Discussion on
next steps
discussing the chairman’s summary, Robert
Hepworth, Executive Secretary of the Convention on
the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), suggested
including a definition of ecosystems services and clarifying
differences between “regulatory structures”, needed for markets
to work efficiently, and “regulating services” as one kind of
ecosystem services. Bert Lenten,
Executive Secretary of the African-Eurasian Waterbirds Agreement (AEWA),
by Marceil Yeater,
Convention on International Trade
in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES),
recommended referring not only to the poor in developing countries,
but also in countries with economies in transition and developed
countries. Charles
Arden-Clarke, UNEP,
recommended including the definition of “wealth” proposed by Partha
Cambridge. Anantha Duraiappah, International Institute on
Sustainable Development (IISD), proposed to link the risk of
marginalizing the poor not only with the pricing, but also the
marketing of ecosystem services.
Above photos L-R: Bert Lenten,
Executive Secretary, AEWA; Robert
Hepworth, Executive Secretary, CMS; Marceil Yeater,
then discussed the proposed conclusions of the meeting, including
next steps. They focused on: lessons learnt, specific tools to
engage MEAs in creating market-based mechanisms for ecosystem
services, and the role of UNEP. On lessons learnt in creating MES, Kaveh Zahedi, UNEP/World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC), suggested
to refer to the opportunity to use natural capital to bring people
out of poverty and into the mainstream of economy. He also preferred
referring to the necessity of regulatory instruments, rather than
their complementarities with market-based instruments.
The Ecosystem Marketplace,
suggested saying
that market-based instruments are one of the available tools.
Above photos L-R: Anantha
Duraiappah, IISD;
Arden-Clarke, UNEP; Amanda
The Ecosystem Marketplace
and Kaveh Zahedi, UNEP/WCMC
of the workshop
Kante described the initiative
of creating market-based mechanisms for ecosystem services
and involving MEAs as a challenge for UNEP as a whole, and
underscored UNEP’s strong commitment to it. He called for keeping
the momentum created by the July Workshop on “Mainstreaming the
Environment beyond MDG-7”, highlighting the need to implement the
agreed “next steps” to maintain the credibility of the process. He
thanked chair Swallow for his able chairmanship, the London School of
Economics (LSE) for hosting and providing the facilities for the workshop,
and the Earth Negotiations Bulletin team for their coverage. The
participants then
entrusted chair Swallow to
finalize both documents based on the comments received
and circulate it to participants by email after the
the rewarding exchange of ideas among participants, chair
Swallow drew
the workshop to a close at 11.36 am (GMT).
Above photos L-R: Bakary
Kante, Director,
UNEP/DEC; Chair Brent Swallow; Julius
Sen, LSE and Jerry Velasquez, UNEP
photo L-R: Members of the LSE local
host with Julius Sen, (seated in front) Carolyn
Housman, Tania Banuelos and Alex Goddard.
Right photo L-R: The ENB team covering MES with Elisa Morgera,
Francis Alain Dejon and Maria Larsson Ortino |