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Highlights and images for 4 September 2016

2016 International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) World Conservation Congress Planet at the Crossroads

On Sunday, participants attended the Forum for the third day, engaging with a variety of conservation issues, including an update on the IUCN’s Red List, managing ecosystems to reduce risks to disasters, managing conflicts between business and civil society over the use of natural resources, discovering the ways in which indigenous values and health indicators are helping management of invasive species, and finding nature-based solutions for sustainable development. In the afternoon, during a high-level event on actions required for a sustainable ocean, two panels discussed potential ways to address management of oceans, such as legislation, research and monitoring, and combatting pollution and illegal fishing. Other afternoon events included a launch of guidelines on climate change best practices, the place of the law in the future of conservation, how to manage transboundary ecosystems through experiences in “hydro-diplomacy” and governance of shared waters, and ways of transforming Africa’s development through Chinese investments. In the evening participants attended events on gender-responsive financing for the global environment and the IUCN Green List that aims to raise the standard for new generation of protected and conserved areas. IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB+ Meeting Coverage, has produced daily reports, daily web coverage, summary videos from the Forum and the Members Assembly, as well as a summary report from the IUCN Congress 2016, which is available in HTML and PDF format. Photos by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth and Diego Noguera For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page Nature Protects Us: Managing Ecosystems for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Participants during the session Fabiola Monty, IUCN Camille Buyck, IUCN Glenn Dolcemascolo, US Office for Disaster Risk Reduction Shalini Dhyani, National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-NEERI) Ahmed Senhoury, IUCN Naoya Furuta, IUCN Simone Sandholz, UN University Wolfram Lange, IUCN Udo Nehren, University of Applied Science Cologne Karen Sudmeier-Rieux, IUCN Managing Conflicts Between Businesses and Civil Society Over the Use of Natural Resources Participants during the session Giulia Carbone, IUCN Jennifer Clare Mohamed-Katerere, IUCN CEESP Steering Committee Myrna Semaan, Friends of Nature Kem Lowry, University of Hawai'i Nigel Crawhall, IUCN Nature-Based Solutions for Sustainable Development Panel speakers for the session Braulio Dias, Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Executive Secretary Naoko Ishii, CEO and Chairperson, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Stewart Maginnis, Global Director, Nature-based Solutions Group, IUCN Andrew Steer, President, the World Resources Institute (WRI) Jesca Osuna Eriyo, Deputy Secretary General, East African Community (EAC) Paul Mafabi, Ministry of Water and Environment, Uganda Panel speakers during the session Julia Bucknall, Director for Environment and Natural Resources, the World Bank Emad Adly, the Arab Office for Youth and Environment Paul Trianosky, Chief Conservation Officer, Sustainable Forestry Initiative Lynda Mansson, Director General, the MAVA Foundation Ashok Khosla, Development Alternatives Group Indigenous peoples’ Cultural Connections to Forests: How Indigenous Values and Health Indicators are Helping Manage Invasive Species Participants during the session Judy Fisher, IUCN Lori Buchanan, Molokai/Maui Invasive Species Committee, US Danielle Flakelar, New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage, Australia Desmond Purcell, Gidarjil Development Corporation, Australia Participants engage in an interactive session Launch: Climate Change Best Practice Guidelines The Guidance for Protected Area Managers and Planners Adapting to Climate Change was launched during the event Leigh Welling, World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) Kathleen MacKinnon IUCN/WCPA Jonathan Jarvis, Director, National Park Service Actions for a Sustainable Ocean Inger Andersen, Director General, IUCN, welcomes panelists to the session Aulani Wilhelm, Founder, Island Water Kamana‘opono Crabbe, CEO, Office of Hawaiian Affairs Sylvia Earle, Founder, Mission Blue, and Oceanographer Kathryn Sullivan, Administrator, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Catherine Novelli, Under Secretary of State, Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment, US Sandra Bessudo, Founder, Fundación Malpelo Braulio Dias, CBD Executive Secretary Anote Tong, Former President of the Republic of Kiribati Humberto Delgado Rosa, European Commission Nainoa Thompson, President, Polynesian Voyaging Society Africa Transforming Panel speakers of the event Matt Jones, UN Environment Pogramme (UNEP)-World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) Lori Anna Conzo, International Finance Corporation (IFC) Helga Rainer, Arcus Foundation Daudi Sumba, African Wildlife Foundation Participants asking questions during the event How Will Chinese Investments Transform Africa’s Development? Panel speakers of the event Nan Li, WWF China Yan Zhang, IUCN China Jeff Sawyer, Cairns University Leonard Usongo, IUCN Leave No One Behind: Conservation, Rights and Sustainable Development L-R: Sanjay Kabir Bavikatte, The Christensen Fund; Rosemary Ahtuangaruak, Inupiaq people of Alaska, US; Martha Rojas-Urrego, Secretary-General, Ramsar Convention; John Knox, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment; Ashok Khosla, Chairman, Development Alternatives Group; Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; and Marco Lambertini, CEO, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) International John Knox, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Marco Lambertini, CEO, WWF International Martha Rojas-Urrego, Secretary-General, Ramsar Convention Sanjay Kabir Bavikatte, The Christensen Fund Rosemary Ahtuangaruak, Inupiaq people of Alaska, US Forests: Today and Tomorrow US Forest Service employees take part in a chat show style session (L-R): US Forest Service employees John Crockett; Flint Hughes; Jeanne Wade-Evans; Fabian Garcia; Nadia Tase; and Heather McMillen Jeanne Wade-Evans, US Forest Service John Crockett, US Forest Service Gender-Responsive Financing for the Global Environment Panel speakers during the event Lorena Aguilar, IUCN Herbert Acquay, the World Bank Anne Kuriakose, Climate Investment Fund Amy Fraenkel, CBD Yoko Watanabe, the GEF Press Conference: Red List Update Panel speakers during the session (L-R): Matthew Kier, Laukahi, the Hawaiian Plant Conservation Network; Carlo Rondinini, Sapienza University of Rome; Jane Smart, Global Director, IUCN Biodiversity Conservation Group and Director, IUCN's Global Species Programme; and Simon Stuart, Chair, IUCN Species Survival Commission The IUCN Green List - Raising the Standard for New Generation of Protected and Conserved Areas Masahito Yoshida, IUCN-WCPA Zhiyun Ouyang, Chinese Academy of Science Tamar Kvantaliani, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Georgia Trevor Sandwith, Director, Global Programme on Protected Areas, IUCN Panelists and Green List protected areas managers Around the Venue Kéita Aïda Mbo, Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, Mali, and Nesto Bassierie, Minister of Environment, Green Economy and Climate Change, Burkina Faso, during an interview Interviews conducted around the venue Participants meet informally throughout the day Participants around the venue Pins showing forests around the world
Daily Highlights

