more effective communication on biodiversity conservation in order to convince the public and policymakers to take concrete actions, Norbert Baerlocher, Swiss Federal Office for the Environment, welcomed this very important initiative and highlighted the enormous potential of Earth Hour to reach a broader audience. Carlos Galindo, CONABIO, discussed the open platform, open source CONABIO website, attributing its success to citizen science and collaborative partnerships with other open source platforms including Wikipedia, eBird of Cornell University and iNaturalist. He said the site has over 12 million records of 110,000 species, with 4 million records coming from citizen science. He further highlighted other awareness-raising activities, including the Week of Biological Diversity and a national contest on nature photography, which draws up to 15,000 photos. In closing, Vidal noted that “connecting people to biodiversity is the most important activity we can engage in,” as it will promote mainstreaming, as well as enhance fundraising efforts. He announced that Mexico will be the capital of Earth Hour 2017, with a special focus on biodiversity. Participants then watched scenes from the upcoming Our Planet series. Omar Vidal, CEO, WWF Mexico Rodolfo Lacy Tamayo, Undersecretary for Environmental Policy and Planning, Mexican Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Participants and speakers at the well-attended event Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, Executive Secretary, CBD Sudhanshu Sarronwala, WWF International Signing of the MOU (L-R): Omar Vidal, CEO, WWF Mexico, Rodolfo Lacy Tamayo, Undersecretary for Environmental Policy and Planning, Mexican Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, and Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, Executive Secretary, CBD, sign the MOU, while Sudhanshu Sarronwala, WWF International, witnessed the signing. Participants watch a video about “Our Planet.” Elsa Nickel, BMUB Norbert Baerlocher, Swiss Federal Office for the Environment Carlos Galindo, CONABIO Group photo at the end of the event Contact: Guenter Mitlacher (Coordinator) | David Ainsworth (Coordinator) | More Information: Land-Use Decisions and Agricultural Biodiversity Presented by the Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research (PAR), Bioversity International This event, moderated by Toby Hodgkin, PAR, presented case studies illustrating how local communities have maintained or created land-use systems that sustain biocultural diversity and foster dynamic processes of adaptation and restoration. Dunja Mijatovic, PAR, presented on a series of case studies of agricultural production systems to analyze the consequences of land-use decisions on agrobiodiversity and to identify key processes that have lead to positive transformation across diverse landscapes. She explained that each case study assessed crop, livestock and wild species diversity, mapped land-use change, and captured local perceptions of ecosystem services and landscape resilience. In explaining results of the assessments, she emphasized that local institutions embody a combination of traditional knowledge and innovative features, including community seed banks, to ensure sustainable agricultural strategies. Ghanimat Azhdari, Centre for Sustainable Development (CENESTA), presented on a participatory mapping technique among local communities of the Abolhassani Tribal Territory of northeastern Iran. She described the technique, which involved disaggregating women and men to identify how people are using their territory. She emphasized the solidarity of these remote communities to cope with droughts by turning to agriculture to reduce grazing pressure on rangelands, reintroducing drought-resistant indigenous animal breeds, and using diverse varieties of crops across seasons. Adding to Azhdari’s presentation, Taghi Farvar, CENESTA, stressed “there is no such thing as a wild plant,” since for nomadic tribes in Iran, every species has a name and its usefulness as fodder, medicine or spiritual benefit is known. He noted, inter alia, that the nomads “consider wildlife as part of their natural heritage” and not as competition to livestock, and “know when to give their rangelands a rest.” He added that community-driven microfinance projects have been more successful than non-governmental organization (NGO) driven ones. Francisco J. Rosado May, The Indigenous Partnership (TIP), emphasized that the “technological route” for agricultural production has resulted in systems characterized by low cultural and biological diversity, while traditional farming methods have had higher cultural and biological diversity. In examining the biocultural diversity of traditional approaches, he compared two traditional and complex agricultural systems from Quintana Roo, Mexico, and Meghalaya, India, to illustrate that despite the distance between the two locations, diverse varieties of crops, animal husbandry practices and spiritual connotations with the land have resulted in significant biocultural diversity. In the ensuing discussion, participants shared experiences on, inter alia: how diverse varieties of crops are identified; “invisible” systems of knowledge developed over hundreds of years, which cannot be understood by modern science; and linking research agendas across indigenous peoples, civil society and the international community. Dunja Mijatovic, PAR, stressed that agriculture is dependent on “invisible ecological and cultural links.” Toby Hodgkin, PAR, said agrobiodiversity includes soil organisms, wild crop varieties, livestock breeds and other forms of biodiversity that relate to production landscapes.   