Highlights from Wednesday, 1 March
Ad Hoc Working Group on Integrated Planning
and Management of Land Resources and Agriculture
The Intersessional
Ad Hoc Working Group on
Integrated Planning and Management of
Land Resources and Agriculture
met in the afternoon to consider the Co-Chairs' initial draft
Summary of the Discussion on Integrated Planning and Management
of Land Resources and Possible Elements for a Draft Decision
by CSD-8. On Thursday, the Summary and Elements texts for
Agriculture will be distributed and discussed.
Anaedu, Nigeria, with Co-Chair Modesto Francisco Fernandez
Diaz-Silveira (left) discussing the Co-Chairs' draft texts
G-77/China emphasized: the importance of culture and
tradition in developing land tenure policies; and the responsibility
of developed countries and international organizations for
addressing land degradation. On biodiversity, the G-77/China
added text on the Biosafety Protocol and the need to explore
the health and environmental aspects of biotechnology before
marketing products.
Jobin, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade,
Canada |
writer Peter Doran discusses the Indonesian intervention with
Ngurah Swajaya
Discussing the Co-Chairs' texts before the convening
of the meeting |
The US delegation meeting with NGOs
Side Event: Is Sustainable Agriculture Compatible with Freer
Trade? An OECD Perspective |
Wilfrid Legg,
Head of Agricultural Policies and Environment, OECD, argued that
sustainable agriculture and free trade are compatible
Karin Nansen,
Red de Ecologia Social, Amigos de la Tierra, Uruguay, said sustainble
agriculture is the priority and only free trade policies that promote
sustainable agriculture should be implemented
contact: Redes@redes.org.uy