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African Union

Content associated with African Union

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Summary report 2–13 July 2018

22nd Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 22) and 2nd Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI 2) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

ENB Summary report

Summary report 20–21 June 2018

26th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (CoP-26) to the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI)

ENB Summary report

Highlights and images for 10 May 2018

13th Session of the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF13)

The thirteenth session of the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF13) resumed on Thursday, 10 May 2018, at UN Headquarters in New York. In the morning, delegates discussed the revised draft communications and outreach strategy for the UN Strategic Plan for Forests 2017-2030 (UNSPF), the revised guidelines for operation of the Global Forest Financing Facilitation Network (GFFFN), and the UNFF Trust Fund. During lunch two side events were held: one hosted by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on "Launch of the Voluntary Guidelines for the Sustainable Management of Public Production National Forests in the Tropics through Forest Concessions in the Context of Agenda 2030"; and the other hosted by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) on "Implementing the Collaborative Partnership on Forests' Joint Initiative on FLR in Support of the Global Forest Goals and the UNSPF." During the afternoon, delegates discussed the contributions of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF), regional and sub-regional organizations and processes and Major Groups and stakeholders to implementation of the UNSPF. They then examined the initial draft of the omnibus resolution and offered comments and suggested amendments. For details on the day’s discussions and to hear what delegates said in the corridors, see our daily Earth Negotiations Bulletin. IISD Reporting Services, through its Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) meeting coverage, provided daily digital coverage, daily reports, and a summary and analysis report from UNFF13. Photos by IISD/ENB | Ángeles Estrada Vigil For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page. Morning Session L-R: Manoel Sobral Filho, UNFF Director; UNFF13 Vice-Chair Maureen Whelan; and Moncef Khane, UNFF Secretary Dalia Vargas Gutiérrez, Panama L'udmila Marusaková, Forests Europe UNFF13 Vice-Chair Luciana Melchert Saguas Presas Ntahli Matete, Lesotho Rabah Gfnan Alhardi, Saudi Arabia Héctor Enrique Jaime, El Salvador Aysha Ghadiali, US Ingeria Miller, Bahamas Syed Mahmod Nasir, Pakistan Pem Narayan Kandel, Nepal Mubarak Alrashedi, Saudi Arabia Billlal Hossain, Bangladesh Nasser Jaghoub, Palestine, and Ghader Abual Rub, Palestine     Moncef Khane, UNFF Secretary, and UNFF13 Vice-Chair Luciana Melchert Saguas Presas Afternoon Session The dais during the session Dampha Almami, African Union Commission Eva Müller, FAO Steffen Dehn, International Forestry Students' Association Cecile Ndjebet, African Women's Network for Community Management of Forests   Mehdi Remaoun, Algeria Anna Tyler, New Zealand Around the Venue                
Daily Highlights

Highlights and images for 2 May 2018

4th session of the Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development

The pre-events for the 2018 session of the African Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (ARFSD) were held throughout the day on Wednesday, 2 May 2018, at the King Fahd Palace in Dakar, Senegal. Participants gathered in four workshops on: Strengthening integrated and Voluntary National Review (VNR) and reporting of the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063; Preparatory and capacity-development for Major Groups and other Stakeholders (MGoS) in the Africa region; What does leaving no one behind in Africa actually look like; and The UN Economic Commission for Africa’s (UNECA) approach in supporting the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) and the New Urban Agenda in Africa. The workshop on Strengthening Integrated and VNR and Reporting of the 2030 and 2063 Agendas discussed key issues emerging from the VNR process; the extent of convergence and divergence between the implementation of the SDGs and the African Union’s Agenda 2063; innovative ways to present VNR reports; and the importance of support from UN partners to facilitate the VNR process. The workshop on “What Does Leaving No One Behind in Africa Actually Look Like” aimed to define what “leaving no one behind” means and what measures need to be taken to ensure the participation of vulnerable groups in achieving the 2030 and 2063 Agendas. Key recommendations included the need to focus less on aggregated data and instead have targeted, national and local data to help understand the needs and gaps of vulnerable groups. In the session dedicated to MGoS, participants discussed the strengthening and formalization of the engagement of MGoS in the work of the ARFSD and the High-level Political Forum, engaged in a roundtable discussion on peer learning in the implementation of the 2030 and 2063 Agendas, and formulated key inputs into this year’s ARFSD. IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB+ Meeting Coverage, has provided daily digital web coverage and a summary report from the 4th Session of the Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development. The summary report is now available in HTML and PDF. Photos by IISD/ENB | Franz Dejon For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page Workshop on "What Does Leaving No One Behind in Africa Actually Look Like?" L-R: Karima Bounemra Ben Soltane, Director, African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP), UNECA; Bassirou Samba Niasse, Secretary-General, Ministry for Economy and Finance, Senegal; and Moderator Minh-Thu Pham, Executive Director, Global Policy, UN Foundation (UNF) Karima Bounemra Ben Soltane, IDEP, UNECA Minh-Thu Pham, Executive Director, Global Policy, UNF L-R: Moustapha Sadni Jallab, African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP), UNECA; Moubarack Lo, Chief Economist, Office of the Prime MInister, Senegal; and Moderator Minh-Thu Pham, Executive Director, Global Policy, UNF Angela Kageni, Development Initiatives Grace Onubedo, Centre for the Studies of the Economies of Africa, Nigeria Preparatory and capacity-development workshop for Major Groups and other Stakeholders in the Africa region View of the preparatory and capacity building workshop for major groups and other stakeholders L-R: Bartholomew Armah, UNECA; Moderator Adam Elhiraika, Chief, Macroeconomic Policy Division, UNECA; and Riina Jussila, UN Division for Sustainable Development, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) Bartholomew Armah, UNECA Riina Jussila, UNDESA L-R: Judith Kaulem, Poverty Reduction Forum Trust, Zimbabwe; Annick Andriamampianina, Africa 21, Switzerland; Said Kambi, Africa Corporate Governance Network, Tanzania; and Nozipho Wright, International Network on Gender and Energy, Botswana Nozipho Wright, International Network on Gender and Energy, Botswana Moderator Lucy Mulenkei, Indigenous Information Network, Kenya L-R: Priscilla Achakpa, Women Environmental Programme, Nigeria; Cheik Mboup, Head of Agronomy Research and Development, Nestlé; and Moderator Lucy Mulenkei, Indigenous Information Network, Kenya Strengthening Integrated and Voluntary National Review (VNR) and Reporting of the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063 L-R: Ben Idrissa Ouedraogo, Economic Affairs Officer, Office of the Special Adviser on Africa; Moderator Gervais Meatchi Tchaou, Togo; and Fatima Denton, Director, Special Initiatives Division, UNECA Aurélien Atidegla, Reid Consulting, Benin Barry Aminata Touré, Alliance Contre la Pauvereté, Mali L-R: Samba Harouna Thiam and Mamadou Kane, UN Environment Programme Moderator Ayoup Elrashdi, AUC Rajae Chafil, Director, Ministry of Sustainable Development, Morocco Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs View of the multi-stakeholder forum on science, technology and innovation Alexander Shestakov, Convention on Biological Diversity Willem Fourie, South African SDG Hub, Pretoria University UNECA's Approach in Supporting the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) and the New Urban Agenda in Africa Participants during the session
Daily Highlights