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6th Session of the Africa Regional Platform and 5th High-Level Meeting of Disaster Risk Reduction

22-25 November 2016 | Port Louis, Mauritius

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Khemraj Servansingh, Mauritius, presented the Programme of Action for the Implementation of the Sendai Framework for DRR 2015-2030 in Africa to the High-Level Meeting.

The 6th Session of the Africa Regional Platform for DRR convened from 22-24 November and focused on understanding disaster risk, improving disaster risk governance, increasing national and regional resilience, enhancing disaster preparedness and linking the Sendai Framework on DRR to Africa, through an African programme of work. The Africa Regional Platform is a multi-stakeholder forum that meets biennially. It aims to enable sharing of good practice and lessons learnt, with a view to enhancing coordination, and mobilizing DRR commitments across the continent.

The 5th High-Level Meeting on DRR convened on 25 November and is responsible for agreeing and adopting the outcomes of the Platform. Ministers and high-level representatives considered and agreed to key outcomes of the Platform, including the Programme of Action for Implementation of the Sendai Framework for DRR 2015-2013 in Africa and the Mauritius Declaration on the Implementation of the Sendai Framework in Africa. The Programme of Action includes specific targets on: increasing the number of countries with DRR in their education systems; increasing integration of DRR in countries’ regional and national sustainable development and climate adaptation frameworks; expanding the scope and number of sources for domestic financing in DRR; increasing the number of countries with risk-informed preparedness plans; and substantially increasing the number of regional networks for knowledge management and capacity development. The meeting closed at 5:35 pm.

IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB+ Meeting Coverage, has provided a summary report from the 6th AFRP and the 5th High-Level Meeting on DDR, which is available in HTML and PDF.

A view of the room during the ministerial segment

Funding for coverage of the 6th AFRP and 5th High-Level Meeting on DDR has been provided by the
Government of Mauritius, the AU, the SADC Secretariat, and UNISDR
Government of Mauritius AU SADC Secretariat UNISDR