Ghanimat Azhdari, CENESTA, noted that one of the most effective signs of the resilience and adaptability of communities within the Abolhassani Tribal Territory of Iran is that despite worsening droughts, their populations have remained stable. Taghi Farvar, CENESTA, said the distinction between “domesticated” and “wild plants” is artificial. Francisco J. Rosado May, TIP, noted that traditional biocultural diversity in different regions of the world share common features critical to ensure sustainable food systems. A participant asks a question to the panelists during the discussion. Participants during Francisco J. Rosado May’s presentation Contact: Toby Hodgkin (Moderator and Coordinator) | More Information: Diverging Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) Laws in North and South – What are the Consequences? Presented by Natural Justice and Public Eye This side event, moderated by François Meienberg, Public Eye, focused on diverging ABS laws in provider and user countries and efforts to negotiate a fair and equitable benefit-sharing agreement on stevia. Johanna von Braun, Natural Justice, highlighted the report, ‘The Two Worlds of Nagoya,’ which focuses on temporal, traditional knowledge (TK) and “import loophole” discrepancies between the European Union (EU) ABS framework and emerging laws in provider countries on how these countries implement the Nagoya Protocol. Among potential negative implications, she highlighted: that benefit sharing of utilization will not be enforced; greater legal uncertainty; possible incentives for illegal access; an incentive to move research and development (R&D) outside the EU; potentially unfair competition for companies who aim to comply with obligations within the EU; and no protection of TK that is not in mutually agreed terms (MAT). She identified different ways to mitigate these effects. Sharing findings from the report: ‘Stevia, the path to a benefit-sharing agreement,’ Meienberg highlighted evidence that indigenous peoples have been using stevia as a sweetener for hundreds of years, and noted that patent applications for the use of steviol glycosides “exploded” when it recently became clear these compounds would be allowed for use in Europe and the US. He highlighted Public Eye’s efforts to engage companies in forming a group of “first movers” that will fulfill their benefit-sharing obligations by negotiating an agreement with the Guarani communities in Paraguay and Brazil, and “mixed responses” from companies thus far. Highlighting the example of how the African Union’s (AU) ABS guidelines developed following the adoption of EU ABS measures, Pierre du Plessis, Centre for Research Information Action in Africa – Southern African Development and Consulting (CRIAA SA-DC), stressed that inadequate ABS regulations in user countries drive protective counter measures in provider countries. He nevertheless noted a positive change in user behavior due to increased legal attention to the issue, and stressed that the real value of benefit sharing is not just monetary, but rather promoting capacity building and partnerships between providers and users. Andreas Drews, ABS Capacity Development Initiative (ABS Initiative), noted that many MAT are not enforceable and “depend on the goodwill of contracting parties.” He stressed the importance of capacity building of provider-country government lawyers in this regard. In the discussion, participants discussed, inter alia: difficulties in obtaining prior informed consent; that “in a globalized world there are no provider and user countries”; the possibility of introducing results-based, rather than due diligence, requirements; compliance guidelines as a very positive element of the AU guidelines on ABS; the only way to improve provider readiness is to “start the process”; and the role of civil society in ensuring fair and equitable ABS. (L-R): François Meienberg, Public Eye; Andereas Drews, ABS Initiative; Johanna von Braun, Natural Justice; and Pierre du Plessis, CRIAA SA-DC Among responses to the issues identified in the report, ‘The Two Worlds of Nagoya,’ Johanna von Braun, Natural Justice, highlighted: the need to develop national ABS legislation in provider countries; the need for increased efforts to ensure strong MAT; enforcing national ABS legislation and MAT in provider countries; and encouraging and publishing best practices by commercial users. François Meienberg, Public Eye, estimated that “99% of R&D by the EU in the next decade will be outside the scope of the EU’s ABS regulation,” while the bulk of this R&D will be within the scope of the ABS laws of providing countries. Andreas Drews, ABS Initiative, highlighted the need for capacity building for national-level ABS legislation. Pierre du Plessis, CRIAA SA-DC, stressed legal discrepancies on ABS are not primarily a “North-South” issue as countries from the Global South sometimes do not legislate on the need to comply with ABS legislation in producer countries. He stressed that “we need to see ensuring benefit sharing as a common, global issue.”. Participants during the event Contact: Johanna von Braun (Coordinator) | More Information:
Side Events