Highlights and images for 30 April 2016

20th Meeting of the CBD Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice and 1st Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation

On Saturday, 30 April 2016, SBSTTA 20 plenary convened in the morning and adopted 15 recommendations. Costa Rica for GRULAC underscored the recommendations on synthetic biology and invasive alien species (IAS), noting that biodiversity mainstreaming is key for sustainable development and requires stakeholder participation. Indonesia for Asia-Pacific stressed the importance of implementing CBD guidelines, capacity building and adequate funding. The Democratic Republic of Congo, on behalf of the African Group, called upon parties to redouble their efforts to achieve those Aichi targets that show least progress, and underscored the recommendations on restoring ecosystems, mainstreaming biodiversity and IAS, noting that more work is needed on synthetic biology. Turkmenistan, on behalf of Central and Eastern Europe, emphasized the need to mainstream biodiversity targets into the Sustainable Development Agenda. The International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity called for a rights-based approach to ensure the successful implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity. CBD Executive Secretary Braulio Dias welcomed SBSTTA 20 outcomes ensuring: progress towards achieving the Aichi targets; a strong relationship with IPBES; and mainstreaming biodiversity across sectors, also with regard to pollinators. He also praised SBSTTA recommendations containing the action plan on ecosystem restoration, guidance on marine debris, and next steps on ecologically or biologically significant marine areas (EBSAs). SBSTTA Chair Bignell thanked delegates for their spirit of goodwill and passion for the CBD objectives in tackling a heavy agenda. He urged delegates to “go home and implement,” and drew the meeting to a close at 12:23pm. IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, has provided daily web updates from the 20th Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice and the 1st Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation. In addition, IISD Reporting Services has produced a summary and analysis of both meetings which is available in HTML and PDF format. L-R: David Cooper, CBD Deputy Executive Secretary; Braulio Dias, CBD Executive Secretary; and SBSTTA Chair Andrew Bignell (New Zealand) Christine von Weizsäcker, ECOROPA Jihyun Lee, CBD Secretariat L-R: Valentina Mauriello and Mery Ciacci, Italy SBSTTA 20 delegates applaud Andrew Bignell (New Zealand) for his able chairmanship.
Daily Highlights

Summary report 25 April – 6 May 2016

20th Meeting of the CBD Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice and 1st Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation

ENB Summary report