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Visit the Secretariat of
the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification


Visit the First Session of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention (CRIC1)


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First Session of the Committee for the Review
of the Implementation of the Convention (CRIC1)

Rome, Italy | 11 - 22 November 2002

Tuesday 19 |

Delegates met in morning and afternoon sessions to continue with the "wrap-up" sessions and an interactive dialogue on the lessons learned and to present recommendations for the Latin American and the Caribbean region, and the Northern Mediterranean and Central and Eastern European Regions and Other Affected Parties.



Latin American and the Caribbean "wrap-up"

During the discussion on the Latin American and the Caribbean region, delegates addressed the following topics:
• ensuring that NAPs are not merely theoretical documents, but actual instruments to combat desertification;
• stressing the protection of natural resources and biodiversity when addressing desertification;
• including in impact assessment the effects of land degradation on the tourism and fisheries sectors;
• enhancing synergies between policies for promoting food security, combating hunger and combating desertification;
• ensuring that the CCD Secretariat and Parties contribute to the global campaign against hunger launched at the World Food Summit +5;
• supporting measures for an international enabling climate for sustainable development;
• addressing the elimination of subsidies in the agricultural sector;
• ensuring future debates on the payment for environmental services in the implementation of the CCD;
• addressing the need for technical and financial support to alleviate and prevent the consequences of natural disasters;
• addressing the issue of the lack of timeframes and targets in the CCD;


Northern Mediterranean and Central and Eastern European Regions and Other Affected Parties "wrap-up"

During the discussion on the Northern Mediterranean and Central and Eastern European Regions and Other Affected Parties, delegates addressed several topics, including:
• the need to evaluate the CRIC process, promoting a general discussion in the second week rather than a persistent focus on detailed individual case studies;
• the low number of NGOs present at CRIC-1, and how to strengthen NGO input;
• the leading role of small islands States regarding preventive measures;
• promoting communication between scientists and avoiding a competitive atmosphere;
• creating new institutions to respond to the emerging institutional demands resulting from NAP development and implementation;
• increasing cooperation between northern and southern Mediterranean countries;
• prioritizing education, training and study programmes; and
• addressing financial incentives for land degradation on privately owned lands.


Images of the day |



Links |

Text of the convention and useful information

CCD information on desertification and the Convention

Official Documents of the First Session of the CRIC

Press release on the CRIC

CRIC1 - Tentative Schedule

Adoption of the Agenda and Organization of Work

Arrangements for the First Session of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention

Linkages desertification issues page and COP-5 summary report.

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